Related Initiatives

The Arts and Culture Program promotes cultural and artistic collaboration throughout the Soros foundations network; fosters structural changes in cultural policy; and helps develop an autonomous and innovative arts sector.

The Central Eurasia Project strives to enhance policy debate on key issues affecting Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and Mongolia.

Through grantmaking, exhibitions, and training workshops, the Documentary Photography Project supports photographers whose work addresses social justice and human rights issues that coincide with the mission of the Open Society Foundations.

The Information Program works to increase public access to knowledge, facilitate civil society communication, and protect civil liberties and the freedom to communicate in the digital environment.

The Media Program assists in the development and establishment of media systems marked by freedom, pluralism, and the inclusion of minority voices and opinions.

The Open Society Foundations Middle East & North Africa Initiative operates primarily as a grantmaking program on issues ranging from media and information to women's rights.

The Open Society Fellowship enables innovative professionals—including journalists, activists, academics, and practitioners—to work on projects that inspire meaningful public debate, shape public policy, and generate intellectual ferment within the Open Society Foundations.

The Special Initiatives program was established to develop a set of global grant-giving projects that build upon the strengths of the Open Society Foundations in promoting human rights and accountability.

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