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Laura Bornfreund
November 23, 2010
Jennifer Cohen
November 23, 2010

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November 23 : *Valuable research assistance for this series provided by Benjamin Kolansky.The Great Recession has exposed numerous...
November 01 : The federal tax system contains numerous credits, deductions, and incentives for individuals and families to build...
October 27 : The current financial reform process has been subject to inevitable comparisons with the sweeping overhaul of the 1930s...

Books From New America

The Tenth ParallelFrom the man who coined the term "net neutrality," Future Tense Fellow Tim Wu brings us the book, The Master Switch, which explores the rise, struggle, and fall of information industries through history. The blog "Boing Boing" has heralded it as a "fascinating, wide-ranging, and, ultimately, inspiring book about communications policy and the information industries as you could hope to find."

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Smart Strategy Initiative

In the wake of a financial crisis in the housing sector that nearly brought us to economic collapse, Patrick C. Doherty, director of the Smart Strategy Initiative, argues that it could be the housing sector that leads a nationwide recovery. By sating consumers' appetites for "smart growth development," Doherty writes in this month's Washington Monthly that a rejuvenated real estate market could help put America back to work.