Obama Cairo

Sam Stein

RNC Committeewoman Kim Lehman Claims Obama Told Muslims That He Was A Muslim

HuffingtonPost.com | Sam Stein | Posted 08.23.2010 | Politics

The Republican ranks have, by and large, cautiously avoided weighing in on recent poll numbers showing that a healthy portion of the American public b...

Arabs Believe Obama is Powerless in the Middle East

Firas Al-Atraqchi | Posted 08.04.2010 | World

Firas Al-Atraqchi

The unprecedented enthusiasm in the Arab and Muslim World which greeted Barack Obama's election win nearly 20 months ago has been replaced with disapp...

Religious Freedom And Its Critics

blogs.ssrc.org | Posted 04.28.2010 | Religion

Government has a pivotal initiating and coordinating role, however, and the report calls for the NSC to define the strategic parameters of engagement ...

Sex, Obama, and a Mauritanian Dissident

Jillian York | Posted 03.18.2010 | World

Jillian York

Hanevy Ould Dahah has been sitting in jail for six months for publishing an anonymous comment from a woman which read "I want to have sex...I am free" on Taqadoumy, the popular site Hanevy edits.

One Year Later: Obama's Best Speeches (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner | Posted 03.18.2010 | Politics

HuffPost is looking back at President Obama's best speeches since the election. One year in, help us pick the standouts: VideoCampaignText = "How ...

Obama Image Abroad Favorable For United States: Poll

Huffington Post | Posted 08.23.2009 | World

The latest Pew Global Attitudes Project survey shows that the international opinion of America has improved as a result of Barack Obama, with the exce...

What President Obama Should Say About Iran 's Election

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf | Posted 07.20.2009 | World

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

President Obama may well find that no matter who is elected president of Iran, the chances of a negotiated rapprochement will be far greater than it has been in the past 30 years.

Headscarves and Hymens

Mona Eltahawy | Posted 07.17.2009 | World

Mona Eltahawy

When President Barack Obama said he wanted to address women's rights during his speech to Muslims last week, I said a prayer to the God of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran: please don't let him fall into the trap of headscarves and hymens.

It's About Time For the Gulf to Have its Own Special Envoy

Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi | Posted 07.16.2009 | World

Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi

In order for the Gulf states to move forward from paying lip service to the Palestinian cause, the first step is to meet Mr. Obama half way.

Obama's Trip and the Parameters for Peace

Bernard-Henri Lévy | Posted 07.13.2009 | World

Bernard-Henri Lévy

Obama will not compromise the imperatives of Israel's security, but he also will not ease his efforts in aiding in the creation of a second State, a Palestinian one, for which we have waited 60 years.

The iPod and the Queen, the Kindle and the King

Ayaan Hirsi Ali | Posted 07.11.2009 | World

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Promotion of literacy for girls is a noble cause. But unless sharia laws are repealed, more girls will find themselves in flogging pens rather than rising up the career ladder.

How Not to Support Democracy in the Middle East

Stephen Zunes | Posted 07.11.2009 | World

Stephen Zunes

Obama was apparently unwilling to take advantage of his highly publicized visits with the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia to break with his predecessors' coddling of these tyrannical regimes.

The President's Cairo Speech: Does Israel Need Obama's Tough Love?

Lanny Davis | Posted 07.10.2009 | World

Lanny Davis

Many American Jews and Israelis feel strongly that Mr. Obama should better understand that such public scolding of Israel will only strengthen the hardliners of Israeli (and Arab) politics.

Obama's Cairo Trip: The Unreported Details in Context

Mohamed Elshahed | Posted 07.10.2009 | Eyes & Ears

Mohamed Elshahed

President Obama's speech was well-received on the Egyptian street, but retracing the President's path through "the timeless city of Cairo" quickly reveals that change will be hard to come by.

Obama's Speech and Displacement in the Muslim World

Ken Bacon | Posted 07.09.2009 | Politics

Ken Bacon

Reducing displacement in Muslim countries and elsewhere is an important step toward creating a more peaceful, prosperous and stable world. The benefits will reach far beyond the Islamic world.

Don't Dismiss Obama's Role in Lebanese Elections

Max Bergmann | Posted 07.09.2009 | World

Max Bergmann

Obama's efforts beginning with his inaugural address and continued with his overtures to Iran may not be revolutionary, but they have changed the climate of American engagement with the region.

Jason Linkins

Michael Ware, Marc Thiessen Debate Whether Cairo Speech "Undercut" U.S. Troops (VIDEO)

HuffingtonPost.com | Jason Linkins | Posted 07.09.2009 | Politics

Via, Crooks And Liars. Last week, Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen and CNN war correspondent Michael Ware "debated" whether or not President Barack Oba...

The Obama Effect in Iran and Lebanon - Role Model Instead of Straw Man

Paul Raushenbush | Posted 07.08.2009 | Politics

Paul Raushenbush

As the Vienna Philharmonic finished its annual outdoor program at the Schonbrunn Castle, the guest conductor Daniel Barenboim exclaimed to the 50,000 ...

The Student of History Needs to Go to Summer School

Mark Levine | Posted 07.07.2009 | World

Mark Levine

For all its well-intentioned rhetoric, President Obama's speech was, sadly, conceptually flawed, empirically challenged, and politically blind to the daily realities that drive hundreds of millions of Muslims to increasing despair.

Israeli Media Reads the Fine Print

Sanjeev Bery | Posted 07.07.2009 | World

Sanjeev Bery

In the hours after Obama concluded his speech, Israeli commentators were particularly struck by his implicit linkage of Palestinian aspirations and other global struggles for freedom.

Israeli Settlers' 'Obama Hut' Constructed To Mock Cairo Speech

Jerusalem Post | Posted 07.06.2009 | World

A day after US President Barack Obama reiterated his call to stop settlement activity during a speech in Cairo, defiant settlers continued to erect il...

Obama's Call to the Faithful

Deepak Chopra | Posted 07.06.2009 | World

Deepak Chopra

As civilized as it was for Obama to extend a hand to the faithful, Muslims cannot have it both ways. They can't demand respect while using religion as a reactionary force.

Obama's Challenge to the Muslim World

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf | Posted 07.06.2009 | World

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Muslims now have the leader of the most powerful nation on earth agreeing with them and seeking their help.

Meet the Muslims: Obama in Cairo

Wajahat Ali | Posted 07.06.2009 | World

Wajahat Ali

Obama's speech, which was meticulously and strategically crafted as if penned by a chess master, had to simultaneously appease millions humiliated and dejected by a hypocritical and brutal U.S. foreign policy, and also justify U.S. objectives without appearing imperialistic or apologetic.

How Do You Say "Kumbaya" in Arabic?

Richard Z. Chesnoff | Posted 07.06.2009 | World

Richard Z. Chesnoff

A few thoughts after the Cairo Address. I don't know about you, but I am increasingly weary of our national leader trying to win friends and influen...

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