The science of climate change

Environment and innovation

Natural gas

Metabolic syndrome

Innovation Awards

  • We invite nominations for our annual prizes recognising successful innovators. The closing date is April 1st (1)


It’s not easy seeming green

New Zealand’s vow of purity is fraying at the edges More»

Technology monitor


A novel approach to airport security tests suspects’ recognition of incriminating stimuli More»

Our new technology blog considers the iPad, the death of the analogue car and how to vote species into extinction by accident


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This house believes that innovation works best when government does least

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Other stories from the scientific press

It's getting worse

The area of Greenland that is melting has grown

Power from nowhere

Mini generators collect energy from random vibrations

To he that hath, shall be given

Optimism boosts the immune system


More evidence that corn syrup is particularly bad for your weight

Sup up

Portion sizes in paintings of the Last Supper have grown over the centuries

Business stories with a technological dimension

Start your engines

New competition for Airbus and Boeing

Failed search

Google ponders leaving China

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Location-based services on mobile phones

Scientific literature
Reviews of fiction and non-fiction with the scientist as villain


Ian McEwan's latest is a Nobel prize-winning lemon

Peddling Peril

David Albright on the proliferation of nuclear weapons

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