Feb. 16, 2011
Updated: 9:32 AM


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Leafs jolt sinking B's
Maple Leafs 4, Bruins 3

Leafs jolt sinking B's

Genzyme agrees to $20.1b sale to drug giant Sanofi

Genzyme Corp., the state's largest biotechnology company, has struck a definitive agreement to be bought by Sanofi-Aventis SA. (Boston Globe)

Residents face $20b retiree health tab

It may take devastating tax hikes to pay health insurance benefits for retired municipal workers. (Globe)

Like nothing else in New England

Like nothing else in New England (Alan Karchmer photos)
Half of this modern home in West Stockbridge is hanging off a hill, but Boston architect and owner Warren Schwartz says not to worry. (Boston Globe)
CBS reporter recovering after assault in Egypt

CBS reporter recovering after assault in Egypt

CBS News correspondent Lara Logan was the victim of a sexual attack and beating while reporting on the recent events in Cairo. (AP)

Madoff: Banks 'complicit' in fraud

Jailed Ponzi scheme perpetrator Bernard Madoff said banks and hedge funds "had to know" about his $60 billion scam. (N.Y. Times)   Madoff's Massachusetts clients
Massport CEO to retire

Massport CEO to retire

Thomas J. Kinton Jr. plans to retire in August, giving the board time to find a successor and allowing him to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars in unused sick time. (Globe, 8:41 a.m.)


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