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Brazilian woman killed by husband's coffin

A 67-year-old widow was hit in the head by her husband's coffin and died Monday morning in southern Brazil. The incident occurred in the small town of Tapes in southern Rio Grange do Sul state. According to the Federal Highway Police (PRF), Marciana da Silva Barcelos was sitting in the back seat of a Toyota Hilux pickup truck, which was transporting her husband's coffin to the cemetery in nearby Alvorada town. [...] Full story

Danish couple's wedding marathon

A Danish couple got married four times in one day. Anette and Kenneth Lund-who broke the world record for the most weddings in a day-now plan to tie the knot once a year for the rest of their lives in a bid to keep their relationship exciting. [...] Full story

Kenya in carnival mood ahead of U.S. elections

Carnival mood has gripped Kenya as citizens were planning massive parties with the expectation that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will make history by becoming the first African American president of the world's biggest economy. The 47-year-old Obama, Illinois Senator whose father was Kenyan.[...] Full story

Dogs hailed by locals for helping with groceries

Three dogs have recently become stars of a housing estate in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, after helping their owner lug groceries in baskets. Everyday, the dogs, Money, Quan Quan and A Zhen, attract onlookers when their owner, Uncle Chang, brings them together to visit the local meat and vegetable bazaar.[...] Full story

Women in red turn men on more easily

A new study suggested that red color makes men feel more amorous towards women, according to media reports Wednesday. The study led by psychology professor Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, conducted five experiments to find the effects of color on behavior in relationships. [...] Full story

Australian airline Qantas "piggybacks" Air NZ plane

A plane from the Australian airline Qantas "piggybacked" an Air New Zealand flight across the Pacific Ocean overnight, after its weather radar stopped working. The Air New Zealand flight was three hours out of Los Angeles, and about 35 km from the Qantas plane, when the Australian captain called on the radio to ask for help, The Daily Telegraph in Sydney reported on Wednesday. [...] Full story

World's heaviest man marries amid wide media attention

The 2007 Guinness World Record holder for the heaviest man on earth, Manuel Uribe, on Sunday celebrated his wedding, which was widely covered by media from all over the world. Uribe, 43, was married to Claudia Solis, 38, amid blessing from more than 400 guests present at the ritual in the northeastern Mexican city of Monterrey. [...] Full story

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Politics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
» March 14 blasts Hizbullah’s muscle-flexing
» Belgian cabinet formation countdown parody overlooks Lebanon
» Residents on edge following day of tension in Beirut
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
» Bassil promises to cut gasoline prices
» Lebanese growth will decline in 2011: U.N.
» Market quiet despite rising political tension

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