Why the Tea Party Is Right About Defense Spending

The growing national debt is America's greatest threat.

The Basic Predicament for the U.S. in China's Rise

America tries to contain China, even as the two countries become inextricably linked.

State of Fizzle

Obama's State of the Union was full of platitudes and fairy tales.

Wailing over the Palestine Papers

While journalists cast aside skepticism, the truth remains—the Palestinians still have no intention of making peace with Israel.

Terror at Domodedovo

Moscow's elite leaves the country's ordinary citizens to fend for themselves as the war for Russia's inner abroad rages on.

Why Republicans Will Stay Hawkish

The new isolationsist wing of the Republican Party—John McCain's bogeyman—doesn't exist.

As the “power vertical” is consolidated in the post-Soviet space, most nonstate institutions are getting weaker, with one interesting exception: the national churches.

Regional Headlines

Scrounging for Answers in Afghanistan

Here's hoping the classified version of the Afghanistan strategy review has more meat on the bone than the bland public assessment.

Mafiosi in the Caucasus

The WikiLeaks reveal the disturbingly (and at times embarrassingly) long reach of organized crime in Russia and its neighbors.

Swedish Motivation

The Stockholm bomber shows that terrorists hate the West because of our policies, not who we are.

Follow The National Interest

January 27, 2011