oroboros's comments

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Dec 16th 2010 1:01 GMT

I think Americans are by default antagonistic to the idea of fate or fatalism, and thus accounting for their incredulity regarding this film/book.

Aug 2nd 2010 3:33 GMT

Walrus' is wrong.

1. Iphone is used by 80% of fortune 500 companies. People are beating the IT up to get the iphone adopted, IT is begrudingly adding it.

2.Insecure? Says who? Blackberry is more secure? Sure route all of our emails up north to canada before rerouting it down south to our companies. More secure, my a$$. There's nothing iphone can't do that blackberry can in terms of security.

3. Email better than others? That's true 5 yrs ago. Not anymore. Android, iphone and basicall everybody else can the email just as equally as good. Blackberry is a one trick pony.

4. Kin was killed cuz M$ wanted to keep the focus on windows mobile, not to create a dual os strategy on mobile. Kin should have never been released. But then again, msft paid 200 mill for the danger OS. They had to show something for it. I wouldn't give credit to msft but to danger team for doing the work.

5. Win mobile is better than iOS? Wow. Is it shipping? No. Discussion over.

6. Kinetic on xbox? Its gonna be a clossal failure at the price point if they treat it as an accessory. It'll sell, for sure, but not at the # they need to recoup the rd.

7. Zunes. loss-less tunes? Wtf. Ipod does lossless ripping as well. Zune has a fixed bitrate as a default, not lossless. Anyone know what he's yammering about? Irrelevant. Moving on.

8. Mobile company? Apple? Well, tell that to half of its revenue which is generated by their desktop/laptop computers. (Not counting laptop as mobile) which grew 33% last quarter.

9. Ifo 4 equal to nexus 1, evo etc? Dual cores? This guy is smoking some good stuff. Comparing products that don't even exist (dual cores) and using features list as his basis. Funny.

10. Ah the walled garden argument! That's so old. Apple is the most profitable computer maker in the world. Dell has to sell 15 computers to match the profit that apple makes on a single computer. Apple has 98% of the market for all computers north of the 1k price range. Walrus has completely zero understanding of the difference btwn windows, dell, and apples biz plan. No point in arguing with him if he doesn't know the difference. Then again, I'm the bigger fool for doing so.

Apr 30th 2010 7:48 GMT

Heh, Major is a comedian. :) He's confusing "smart-phones" with "disposable phones" hence the market share is skewered towards the cheapest phones. It's easier to buy a dollar phone than it is a 400 buck phone :)

Again, Yes. . anyone will always find a phone that's superior to apple if you look at it as a feature based checklist. That's a given. However, good luck using it. The interface to those features are so convoluted that most users end up not using it, whereas the interface in Apple's iphone are made with a purpose. . and useful. that's one thing that phone manufacturers never came to grasp with, such as Nokia. I think the first "semi-smart" phone to figure that out was the Sidekick. Now. . tell me. . did it have all of the features checklist? . .obviously not, but whatever it did, it made sure the feature was actually used and u could interface with it with the least amount of thinking possible.

As for market share. iPhone has 25% of the smartphone market.

Good luck finding a phone that puts ipad to shame cuz none of them do. .why? cuz ipad isn't a phone.

Now. . wanna me quote a number that "Major" pulled out of his butt for Japan? . . how does 72% strike you? That's the market that iPhone owns in Japan for smart-phones. Wait, isn't Japan supposed to have the worlds most advanced mobile phone market. . yet they're all buying iphones as their smartphone choice. . mmm!

Thy're doing very well there. What Major fails to address is the fact that the telephone company in the US practices a literal monopoly. . u cannot use any phones u want, u can only use a certain phone with a certain company. . example, my sidekick. nobody uses it and I can't use it on any other companies line (sprint/verizon/etc). . why? . . that's the way its structured here. . . in Europe, they sell phones (manufacturers) directly to you. . u figure out which phone company u want. . that's why Apple's model was revolutionary inside the US. . it broke the model. .and and twisted the phone companies to let Apple sell their hardware directly to the people without any of those bs softwares that phone companies lump on their phones, etc. .

Separate biz model. . which Major fails to address . .as usual.

As for functional tablets. . . tablets has been around for decades. . its no biggie. . but guess what? nobody bought them. . only the fringe did. . iPad is the first "mass-purchased" tablet ever. . everybody wants one. . is it because of the feature checklist that Major loves so much? of course not. . if it was how the real world operated. . everybody would be buying HP and other tablets by the boatload. . but as I said. .Apple brought the ecosystem to tablets, rewrote the interface for tablets. . . look at all the tablets pre-apple and post-apple. . stark difference. . In fact, the iPad has given Apple roughly 2 years head start in the tablet market. . there's nothing on the market that even compares. . in its entireity. . not that there won't ever be. . I sure hope that some competitor comes up and beats Apple.

Again, Major's cluelessness revolves the fact that the tablet he uses was a "Desktop" version stampled on a tablet. . wrong interface for the wrong format. . U don't put a Pilot's stick in a motorcycle, nor do you put a cowboy's boot on an olympian 100 meter dasher and expect him to perform equally. Every single interface has to be redesigned acordingly to the hardware. . Major fails to see that. so did MS. .sadly. . they had nearly 10 years jumpstart on Apple and squandered it.

Major needs to learn his computer history. . Macosx is based off the BSD kernel. . developed over at Cargine Melon. . it does full multitasking easily. . Macosx does it just fine. . Major Dumba$$ is referring to the iPhone OS. . which is also MacOSX, but stripped down of all things except for essential stuff. . and the 3rd party multi-tasking was clamped down. . .it does multitasking for all of its own primary software with no sweat. . there's a design philosophy behind it. . u already know it.

Guess who owned the company (NeXt) that Apple bought in order to get their OS? . . Steve Jobs. Lose much sleep? perhaps not. . Nokia lost a lot of share. . RIM's going up slowly, Iphone is rocketing, Android is rocketing.
and match.

Apr 20th 2010 7:13 GMT

@Nickuru, not quite.
There's no "official" definition of what a safe concentration of ash is for different aircraft (with engine / power settings). One technically could call it a Russian Roulette by flying in those clouds.

However, I think you may not be familiar with what "kinetics" really means. .
Kinetics = energy due to motion
If you think about it. . ashes = grittish crap. . . means it can sorta "sand down" (sandblasting effect)the paint off the plane or the surface of the jet engines itself. So yes. . one could remove the protective coating of those engine blades or painting of the nose/fuselage and expose the underlying metal to the environment (promote corrosion/oxidation). BUT, that's not even the reason why airlines aren't flying through the ash clouds. .

Think about it . ashes = grittish-crap, when it gets in the engine, what happens?. . think about it. . . engines are extremely hot. . now put in ashes. . it'll melt (keep in mind. . those ashes are glass-rich). . and start clumping up . . . plopping on tubes, sensors. . it gets clumped on those. . so what happens? it clogs the system up. .Even the glasses that land on the blades, The melt plop of ashes actually causes "out of balance" gig . Now the other downside to ashes. . it also chokes up oxygen. . . You need Oxygen to burn the fuel. . Ashes pushes that out. There has been reports that ashes are even charged electrically. . So the end result. . .engines stall. . chokes. .cuts off. . fails. . basically.

It's also made worse by the standard practice of flying. . usually when the engines start getting fooked up. . the computer "increases" the power . . . meaning. .engines get hotter. .ashes gets melt faster. . more glasses get formed. . . whereas you should be lowering the power, diving downwards (for cooler air). .shattering the glasses in the process. .

back in 1982. . British Air flew through an ash cloud. .all 4 engines choked. . it had to drop nearly 24K feet before the engines could be restarted. . KM did the same. . 80 million dollars damage. . from only 80 kg worth of ash in each turbine. .

There's a good wiki for reference:


The problem is. . commercial aircrafts are not equipped to sense plumes in the cloud. . nor "how to get the hell out" (which direction?).

Beta v1.3



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