Engaged Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship has emerged as a central educational theme within the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Through CTICE, SEAS promotes engineering innovation and engaged entrepreneurship. CTICE’s Engaged Entrepreneurship Program provides education and support for SEAS students and faculty, socially engaged entrepreneurs, and members of the Harlem community through the following:

  • Developing, implementing, and sustaining innovative entrepreneurship education programming
  • Building virtual and physical infrastructures that promote new technology ideas, facilitate technology transfer, and incubate new products, process, and service ventures
  • Facilitating cross-campus collaborations and community partnerships

In 2007-2008, SEAS introduced a 15-credit, interdisciplinary minor in entrepreneurship made up of both 
SEAS and Columbia Business School courses. Beginning in the fall of 2008, the
 minor will include a totally revised introduction to accounting and 
finance course with a focus on new venture creation.

The Program provides education and support for SEAS students and faculty, socially engaged entrepreneurs, and members of the Harlem community. SEAS and CTICE have made major progress in developing and 
implementing a program that will allow students to participate in
 meaningful entrepreneurship activities across all four undergraduate