Wednesday, March 31, 2010



The Moscow Bombings

The horrific bombings raise fears of a renewed extremist campaign. But Russia’s leaders must not use the attacks as an excuse for more repression.

President Obama in Kabul

President Hamid Karzai has been warned repeatedly to clean up his government or lose Afghanistan to the Taliban. Maybe President Obama will finally get through to him.

The Legal Assault on Health Reforms

Fourteen states are challenging the health care bill on constitutional grounds. But the claims look like political posturing, and seem unlikely to succeed.

Count Us in Favor

Mismanagement and political missteps nearly derailed the 2010 census. A proposed bill would greatly improve the 2020 count.

Op-Ed Contributors

The Fault Lines of Democracy

Strange as it may sound, China may be more open to fundamental political reform than the U.S.

Spring Blooms

It is spring, and one has hopes for the beloved America, though an old guy like me has his doubts.

Soothing China-U.S. Tensions

Beijing and Washington need to give each other room to deal with their own hotheads.

When Israel and France Broke Up

What the history of France and Israel’s relationship can teach us today.

Are You Buying Illegal Drugs?

Professional thieves are stealing ever-greater quantities of prescription drugs, many of which end up being degraded or contaminated, and sold to unsuspecting Americans.

What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous?

Russian claims that terrorists are driven by Islamic extremism are incorrect. This is about the military occupation of Chechnya.

‘Alive, Alive’

Only minutes after the attacks, whether by call or text message, everyone turned to their cellphones to make sure their loved ones were safe.

Moscow Under Attack

While political theories swirl, the bombings have reminded Muscovites that evil exists, and horror is right beside them.

From the International Herald Tribune

100, 75, 50 Years Ago

Highlights from the I.H.T. archives.


Lo, the Mideast Moves

Barack Obama scored a major foreign policy victory with the health care bill. It demonstrated that he can deliver on his promises, and nowhere is that more important than in the Middle East.

This Time We Really Mean It

The Obama administration is violating at least three cardinal rules of Middle East diplomacy when it comes to dealing with Afghanistan and President Hamid Karzai.

Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?

The Catholic Church, which gave up its credibility for Lent, can’t hide behind smoke and mystique as it faces a cascade of child sexual abuse cases.


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