Category archives for: Radio

On Your Bike – an Untrue Ad Executed Badly


ALEXANDER MCNABB: My delight is enhanced that the latest piece witless buffoonery originates from HSBC, the bank that likes to say ‘Is there anything else I can do to help you?’ at the end of calls where they have been signally useless.

‘If it bleeds, it leads’. Agendas, bias, ‘poppycutting’


The UAE finds itself in the international spotlight again – and for all of the wrong reasons. So why do the Western media ‘accentuate the negative’ and forget the positive when reporting events in the Arab world?

Radio Daze – Why Saudi Radio gets no Reception


When MOCI, after 3 years of stagnation, finally decided to grant licenses for new radio stations, the average price was around SR50 million…

GeekFest Ramallah

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