Roll Call

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  • #1 in total readership of Congressional Opinion Leaders1
  • 19,069 Total Qualified Circulation2
  • #1 publication read by Congress3

Published Monday though Thursday while Congress is in session, 11,500 copies of Roll Call are hand-delivered daily to the House and Senate. With each issue, a White House courier is sent to retrieve 400 copies of Roll Call for top administration officials. The Supreme Court also receives a delivery to stay informed of current developments within the legislative branch. No wonder Roll Call's paid circulation is more than 5,000.2

With every turn of the printed page, Members of Congress and their staff are presented with powerful, informative advertising campaigns that serve as a compass on legislative activity.


  • 1. Erdos & Morgan 2008-2009 Opinion Leaders Study.
  • 2. BPA Statements, June 2009. 2008 Strategy.
  • 3. One Media Consumption "Beltway Barometer" of Opinion Elites.

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