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Today's Pick: Advanced Search Operators in Google News


If you have a preferred author, you can easily search for the articles they published using a recently introduced advance search operator, the "author" search operator. If you frequent Google News, you may have noticed that below the headlines there's a linked name. You can use this link to get all the articles published recently by the author which appeared in Google News.

You can also make use of this operator by doing a search for [ author:"John Doe" ], replacing "John Doe" with the author's name. Note, that there is no space between the search operator and the author's name.

To get the results for multiple authors, you can stick together more searches using the "OR" operator. For example, to get a list of articles published both by Jane and John Doe you want to search for [ author:"Jane Doe" OR author:"John Doe" ]


The content which appears on Google News is provided by 3rd-parties called news sources. Google News offers a less-advertised way to search for these news sources' content when you simply don't remember the site's URL. Normally a search for example Reuters content, as documented in this Help Center entry, looks like this [ "Some search terms" ]. The problem appears when you know the publication label (Reuters), but you don't know the source's URL or domain name.

To search by publication label for articles published by a specific news source, you can do a search for [ source:example ]. This will return a list of articles published in the past 30 days by the news sources which has "example" in their publication label. Real life example, a search for [ source:herald ]. Of course, you can stick your search query either before or after the advanced search operator, for example searching all sources which have the "herald" word in their publication label for "classical music" would look like this: [ source:herald classical music ]

As always, you can stick together more search operators with the "OR" basic search operator, for example [ source:herald OR source:times ]

If the publication label of the source contains spaces, replace them with "_", for example: [ source:new_york_times ]

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