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News (publishers) Help

Report an issue

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. We're constantly looking to improve Google News. Please provide us with the necessary information to help us identify the issue you're reporting.

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What type of issue are you reporting?

An issue with the content in Google News
An issue with Google News

* What is the issue about?
Article in wrong section Spam
Incorrect article headline Biased / offensive content
Typo in article Plagiarism
Old article Not news
Incorrectly labeled site Missed a story
Wrong image Wrong video

Help us identify the issue by providing the necessary information below:
* Site name:
(Example: My News Site)
* Site URL:
* Site language:
* Google News country edition:

If applicable, please provide the following details associated with the issue:
Article title:
Article URL:
Image URL:

* Are you a representative of the site associated with the issue you are reporting?

Your contact information
Please provide your contact information in case we need to get back to you for more information:
* Your first name:
Your last name:
* Your email address:
* Subject:
Other comments:
* What is the issue about?
Page layout
Personalized / Local section

Your contact information
Please provide your contact information in case we need to get back to you for more information:
* Your first name:
Your last name:
* Your email address:
* Subject:
Other comments:

Tell us how we're doing: Please answer a few questions about your experience to help us improve our Help Center.