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Dec 24, 1962 - DEAR ABBY: My married daughters and also my daugh ters-in-law live in the same city with me. They have made a habit of bringing gifts to my home, intended for other members of the family, and asking me to give them to the persons they were bought for. Their excuse is that I will see ...
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Feb 3, 1963 - By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Dear Abby: I married late in life, 57 old enough to— know better but I sure— picked a lemon. This woman used to take me for every she could get. She wasn't extravagant, but she would "squirrel" it away. Six years later she gave me the gate on one of those ...
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May 9, 1966 - By ABIGAIL DEAR ABBY: Our son has invited a 16 year old girl to a school dance. He says he has to buy her a corsage. There are cheaper ones, but he says all the boys are buying their . The marriage of Miss Ver onica Post and Joseph Richard Roberts is set for Oct. 8 at St. Gregory the ...
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Nov 8, 1970 - I am sorry we ever gave up our big double bed, but my pride prevents me from suggesting we try it again since it was his idea to give it up. ALSO CHEATED There is more suffering going on in the name of "pride" than for any other single reason. Toll your hus band now you feel and quit ...
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Feb 24, 1972 - By ABIGAIL VAN DEAR ABBY I want to do something now that I have been wanting to do for seven months. I want to say thank you for something you did for me . On May 6, 1971 our second son was born But he is not like our first, healthy, normal son. He is Mongoloid. ...
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Mar 11, 1976 - By VAN Dear Abby: Our daughter, a 21-yearold working girl, is pregnant. She isn' t going with anyone steady and doesn't want to get married right now, but she is thrilled because she really wants a baby. My husband and JI are also thrilled because this will be our first grand child. ...
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Jan 25, 1977 - Because of this, I've always had to buy two pairs of shoes. Obviously, I am left with two useless mismatched shoes. Is there a place where I can send my leftover shoes? Maybe someone needs just one shoe. I have a closet full of odd shoes that are of no use to me. ...
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Feb 27, 1979 - DEAR ABBY: Fourteen years ago, my husband had lower-back poin and went to doctor who told him to take a swim. Well, George can't swim. He nearly drowned. He still was in pain, so he went to an orthopedic doctor who took X-rays and told George it wasn't his back — it was his hip. ...
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Aug 1980 - I clipped it from the Rutland Herald in August 1980 As an amateur researcher, I know how important this letter can be to many people. SHIRLEY MARTIN VERMONTER DEAR SHIRLEY: With pleasure: DEAR ABBY: You suggested that "older people ...
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May 12, 1982 - AP Abigail Van Buren has admitted that she reused letters in her advice column without labeling them as such, but said today that she would make sure that all repeated letters were identified from now on. The practice was assailed after her twin sister and fellow advice columnist, ...

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