Israel's Presidential Rapist

It's a testament to Israel's democracy. When's the last time you saw an Arab leader convicted of molestation?

The Revolving Door, Think Tanks and the MIC

There's no shortage of foreign-policy and military expertise in Washington—or conflicts of interest.

Where the Bin Ladens Call Home

Sarah Palin should get her facts straight on al-Qaeda and Iran.

A Bad Korean Menu

Tolerating North Korea's mistreatment of its own people and its neighbors is the best option on a menu of bad choices.

The Gap Can’t Be Bridged Unless Those in Power Want It to Be Bridged

The Beltway foreign-policy establishment doesn't care about—and doesn't want to hear—new ideas.

Harvey Sicherman: An Appreciation

The death of a patriot leaves a gaping hole among the cadre of foreign-policy analysts, not to mention the hearts of friends and family.

The risk of all-out war on the Korean peninsula is less than it has been at anytime in the past four decades.

Regional Headlines

Scrounging for Answers in Afghanistan

Here's hoping the classified version of the Afghanistan strategy review has more meat on the bone than the bland public assessment.

Swedish Motivation

The Stockholm bomber shows that terrorists hate the West because of our policies, not who we are.

Wikileaks and the Arabs

Arabs may fear Iran, but America and Israel aren't far behind. And Ahmadinejad is more popular than Obama.

Follow The National Interest

January 1, 2011