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Coal: The View from 2,000 Feet

Coal: The View from 2,000 Feet

James Fallows flies his plane over the mines of West Virginia and discusses the future of energy

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Nov 9 2010

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How the Economy Got Better in Last Year flickr

How the Economy Got Better in Last Year

Major economic indicators show broad improvement, but some aspects have healed more quickly than others

5 Movies to Watch This Year Universal Pictures

5 Movies to Watch This Year

Ring in 2011 by seeing great films that went unnoticed in 2010

Has Shanghai Peaked? Wikimedia Commons

Has Shanghai Peaked?

A contrarian argument that will startle many Americans gripped by "China is best at everything!" fever

The Debatable Effects of Boycotting Wikimedia Commons

The Debatable Effects of Boycotting

The problem with urging people to not visit South Carolina on the 150th anniversary of the Civil War

The Best Video Games of 2010 Rovio

The Best Video Games of 2010

A roundup of the strongest titles of the year, from download-only favorites to online shoot-'em-ups to a motion tracking dance game

Don't Hate Franzia: A Case for Boxed and Blended Wines

Cheap, everyday wines are underrated. That vintage bottle might be seven times more expensive, but is it seven times as good?

International Stories to Watch for in 2011

Can the world maintain its modest progress in 2010 toward greater peace and cooperation?

How the Financial Crisis Made Big Banks Bigger

Their relative health will make the "too big to fail" problem even worse

GOP Housing Policy Evolves

Why are Republicans changing their tune on the dissolution of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Pride and Prejudice and Billionaires

What Jane Austen's classic can teach us about income inequality

He's No Murrow, He's Stewart

The Comedy Central host doesn't need to be the next Murrow to play a significant role in the public life of this country

How Can Africa Prevent the Next Cote d'Ivoire?

The African Union itself laid the groundwork for the continent's latest political crisis

So You Bought A New Smartphone

A guide to getting your bearings in the land of touch screens and voice control.

The Military-Consulting Complex

Four out of five retired three- or four-star generals go to work for firms that depend on Defense for business. Is that healthy?

How Wikileaks Hurts Democracy in Africa

Julian Assange has given Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe the ammunition he needs to take down his greatest challenger

Jon Stewart is Not Edward R. Murrow

.. and for the New York Times to pretend otherwise is just silly

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