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Anne Asher
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Anne Asher
Back & Neck Pain Guide

Understand Your Back Problem

A diagnosis for neck or back pain is often based on spinal anatomy.

Spinal Anatomy in Pictures

The terms used in a neck or back pain diagnosis are often based on the anatomy, or area of the spine affected.

Quick Visuals

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Talking to Your Doctor

Back and neck pain are subjective -- there are few, if any, definitive tests that can measure and diagnose the experience. It falls on you to communicate your back pain symptoms to your doctor.

Doctors and Back Pain

Back & Neck Pain Spotlight10

What to do about Low Back Pain After An IUD Insertion

Monday April 25, 2011

Many women report back pain for the first few weeks after having an IUD inserted. If this is you, what should you do?

You may be able to manage it with at home therapies. But if the pain lasts longer than a week or if it seriously disrupts your daily routine, check with your doctor.

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Forward Head Posture

Friday April 22, 2011
Photo: Chagin

Neck pain is often accompanied by misalignment in the area between your shoulders and head. If you sit at a computer for hours on end, or you drive for a living, you may well be fostering a long term problem known as forward head posture. Here's the scoop on forward head posture.

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Putting the Medical in Medical Marijuana

Thursday April 14, 2011
Marijuana Illustration from Vienna Dioscurides
Illustration: Public Domain

Medical marijuana laws are currently advancing through legislative bodies in several states. As I discussed in my article Medical Marijuana For Chronic Pain, medical marijuana is now prescribed by doctors to treat pain associated with a number of health conditions, including chronic spine problems.

What exactly makes medical marijuana "medical"? What's the difference between the stuff you get from a dispensary, and just smoking a joint with friends?

Well, plenty. If you read the article, you'll certainly get the basics. But I also spoke with Dr. Mohamed Naguib.  Dr. Naguib is a cannabinoid researcher at University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center and physician at the Cleveland Clinic.   He informed me that the body has 2 types of receptors for marijuana.

Think of a receptor as a way in which the body receives a substance. The body responds differently to one substance as compared to another in part based on the number and types of receptors it has. Receptors also help determine the way a substance affects you. Smoking a joint socially generally results in activation of a CB1 (type 1) receptor in the body. When activated the CB1 receptor yields psychoactive effects - in other words, you get high.

How Medical Marijuana Relieves Nerve Pain

There's also the CB2 receptor. Researchers say CB2 is very promising in the treatment of pain and other conditions. Dr. Naguib said that in particular, when medical marijuana activates the CB2 receptors, it relieves nerve pain.

But the story doesn't stop there. Not only does medical marijuana help alleviate neuropathy, it may also play a role in preventing it. Naguib says when nerve injuries occur, the body

"typically overcompensates in its response, creating even more nerve damage. Our research shows that the addition of a CB2 agonist (substance that binds to a cell and triggers a specific, receptor-related reaction), turns off this overcompensation, therefore reducing the likelihood of neuropathic pain."

Medical Marijuana Medications On The Market

Dr. Naguib says that it will be at least 2016 before an actual marijuana-based pain medication will get FDA approval and be introduced in the market.


Naguib, M., MD. Email Correspondance. July 2010.

| Science Behind Marijuana As Pain Medicine | Back Pain | Medical Marijuana for Pain: What's Your Opinion? |


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Prepare Yourself Before You Prepare Your Garden

Thursday April 7, 2011
Garden digging without the back strain or back pain
Photo: Anne Asher
Licensed to About.com

If you're itching to get out in the garden, I doubt I need to remind you that you don't have much longer to wait. But have you thought of how you'll protect your back from injury? Over zealous gardeners are notorious for overdoing it, especially that first weekend. Might I suggest signing up for my free Gardening and Back Pain E-course? You'll learn body mechanics for each main category of chore and you'll get a yoga program adapted for gardeners.

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