Creative Commons License Deed

Aitortu-Ez merkataritzarako-Lan eratorririk gabe 3.0 Unported

Aske zara:

Baldintza hauetan:

  • AitortuLanaren kredituak aitortu behar dituzu, egileak edo baimendunak zehaztutako eran (baina ez aditzera emanez haien babesa duzunik edo haiek obraren erabilera hori babesten dutenik).

    What does "Attribute this work" mean?
    The page you came from contained embedded licensing metadata, including how the creator wishes to be attributed for re-use. You can use the HTML here to cite the work. Doing so will also include metadata on your page so that others can find the original work as well.
  • Ez merkataritzarakoEzin duzu lan hau merkataritza xedetarako erabili.

  • Lan eratorririk gabeEzin duzu lan hau bestelakotu, eraldatu edo lan eratorririk sortu hartatik abiatuta.

With the understanding that:

  • Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
  • Eskumen Publikoa — Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.
  • Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
    • Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations;
    • The author's moral rights;
    • Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
  • Notice — Lana berrerabili edo banatzerakoan, argi eta garbi utzi behar dituzu lan honen baimenaren baldintzak.
What does "conditions can be waived" mean?

CC licenses anticipate that a licensor may want to waive compliance with a specific condition, such as attribution.

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What does "Public Domain" mean?

A work is in the public domain when it is free for use by anyone for any purpose without restriction under copyright.

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What does "Fair use" mean?

All jurisdictions allow some limited uses of copyrighted material without permission. CC licenses do not affect the rights of users under those copyright limitations and exceptions, such as fair use and fair dealing where applicable.

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What are "Moral Rights"?

In addition to the right of licensors to request removal of their name from the work when used in a derivative or collective they don't like, copyright laws in most jurisdictions around the world (with the notable exception of the US except in very limited circumstances) grant creators "moral rights" which may provide some redress if a derivative work represents a "derogatory treatment" of the licensor's work.

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What are "Publicity Rights"?

Publicity rights allow individuals to control how their voice, image or likeness is used for commercial purposes in public. If a CC-licensed work includes the voice or image of anyone other than the licensor, a user of the work may need to get permission from those individuals before using the work for commercial purposes.

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Laburpen hau ez da baimen osoa. Erreferentzia erabilgarri bat besterik ez da, Legezko Testua (baimen osoa) ulertzen laguntzeko, hau da, haren gako-hitzak gizakiok ulertzeko eran adierazten ditu. Azpian dagoen Legezko Testuaren idazkera lagungarria da. Laburpen honek, berez, ez du lege-baliorik, eta bere edukia ez da benetako baimenean ageri.

Creative Commons ez da legelari bulego bat eta ez du lege-zerbitzurik eskaintzen. Laburpen hau banatzeak, erakusteak edo bertarako lotura egiteak ez du inolaz ere legelari/bezero harremanik sortzen.

Hau gizakiek irakurtzeko erako laburpen bat da lege balioko testua (baimen osoa).