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Feb 26, 1902 - CHICAGO Feb 25Denver Ed Martin the heavyweight colored pugilist won the decision over Frank Childs last night in a sixround contest at the American Club Martin's performance during the first four rounds was so far superior to that of Childs he made Childs look cheap In the last two ...
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/baltsun/access/1646056262.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date= Feb+26%2C+1902&author=&pub=The+Sun+(1837-1985)...MARTIN...

Feb 3, 1903 - Johnson won his first title on February 3, 1903, beating "Denver" Ed Martin over 20 rounds for the World Colored Heavyweight Championship. His efforts to win the full title were thwarted, as world heavyweight champion James J. Jeffries refused to face him ...

Jun 23, 1948 - Edward Martin of Pennsylvania con- fer at Dewey's headquarters shortly after Martin's announcement of withdrawal fr6m nomination race and statement of intention to support Dewey. Sen. Martin Withdraws to Sponsor New Yorker and Others May Follow BY KYLE PALMER. ...
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/416085331.html?dids=416085331:416085331&FMT=ABS&FMTS= ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Jun+23%2C+1948&author=&pub=Los...

Nov 24, 1968 - They elect ed Mrs. Edward Martin who was then Frances Loth ridge, and senior class presi dent . THIS WEEKEND, 50 years later, the class is celebrating the golden anniversary of its graduation at Florida State University's Homecoming. Mrs. Martin, of Tampa, is one of about 16 graduates ...
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Sep 1988 - He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in September of 1988. Upon graduation, he opened his practice in Bridgeport.

May 10, 1992 - So it was last week that the Bethlehem Area Chamber of Commerce recognized one such man Edmund F Martin He received the Marcon Award joining the ranks of previous recipients Walt Dealtrey1983 Bob Snyder1985 and Judge Al Williams1991 The award is named for Frank L Marcon who combined a ...
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/mcall/access/92014334.html?dids=92014334:92014334&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS: FT&type=current&date=May+10%2C+1992...EDIE...ED+MARTIN'S...

Oct 1997 - Sent packing from Ann Arbor in October 1997, just as the NCAA began investigating booster Ed Martin, Fisher was one of the first people hurt by the scandal. But he is far from the last. An investigation by the school determined Martin, a retired auto worker ...

Aug 2000 - Webber testified in front of a federal grand jury in August 2000 in the Ed Martin case. "There's no way that I took $280000 from someone," Webber told ESPN in March. "I've said this a million times." If Webber lied to the grand jury, he could be charged ...

Nov 2, 2002 - awkwardly avoids the tar nished era that led to what he school president called a day of great shame," on Nov. 2, 2002 when self-imposed sanctions were an nounced. The NCAA added more program-crippling punish ments later, including forc the school to ...
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May 2003 - Michigan has repeat violator status because of the Ed Martin basketball scandal, which the NCAA ruled on in May 2003. Without a summary disposition, Michigan will have to appear before the infractions committee and, according to experts, possibly be subject to ...

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