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325 AD
325 AD - History of the Gospel book in Church Councils In 325 AD,. the council of Nicea met with the Emperor Constantine to discuss the problems of the Church. We have artists impressions of the event, the first council of the Church. They all show the bishops and ...

Nov 1, 1414 - In order to effect an adjustment between the contending parties, the Emperor Sigismund, as heir to the Bohemian throne, resolved to bring the matters at issue before the General Council summoned to meet at Constance on the 1st of November 1414. Hus was quite ...

Mar 1603 - In March 1603 Elizabeth I of England was dying. Her ministers tried to persuade her to say who should inherit her throne. Finally she murmured, Who should that he hut our cousin of'Scotland?'The English peers and Privy Council had backed James' claim to the ...

1685 - James II. came to the throne in 1685, but there was no change in the government of the colony for the next three years, when William, Prince of Orange, drove James from the English throne and mounted it himself. He referred all complaints of the Virginians to ...

1730 - After the death of Peter II., in 1730, the imperial council offered the vacant throne to Anna on the following conditions:—She was to govern according to the decisions of the supreme council, and she was not allowed, williout its consent, either to declare war or ...

Jun 1837 - 60. Our Sovereign the Queen Victoria, presiding at the Council upon Her Majesty's Accession to the Throne, on t/ie 2Qth of June, 1837,. " The Queen is represented seated at the head of the council-tahle, and holds in her hand the most gracious declaration ...

Oct 12, 1906 - When the last Duke of Brunswick, Wilhelm 1., died in 1884, the heir to the throne was tho Duke of Cumberland, a cousir of her late Majesty ... (the Brunswick Minister in Berlin) that the Federal Council's dej cree of 1885 debars the Duke of Cumberland from tho Brunswick succession. ...

Dec 13, 1936 - ... ... his former Majesty Edward VIII declare his irrevocable determina- tion to renounce the throne for himself and his descendants, ... being here as sisted with these of his Majesty's Privy Council, with numbers of other prin- cipal gentlemen and quality and with the Lord Mayor, ...
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/baltsun/access/1795161382.html?FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date= Dec+13%2C+1936&author=&pub=The+Sun+(1837...Of+Council's...

Oct 19, 1955 - four — the French Government's key device to solve the Moroc can crisis — was inaugurated to replace . The resident-general general de Latour), whose delay in announcing the Throne Council aroused criticism in Franca, was present at the ceremony, and made a one-sentence speech. ...
news.google.com/newspapers?id=8TlVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=nZUDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4342,2829088&dq= throne+council&hl=en

Oct 14, 2004 - On October 14, 2004, King Norodom Sihamoni was selected by a special nine-member throne council, part of a selection process that was quickly put in place after the surprise abdication of King Norodom Sihanouk a week before. Sihamoni's selection was endorsed ...

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