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Counseling and Related Services

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Depression Screening

Georgetown University's FSAP is a service designed to assist and support faculty and staff members (and their families) with a variety of personal and work-related concerns.

The FSAP has your well-being in mind by offering programs and counseling services that are intended to enhance your overall wellness. We are a private, safe place to talk about concerns such as, but not limited to, personal stress, worry, sadness, low motivation, relationship violence, relationship and family problems, parenting, aging relatives, grief and loss issues, and any work-related stress. FSAP is here to listen and support you when you need it most. All FSAP services are free to faculty, staff and their families. With a convenient location, just outside main campus, you may have found the support and service you seek.

As an institutional resource, the FSAP helps to address employee personal and work-related concerns that may impact morale, performance, and the mission of the institution. Please click any link on the left for more information about our program.

Some of the functions of the Counseling Service include:

  • Confidential short-term counseling and crisis services with a licensed counselor
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
  • Workplace consultations and assessments
  • Return to work support services
  • Referral services
  • Groups

The Process...


  • Short-term supportive counseling
  • Assessment and Referral
  • Return-to-work counseling and support

    Counseling services include individual, family, or group sessions with the FSAP counselor, assessment, access to FSAP resources, and crisis intervention. The FSAP counselor can also provide management consultations, worksite interventions (for substance abuse and other issues), and referrals to Georgetown and community resources. Those referrals may be to professionals (such as lawyers or therapists), support groups, or appropriate organizations and advocacy groups. 

    The Referral Process

    Employees may refer themselves to the FSAP or may be referred by a supervisor. In the case of self-referral, the employee is under no obligation to report her or his contact with the FSAP. Sessions are available during the lunch hour and in the late afternoon or early evening. 

    A supervisor should consider making an FSAP referral when an employee comes to him or her for help with a personal, professional, or performance problem, or in any case of possible substance abuse. All referrals are optional, except in some cases regarding substance use in the workplace. In this case, refusal to comply with the FSAP could lead to termination. 

    The FSAP will notify the supervisor that the employee kept her or his appointment, but the nature of the problem will not be discussed. 

    Supervisors who wish to refer employees to the program should contact the FSAP office before doing so to discuss with the counselor issues of confidentiality and the referral process. The FSAP sponsors frequent Supervisory Training sessions, which provide a detailed explanation of FSAP services, the referral process, and warning signs that an employee may need help. 

    It is important to remember in referring employees to the FSAP that the supervisor should never ask an employee to share confidential information about her- or himself. The best way to help an employee is to offer her or him options for professional guidance.

  • Related Services:

    Find a Mental Health Professional
    Find an Attorney 

    Other Services...

    Management and Organizational Services

    Violence in the Workplace Management

    • Conflict Management workshops and counseling
    • Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
    • Violence in the workplace risk consults and assessments
    • Anger Management workshops and counseling
    • Family Violence presentations and discussions

    Health Improvement Project (HIP)

    The Health Improvement Project is an 8-week course that provides an opportunity for you to understand health behavior change and to experience health improvement through personal health behavior change. Participants set goals for changing personal health behavior in six dimensions of wellness:

    • Occupational
    • Physical
    • Spiritual
    • Intellectual
    • Social
    • Emotional

    During regular 2-hour sessions, participants report their progress, and enjoy a 30-minute change-of-pace wellness activity.

    Holiday Blues...

    Beat the Holiday Stress

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