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DMV Liberalism

Joe Klein: Good governance--starting with transparency and citizen access--is the predicate for everything else.

What Happened to Women?

Katha Pollitt: Instead of moving to the center, liberalism should try embracing people who are actually liberals—starting with women.

Cachet of the Cutthroat

J. Wes Ulm: Social Darwinism isn't only morally wrong; it doesn't even perform the function it claims to perform: fostering real competition.

Obama and Civic Idealism

Michael Sandel: Obama can still redefine liberalism, but he must bring economic power to heel.

Can't Wait 'Til Tax Day!

Ethan Porter: It's a heretical thought, but would people pay more taxes if they could designate where a portion of their money went?

Like a Horse and Carriage

Adam Haslett: The data show it: Nations that have legalized gay marriage have witnessed no resulting harm to the institution.

Radical Sheet

Elbert Ventura: What the short, rumbustious history of Ramparts magazine means for modern journalism.

Wilson, Past and Present

Trygve Throntveit: The neoconservatives turned Woodrow Wilson into something he was not. In truth, Obama is more like him than Bush ever was.

Obama Proposes Consumer Financial Protection Agency

News: President Barack Obama has proposed the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, an idea first written about in Democracy.

That Old College Lie

Kevin Carey: Are our colleges teaching students well? No. But here's how to make them.