Jan. 19, 2011
Updated: 7:49 AM


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Key figure in Probation Dept. resigns amid scandal

John J. O’Brien’s top lieutenant, Elizabeth Tavares, accused of being with him at the center of the allegedly rigged hiring and promotion practices, resigned. (Globe)
Saving spaces

Despite the city’s ban, the South Boston custom of claiming parking spaces is spreading. (Boston Globe)

Lowell building inspector accused of stealing home from elderly neighbor

David Hilaire has been indicted on charges he misled his 87-year-old neighbor into signing her home over to him while she was recovering from surgery. (AP, 3:48 a.m.)

Patrick proposal would reshape pensions

Most future state and municipal employees would work 5 years longer, contribute more to their pensions, and have their benefits slashed if they retire early. (Globe)

T payments to contractor challenged

The state auditor says the MBTA has been too generous with its commuter rail contractor, while failing to collect full penalties for performance lapses. (Boston Globe)
R. Sargent Shriver

R. Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps founder, dies at 95

As founding director of the Peace Corps, he stood at the forefront of the New Frontier and later led President Johnson’s War on Poverty. (Globe)


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