The Penn Treebank Tag Set

The tagset used in tagging the demo corpus available here is the Penn Treebank Tag set, described for example in Mitchell P. Marcus, Beatrice Santorini, and Mary Ann Marcinkiewicz: Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English: The Penn Treebank, in Computational Linguistics, Volume 19, Number 2 (June 1993), pp. 313--330 (Special Issue on Using Large Corpora). The tagging was done at UPenn. The following part-of-speech tags are used in the corpus:
	1.	CC	Coordinating conjunction
	2.	CD	Cardinal number
	3.	DT	Determiner
	4.	EX	Existential there
	5.	FW	Foreign word
	6.	IN	Preposition or subordinating conjunction
	7.	JJ	Adjective
	8.	JJR	Adjective, comparative
	9.	JJS	Adjective, superlative
	10.	LS	List item marker
	11.	MD	Modal
	12.	NN	Noun, singular or mass
	13.	NNS	Noun, plural
	14.	NP	Proper noun, singular
	15.	NPS	Proper noun, plural
	16.	PDT	Predeterminer
	17.	POS	Possessive ending
	18.	PP	Personal pronoun
	19.	PP$	Possessive pronoun
	20.	RB	Adverb
	21.	RBR	Adverb, comparative
	22.	RBS	Adverb, superlative
	23.	RP	Particle
	24.	SYM	Symbol
	25.	TO	to
	26.	UH	Interjection
	27.	VB	Verb, base form
	28.	VBD	Verb, past tense
	29.	VBG	Verb, gerund or present participle
	30.	VBN	Verb, past participle
	31.	VBP	Verb, non-3rd person singular present
	32.	VBZ	Verb, 3rd person singular present
	33.	WDT	Wh-determiner
	34.	WP	Wh-pronoun
	35.	WP$	Possessive wh-pronoun
	36.	WRB	Wh-adverb

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