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How it Works: Stories on News homepage

Our headlines are selected entirely by computer algorithms, based on factors like how often and where a story appears online. Google News has no human editors selecting stories or deciding which ones deserve top placement. This is very much in the tradition of Google Web Search, which relies on the collective judgment of online publishers to determine which sites offer the most valuable and relevant information. Similarly, Google News relies on the collective judgment of online news organizations to determine which stories are most deserving of prominence on the News homepage.

The standard Google News page consists of the Top Stories and eight standard sections: World, Nation, Business, Sci/Tech, Sports, Entertainment, Health and Most Popular. These sections are available in all regional editions of Google News. The Top Stories section takes into account the prevalence of certain stories throughout all sites, while the Most Popular section on the Google News page shows you the most popular stories in the Google News edition you're viewing (e.g., U.S.).

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