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Adding Users to Your KeySite Enterprise Site

Synopsis: If you're a Site Administrator, this guide shows you how to add, remove and manage users on your site

Site Administrators can manage users on their sites and assign users to groups.

Adding a User

  1. Click the "Users" button from the main menu. (Note: you will only see this option if you are a 'Site Administrator')

  2. Enter the user's NetID into the box under 'New User'. If you are unsure about the person's NetID, click on 'online directory' link to look up for the person
  3. Click "Add User" button

  4. Click "Continue"

Assigning a User to a Group

After adding a user, assign the user to one of the groups on your site. Common groups include 'Site Administrators' and 'Content Authors.' The users in the 'Content Authors' group have rights pertaining to managing content of the site while 'Site Administrators' have the same rights, along with user management rights.

  1. Click the "Groups" button from the main menu

  2. Click on the group name you would like to add the user to
  3. Select "Edit Membership" from the dropdown menu

  4. Highlight the user in the 'Other available users' box and hit left arrow button. Now, you will see the user under 'Current group members' box

  5. Click "Finished"

Viewing Group Rights

Individual users belong to groups and groups determine their access rights to your site. You can check a group's access rights by following these steps:

  1. "Click "Groups" button from the main menu
  2. Click on "Rights Map"

  3. Click on 'Site Sections' tab to have a report of rights for each section on your site

Removing a User

  1. Click on "Users" button from the main menu
  2. Click on the user's NetID you would like to remove
  3. Select "Remove form site" from the dropdown menu

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