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Select Non-Adjacent Cells in Excel

By using a combination of mouse and keyboard you can select non-adjacent cells in Excel. This allows you to make changes to several areas of your spreadsheet at one time.

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Spreadsheets Spotlight10

Excel AVERAGE IF Function

Monday April 11, 2011
AVERAGE IF combines two very useful and well used functions - the IF function and the AVERAGE function.

The AVERAGE function is used to find the average value in a range of data while the IF function allows you to have different result occur depending on whether a specific condition is met or not.

AVERAGE IF makes it easier to find the average value if specific criteria are met. This makes it possible to set up trigger cells in a spreadsheet so that the data is averaged only when a certain level is reached.

This tutorial on the Excel AVERAGE IF Function includes a step by step example .

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Getting Started with Excel 2010 - Free Email Course

Saturday April 9, 2011
It's easy to feel overwhelmed the first time you look at the Excel screen. The work area looks different than other computer applications and there are innumerable buttons, toolbars, and menus that may or may not do something when you click on them.

With this in mind, the Getting Started with Excel 2010 email course was created. After you sign up for this free course, each day for five days you will receive an email containing links to tutorials covering different aspects of working with Excel 2010.

The focus of the lessons is on formulas but the tutorials also cover entering data, adding rows to a worksheet, and using a function to enter the current date. Each lesson includes step by step examples, and if followed, at the end of the course you will have a completed worksheet.

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Excel HLOOKUP Function

Thursday April 7, 2011
Excel's HLOOKUP function, is not as well know as VLOOKUP even though the two do similar jobs.

Both LOOKUP functions can be used to help you find specific data located in a database or list of data. The difference between the two functions lies in how your data is organized.

If the data is organized in columns, you would use VLOOKUP. If the data is kept in rows, you would use HLOOKUP.

To find out all the details on using HLOOKUP read the step by step tutorial on the How to Use HLOOKUP in Excel .

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Excel Subtotal Tutorials

Tuesday April 5, 2011

Excel's Subtotal feature has been developed to make it easy to extract a variety of information from rows of related data in a spreadsheet.

In addition to finding the subtotal, you can also use the feature to find, among other things, the average value for the selected range of data, the largest and smallest values, or the total number of rows of data included in the range.

To find out more, read the article on Excel's Subtotal Tutorials.

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