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First Time Visitors

The only read write access that JavaScript has to your visitor's computer are to small files known as cookies. One simple use for cookies is in identifying whether this is the first time that the person has visited a specific page on your site.

Accessing Cookies

JavaScript Spotlight10

Stephen's JavaScript Blog

jQuery Pocket Reference

Sunday January 23, 2011
Too many people look on jQuery as a way to avoid learning JavaScript and then end up with really complex code to do the simplest of things. This book makes it clear from the start that a reasonable knowledge of JavaScript is required to be able to use jQuery properly and then proceeds to explain how to use jQuery correctly by building on what you should already know about JavaScript.

Read more about what I think of the book - jQuery Pocket Reference

Current Page References

Saturday January 22, 2011
If you link the same external JavaScript into more than one of the pages on your site then there may be times when you want it to process slightly differently depending on which page of your site that is actually being viewed. This function makes testing this easier by splitting the web page address into its component parts for you.

Current Page References

Buy Now Hover Button

Friday January 21, 2011
One script that seems to be a popular item for internet marketers to try to sell to other internet marketers is one that will create a hovering "Buy Now" box that stays visible on the screen while the person reads their compelling content that convinces them that they need to buy whatever is being sold. When they decide to buy the button to do so is right there. Well my script here doesn't have quite as many bells and whistles as that script but you can easily modify this script to do everything that theirs can do and more without having to buy anything.

Buy Now Hover Button

Linking Three Dropdowns

Thursday January 20, 2011
Updating a second dropdown's content based on a user selection in a first dropdown is a common requirement. Of course having figured out how to do that everyone then wants to know how to extend that functionality to update a third dropdown based on the selection in the second one. Here's how to amend the code from my dynamic dropdown script to add a third dropdown. The same principal can of course then be applied in order to add even more dropdowns if required.

Linking Three Dropdowns

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