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July 21, 2008


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Eric Kraus

While Hahn is sometimes a bit too conspiratorial (a function of having spent rather a long while studying Russia?) unlike 98% of Western commentators, he actually knows a great deal about what is going on - at least from the outside.
There is an unfortunate tendency among Western commentators to view Russian politics along a two-dimensional continuum - between "Westernizers" and "Slavophiles" Perhpas both terms are more appropriate to the 19th century. Medvedev can be an economic liberal while not being particularly pro-American in his foreign policy, nor freeing the murderous Khodorkovsky to please the British.
Mr. Hahn's basic point is well-taken - despite all of the gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair in the West, the political evolution in Russia is clearly in the direction of diversification and liberalization. Slow and cautious - but very real.

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