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(ex. Cambridge or 02139 or 10 State St, Boston MA)

The following is an animated graphic showing cars. Find cars by the hour

Toyota Terrance
S40 Scottie
MINI Moxie
Prius Patros
Mazda 3 Mazel

cars by the hour, by the day, by the spf.

MINI Moxie

MINI Moxie

cars by the hour, by the day, by the "who needs movers?"

Tacoma Terrance

Tacoma Terrance

cars by the hour, by the day, by the surprise client meeting.

S40 Scottie

S40 Scottie

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car rental is so last century

Car sharing with Zipcar leaves car rental and car ownership in the dust. You get wheels when you want them and pay as you go (literally). With bigger savings and fewer headaches than car ownership. We even pay for gas and insurance. Try asking for that at the car rental counter.
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