Publications by CPASS Scholars and Faculty

The scholars and faculty affiliated with the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS) have authored many books, journal articles, opinion pieces, and congressional testimonies, as well as having conducted numerous interviews. Their work presents clear, pragmatic policy solutions to the world's leading security challenges - counterinsurgency, terrorism, intelligence reform, nuclear program development and homeland security.


"Internet Terrorist Recruitment and Tradecraft: How Can We Address an Evolving Tool While Protecting Free Speech?"
Bruce Hoffman

Professor Bruce Hoffman testifies before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment.

"U.S. seeks to balance India's Afghanistan stake"
Christine Fair

Professor Christine Fair speaks to Reuters about the dynamic involving competing American, Indian, and Pakistani strategic interests in Afghanistan.

"U.S. military, meet spending limits"
Paul Pillar

Lt. Gen. David Barno (USA-Ret), writing for Foreign Policy's The Best Defense blog, describes Professor Paul Pillar's thought-provoking and important contributions at The Nixon Center's recent National Policy Conference.

"Taliban in Pakistan"
Bruce Hoffman

Professor Bruce Hoffman speaks to John Hockenberry and Celeste Headlee about the transformation of Faisal Shahzad from family man to terrorist.

"One Man, One Bomb: New Threat?"
Daniel Byman

CPASS Director Daniel Byman speaks to NPR's Tom Ashbrook about the use of car bombs as a terrorist tactic.

"Training Attention and the Military"
Elizabeth Stanley

Professor Elizabeth Stanley and her colleague Amishi Jha speak to Dr. Dan Gottlieb, host of Voices in the Family, about their new study that investigates the impact of mind fitness training on cognitive function and general well-being of troops.

"New Terrorism Recruits: Jihad Lite?"
Bruce Hoffman

Professor Bruce Hoffman speaks to NPR's Dina Temple-Raston about the speed with which Faisal Shahzad became radicalized and the implications of this more rapid pace.


"Examining the Protective Effects of Mindfulness Training on Working Memory Capacity and Affective Experience"

Elizabeth Stanley, Amishi Jha, Anastasia Kiyonaga, Ling Wong, and Lois Gelfand

Emotion, February 2010

Professor Elizabeth Stanley and her colleagues investigate the impact of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience. The findings suggest that sufficient mindfulness training practice may protect against functional impairments associated with high-stress contexts.

"Drone Wars"
Christine Fair
Foreign Policy, May 28, 2010

Professor Christine Fair argues that much of the criticism lobbed at the United States' use of drones in Pakistan is off target, given the available alternatives.