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New OOP Features in Delphi

Delphi programming language is packed with features to help you make robust OOP style applications. If you are still using Delphi 7 (and prior) you might be missing some really nice language constructs.

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Delphi Programming Spotlight10

Receive Windows Messages In Your Custom Delphi Class - NonWindowed Control

Tuesday January 11, 2011
in Windows Messages :: Windows messages are a key ingredient in communication between Windows and (your) applications and also in communication between (two) applications. For an application to receive a Window message, the application must provide a "window" a message will be sent to. What is you do NOT have a window to receive a message? What if you want to handle messages in your custom class derived from TObject?

Read the full article to learn how to Receive and Handle Windows Messages In Your Custom Delphi Class - NonWindowed Control


Overloading Delphi's ShowMessage to accept Integer, Boolean, Float, ...

Thursday January 6, 2011
in Delphi TIPS :: Delphi's ShowMessage procedure, defined in the dialogs.pas unit, displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click an OK button.

I'm using the ShowMessage procedure frequently while developing applications as a "debugging" tool to display values of various variables, properties, function results.

A downside of the ShowMessage is that it only accepts a string parameter - where variables tend to be integers, bools, floats, etc. :)

Read the full article to learn how to Overload ShowMessage to accept Integer, Boolean, Float, ...


Get The Name Of The Windows OS Installed on a Machine

Tuesday January 4, 2011
in OLE Examples :: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can use Delphi to communicate with WMI by using a variety of interfaces. All the WMI interfaces are based on the Component Object Model (COM).

Read the full article to learn how to Exploit Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class to get the name of the installed Windows OS.


Add a Standard Context (popup) Menu to Delphi's TRichEdit

Monday January 3, 2011
in TRichEdit :: Delphi's implementation of the rich editor control (TRichEdit) does *not* expose the default context popup menu when the rich edit is right-clicked.

Read the full article to learn how to Implement Add a Standard Context (popup) Menu to Delphi's TRichEdit


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