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Hay fever

Hay fever, also called seasonal allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, occurs in the spring and summer, and affects the eyes and nose.

What causes it?

Hay fever is caused by breathing in pollen particles and by pollen getting into the eyes. You can get hay fever at any time from early spring to late summer, depending on which pollen or pollens you're allergic to.

The pollens most likely to cause problems in early spring are those from trees such as the silver birch, ash, oak and London plane.

Grasses pollinate during mid-summer from May to August.The most profusely pollinating grasses are timothy, rye, cocksfoot, meadow and fescue.

Occasionally, in late summer and autumn, weeds such as nettles and dock as well as mugwort and plantain can trigger hay fever.

The condition tends to occur in atopic allergy-prone families and usually starts in the early teens, with symptoms peaking in the 20s.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptoms of hay fever are:

If the pollen count is very high, many will also wheeze (so-called hay 'asthma').

What's the treatment?

The most useful treatments for hay fever are:

Most of these medicines are available over-the-counter, but some are only available on prescription. You may need to try different treatments or find a combination that works best for you.

Steroid injections, although effective for symptom control, are discouraged owing to unwanted side effects such as osteoporosis, cataracts and skin thinning.

Homeopathic and herbal treatments are less effective than conventional therapies. Some experts advocate taking local honey every day for a few months before the pollen season starts to improve symptoms, but no studies have been performed to prove this.

If symptoms remain severe despite medication, you may benefit from desensitisation immunotherapy to grass pollen. This involves being given tablets or injections containing minute amounts of pollen, with the dose being increased gradually over a three-year period to induce immune tolerance and cure the allergy.

Sublingual grass pollen immunotherapy for timothy grass allergy is available in the UK for people with positive skin prick tests or specific immunoglobin E (IgE) blood tests to grass pollen. However, it is expensive and needs to be used over successive hayfever seasons to become effective, so use may be limited by your local primary care trust - ask your GP for details. The injection form of immunotherapy is now only available through specialist clinics as there is a risk of anaphylactic reaction. No silver birch or tree pollen immunotherapy is currently available.

Can it be prevented?

If you have hay fever, there are steps you can take to avoid exposing yourself to pollen:

You may be able to find out what you're allergic to by having allergy tests. You can then take practical steps to avoid that particular pollen.

Oral allergy syndrome

Some people with hay fever develop oral allergies to certain fruits, vegetables and nuts. This is also called pollen-food or oral allergy syndrome (OAS).

People with OAS typically develop hay fever in early spring and notice itching and swelling of the mouth and throat when they eat fresh fruit and vegetables. This is due to the food containing a protein similar to the allergy-provoking protein in the pollen.

The hay fever usually first appears in the teens, with oral allergies developing in the 20s. It doesn't usually progress beyond oral irritation.

Those who are allergic to silver birch pollen develop oral allergies to apples, peaches, cherries, carrots, celery, hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts. People allergic to grass pollen may develop oral allergies to tomato, melon and watermelon.

Mugwort pollen allergy cross-reacts with apple, celery and carrot. Ragweed pollen allergy cross-reacts with bananas, melon and honey.

People don't react to cooked or canned foods because this alters the allergen, rendering it less able to provoke an allergy.

See also

Dr Gill Jenkins last medically reviewed this article in July 2009.

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