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Maps User Guide

Welcome to Google Maps

Google Maps icon

Google Maps is a map service that you view in your web browser. Depending on your location, you can view basic or custom maps and local business information, including business locations, contact information, and driving directions. Click and drag maps to view adjacent sections immediately. View satellite images of your desired location that you can zoom and pan.

This guide describes how anyone with an Internet connection and a supported web browser can use this free service on a desktop or laptop computer.

Viewing Google Maps

You can view Google Maps one of several ways:

If you're new to Google Maps, it is best to start at if possible.

Getting More Help

In addition to this user guide, Google offers a number of resources that can help you use and enjoy Google Maps. These include:

  • Google Maps Help Center - Use the Help Center at any time to find additional information.
  • Troubleshooting - View information that can help resolve problems you might be having with Google Maps.
  • Google Maps Help Forum - Learn from other Google Maps users by asking questions and sharing answers.
  • Google Maps API - Use this to put Google Maps on your own web site
  • Google Maps API Blog - This blog describes how you can use some of the interesting features of the Google Maps API.

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