Posts tagged as: History

Wikileaks: History Lessons for the Stupid


MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Surely somewhere there’d be references to a war for oil in Iraq if the war was, in fact, about oil.

How the Muslims Killed ‘Count Dracula’


SHIBLI ZAMAN: This Ottoman general had a greater war, a war against darkness. He hunted the very progenitor of the vampire legend who impaled his enemies and drank their blood – Vlad al III-lea Tepes, also known as Vlad Draculea, who would go down in infamy as, simply, Dracula.

The Power, and the History, of the Thaler


STEVE ROYSTON: Thaler Tales was published in 2006, so this is not exactly a hot-off-the-press post. But hey, the thaler’s been around for 250 years, so no matter.

GeekFest Ramallah

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