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Das Wort des Tages

Monday January 10, 2011

Word of the Day Beginner: die Grenze
Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: die Ächtung

Denglish Poll

Monday January 10, 2011

One of the things that fascinates me about language is how it evolves over time and according to people's environments. Whether it be due to technology, emigration, English or other languages, change is inevitable. But not everyone embraces it, especially when it is more sudden. For instance, there was much opposition, even from prominent German media and German states when the new German spelling reform came into effect in 1998. I must admit, even I was relunctant at first to let some spellings go, such as "dass" instead of "daß".

Denglish is also a constant hot topic among Germans. The younger crowd thinks it's cool, whereas many from the older generation can't see the logic of using English or anglicizing words, when there is a German equivalent for it. For example, why use "File downloaden" when you could express it as "Datei herunterladen"? I'm curious to know how German language learners or Germans who have lived away from Germany for a while feel about this issue. For this reason, I've created the following poll that I would appreciate you take the time to answer. As always, feel free to express your thoughts on this topic in the comment box below. Vielen Dank!

Do you approve of the current amount of "Denglish" being used in the German language?


Sentence Structure Tip

Thursday January 6, 2011

Sentence structure makes a big difference in the German language. For instance, what is the difference between the following two sentences?

Ich gab der Maus die Katze.
Ich gab der Katze die Maus.

Read Sentence Structure Tip to find out...
(However, either way I think the mouse would end up with the same consequence.)

See also:
Word of the Day Beginner: die Erkältung
Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: schillern

Das Wort des Tages

Wednesday January 5, 2011

Word of the Day Beginner: leuchten
Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: Elfenbein

Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Wednesday January 5, 2011

Today is the the birth date of a well-known German-Swiss author named Friedrich Dürrenmatt who won many literary awards. Among my personal favorites is his crime novel Der Richter und sein Henker (The Judge and his Executioner). Read more about his life...

German Motivators

Tuesday January 4, 2011

Along with the theme of New Year resolutions and improving German, here is a glossary filled with positive, motivational German terms.

See also: Word of the Day Beginner: folgen 
                Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: verzocken

Das Wort des Tages

Monday January 3, 2011

Word of the Day Beginner: die Ziffer          
Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: pauschal 

New Year Resolutions for German

Saturday January 1, 2011

Set for a new year? Have you made your Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr/ New Year resolutions yet? Hopefully you have "improve in German" as one. Read New Year Resolutions for German to get some ideas and suggestions to help you with this goal.

Das Wort des Tages

Friday December 31, 2010

Ich wünsche euch allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

Word of the Day Beginner: schmücken
Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced: der Knallfrosch

Und die Gewinner sind...

Thursday December 30, 2010

Earlier this month, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS, the German Language Society), revealed their top ten word pick of 2010. Every year, the Gfds, selects and ranks ten words in German, which they feel represents the issues most discussed about in German media. Read on for the winners...

See also:
Word of the Day Beginner          Word of the Day Intermediate/Advanced

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