Neocons Crank Up the Spin Machine

Don't listen to the hysterical revisionism of people like Max Boot. Defense spending is still slated for growth.

Muslims and Truth

What's really behind accusations that the Mossad was responsible for the recent Egypt bombings.

A New Chapter for Africa

The breakup of Sudan is part of an inevitable redrawing of Africa's boundaries. Will that process continue to be bloody?

Tolerance Yawns in Kaduna

In many parts of Nigeria, religious leaders—Muslim and Christian—have unsurpassed influence. Too bad they use it to spread hate.

Sisyphus and Afghanistan's Drug War

Despite false signs of hope, the Afghanistan antidrug campaign is not working.

Brave New WikiWorld

WikiLeaks acts as if secrecy is inherently evil. It is not. We cannot secure liberty by ignoring the necessity of security.


Ike's Legacy

See video

David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon Eisenhower discuss how the former president shaped America's role in Asia—and foresaw the military-industrial complex.

Without a strong signal from Washington, Khodorkovsky's freedom will be forsaken and his life will be in danger. And all of this will threaten the U.S.-Russian partnership moving forward.

Regional Headlines

Scrounging for Answers in Afghanistan

Here's hoping the classified version of the Afghanistan strategy review has more meat on the bone than the bland public assessment.

Swedish Motivation

The Stockholm bomber shows that terrorists hate the West because of our policies, not who we are.

Wikileaks and the Arabs

Arabs may fear Iran, but America and Israel aren't far behind. And Ahmadinejad is more popular than Obama.

Follow The National Interest

January 12, 2011