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University website design, College website design, Academic website design, Educational website design, Laboratory website design, Faculty website design.

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Does your faculty or lab Web page accurately reflect your professional identity?

College web sites have become a major source of academic information, so it is essential to have a strong web presence. Whether you run a research lab, an academic program, a department, or an entire college, your web site is the best way to explain what you're doing and why it is so exciting!

Contact Us today for a free quote!

    Nancy McNamara
Founder & President

"Today, a Web site is the face of the university. It's often the first way that high school students see a university."

New York Times, April 22, 2006

Most students will see your college's home page long before they set foot on your campus. A dynamic web site is an invaluable way to tell visitors that your school is a vibrant and exciting place to be. A new web site is a cost-effective way to increase admissions and improve your school's web presence.

Academic Web Pages is a leading provider of academic web sites. Our client list includes virtually every major university in the country and we have years of experience working with professors and administrators. We work quickly and intelligently and our prices are highly competitive. We would be happy to provide you with a quote.

Remember, your home page is the first stop on the college tour!


Your lab web site is the most effective tool you have for explaining your research to a wide audience, including researchers, colleagues, current and prospective students, industry and media representatives, grant evaluators, and many others. Visitors to your site should sense the excitement of what you're doing, and be able to learn:

  • What research projects you have underway?
  • Who are your lab members and collaborators?
  • What have you recently published or presented?
  • What honors or awards have you or your lab members won?
  • Have you been in the popular media lately?
  • Do you have openings in your lab?

Outdated or incomplete pages are lost opportunities for answering these questions.


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