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Winter Wonderland

Thoughts of skiing turn red noses to smiling faces. Here's everything you need to get out there.

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Make 2011 a Bigger and Better Year

Thursday December 30, 2010
Here are a few ideas that might spark a few improvements for your coaching and program for 2011. Some may be old, some may seem silly, and some you may toss in the garbage and some you may already use. But a few of these might just help you make...

Review: Polar Buff Multifunctional Headwear

Thursday December 30, 2010
The Polar Buff is a good, useful item for hunting when it's chilly, and I expect to keep mine close most of the time. Even if you don't use is as your main head-warmer, it's worth having as backup - something I discovered a few weeks ago, when I went...

What's Your 2011 Cheerleading Resolution?

Thursday December 30, 2010
It's almost 2011 and a perfect time to ring in the New Year with goals and resolutions for your cheerleading. So, what are yours for the upcoming year? Do you plan to practice more, lose weight, or jump higher? Share your 2011 cheerleading resolutions here and read what goals other...

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