Obama touts investment plan on middle America trip

DrJJJJ wrote:

Any further government spending is foolish-please see our $4 Billion/DAY deficit and debt, etc etc!! Canada had too big to function government, found the will to make the cuts and they’re a success story! Please don’t gamble on a spending bubble-don’t listen to the spending addicts with gambling problems-ask Madoff! Cut spending significantly and do it soon!! Thank you Mr.President-your success means we all succeed!

Jan 25, 2011 8:08pm EST  --  Report as abuse
ogre12 wrote:

Naw..pelosi, feinstein, and their rich lobby supporters are making the calls not obama. I stick with the Tea Party movement. I cant wait til’ 2012. No more libdemwits!

Jan 25, 2011 8:49pm EST  --  Report as abuse
ogre12 wrote:

Naw..pelosi, feinstein, and their rich lobby supporters are making the calls not obama. I stick with the Tea Party movement. I cant wait til’ 2012. No more libdemwits!

Jan 25, 2011 8:49pm EST  --  Report as abuse
tommyguns wrote:

Why not any news about our costly wars? The war in Irag and the Afgan war, not to mention the war on drugs, cost us all dearly. I see only chump change on these issues.

Jan 25, 2011 8:51pm EST  --  Report as abuse
smellyecoli wrote:

Will the elected and appointed Washington slop hogs cut their trillions of wasteful spending of tax dollars?

Jan 25, 2011 9:16pm EST  --  Report as abuse
smellyecoli wrote:

Does the cutting include Obama $20,000,000 plus tax dollars per vacation?? Dastardly liars and hypocrites all !!!

Jan 25, 2011 9:20pm EST  --  Report as abuse
PD1962 wrote:

Hahaha–Obama, who just spent 13 TRILLION dollars that The United States of America doesn’t have, despite pleas from the Right to curb spending, now has the gall to make it part of the SOU speech. As Al Sharpton so eloquently put it, “The American people overwhelmingly voted for Socialism when they voted for Obama.”

Jan 25, 2011 9:24pm EST  --  Report as abuse
smellyecoli wrote:

Russia was destroyed due to maintaining a very large military force and fighting in the Middle EAST. And the USA is well on it’s way to total self destruction for the very same reasons !!Only the greedy wealthy foreign investors will survive !!

Jan 25, 2011 9:46pm EST  --  Report as abuse
giveitthought wrote:

“December 11, 2007: “If Iowans believe campaign funds and celebrity will fix the debacle in Iraq, put the economy on track, and provide health care and education for America’s children, they should support another candidate,” said Biden for President Campaign Manager Luis Navarro. “But I’m confident that Iowans know what I know: our problems will require experience and leadership from Day One. Empty slogans will be no match for proven action on caucus night.”

Wow- Joe actually got one right.

Jan 25, 2011 10:36pm EST  --  Report as abuse
LarryinParker wrote:

President Obama sounds like a broken record. It is clear he is in over his head. I’m surprised he didn’t blame the current situation in Iraq on former President Bush; but I guess he can’t if we’re still on George’s plan even though Barrack said he tell the Generals to start the withdrawal the day he took office and have them all out within six months. Like the recovery, unemployment rate, closing Gitmo, etc, etc, etc, he promised more than he could deliver. This is one job that is dangerous to learn as you go.

Jan 25, 2011 11:17pm EST  --  Report as abuse
jayrib5477 wrote:

Here’s the thing. Everyone can sit here and bash his speech and his past doings, but the fact is, he has pointed out the problems that we need to address in order unite our country and make it strong and prosperous once again, and also the solutions that we need to act on in which to achieve these goals. I have opposed President Obama since he has taken office, but I must say, I agree with almost everything he said in the speech tonight and if he is able to follow through with his plans and not just talk about them, then I may become a supporter.

Jan 25, 2011 11:32pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Velmaa1 wrote:

The comments so far are so ridiculous that I almost hesitated to say anything. LarryinParker says President Obama is in over his head. Iwould suggest that what President Obama was talking about was over LarryinParker’s head. Perhaps he relates better to the chairperson of the Tea Party caucus who is so uninformed about the Constitution that she dared say that it was the Federalists who dealt with abolishing slavery. Where is her head???Oh I know but we won’t say here. Maybe she should visit Thomas Jefferson’s home in Virginia and see the slave quarters. President Obama’s address was visionary and so very insightful. Maybe there are those who want to stay put while the world grows around us. Maybe we should stay 25th in Math and Science. Maybe we should let our infrastructure to continue to crumble around us and have more people drive across bridges and end up in the water. People who don’t understand what the President is talking about have made up their minds that this President will be able to do nothing right for them. Too bad, because most of what he has done so far has actually helped many of the people who oppose him, they just lack the ability to understand it. I say this because so far I fail to see the writings of any rocket scietists.

Jan 25, 2011 11:46pm EST  --  Report as abuse
gruven137 wrote:

Just another reelection speech.

Jan 26, 2011 12:00am EST  --  Report as abuse
Trooth wrote:


Government spending doesn’t equal better education. They have increased the money spent year after year and spend the most they ever spent and the education gets worse. I agree that infrastructure should be maintained and spent, but that doesn’t come from general income tax, it comes from taxes on gasoline, permits etc and isn’t getting cut.

What liberals fail to mention is that the states budgets are spending 50% to 80% of their money on pensions and sweet heart deals with unions. Your tax dollars are being taken from you and given to union and government labor in the form of cadillac health care plans, and retirement accounts for some of the worst performance the country has ever seen. In the federal government we are giving out money to the non producers and taking it from the producers who are leaving the country in droves. Do you really blame the “greedy” corporations for up and leaving when they are constantly harrassed and targeted by the government? If we don’t cut the lawyers, unions, government workers, and other leeches of our tax dollars out, there will be no money left.

And most of what Obama has done has kept unemployment above 9%, increased energy prices for everyone, and has built a deficit that our grandkids will be paying on. Ever take a consumer math class? You don’t spend more money than you make to get you out of debt. That is ridiculous. Education surely is lacking as about 40% of the nation has no financial common sense.

Jan 26, 2011 12:14am EST  --  Report as abuse
coach3rdbase wrote:


Jan 26, 2011 1:19am EST  --  Report as abuse
lilywhite wrote:

I watched the lame speech- come on-the only proposals were a joke–all vague imaginings Though he did say we need to end unfair tax advantages for big businesses-He just made the CEO of GE his economic advisor–The most egregious example is General Electric ( GE – news – people ). Last year the conglomerate generated $10.3 billion in pretax income, but ended up owing nothing to Uncle Sam. In fact, it recorded a tax benefit of $1.1 billion.
All that talk about investing in education. Math doesn’t seem to be Obama’s strong suit–he is raising the debt limit by a trillion dollars each six months–but his freeze will cut 400 billion in ten years. That doesn’t keep up with the interest on our borrowing–
The FREEZE is a snow job

Jan 26, 2011 1:22am EST  --  Report as abuse
CampOut7 wrote:

Dead Blogging the State of the Union Address:


Jan 26, 2011 1:59am EST  --  Report as abuse
texas58 wrote:

The writers of this article must be in the tank for Obama. He has done nothing reflecting centrism since the day he was elected, and this speech had nothing of the sort. And so what if he now says he wants a freeze on non-defense, non-discretionary spending after his 3.3 trillion dollar spending spree. It’s a drop in the bucket. Plus, most of his speech was about more spending, not less. Wow, never thought I’d be able to say this but we have a worse president than Jimmy Carter.

Jan 26, 2011 2:08am EST  --  Report as abuse
Revenimus wrote:

@Velmaa1 – I agree with you and also hesitated before adding my thoughts, as most of the comments here are so inane and downright puerile. There is an old saw that says that if you go smelling for faeces amongst the roses, you will smell the cowdung. Seems the motivation for all the vitriol that has been posted on these boards is mere hatred for the person of the presidency than the substance of the SOTU address.

Anyhow, the SOTU by its very nature remains a political speech which grants the POTUS an opportunity to set policy agendas for the sitting congress. It reviews the prevailing status quo, and then sets the tone for handling any and all the issues surrounding that prevailing status quo and finally, sets the course for a new status quo.This is a fact missed by most of the hate-filled morons who still claim to love these our United States :( To those that claim that the POTUS is ‘way over his head’ I would like to see you in that office for half a day and the decisions you would make – heck, an even better proposition is if you think the incumbent POTUS is way over his head then you should run for office, so that the world can know how it really should be done. Quit hiding behind your keyboard, get out of the basement and come smell the fresh air of a new direction.

Now – the speech itself was well nuanced and set the tone for a new direction for the country. It has some short and mid-term domestic goals with education as the backbone of America’s renewal. His approach to foreign policy makes the most sense in this new world order. Engage the world, walk softly but with a big stick as opposed to stomping around noisily, exposed even if you are holding a big stick. We should be on the right track – as long as we can convince the haters, morons and other animals that it takes vision to get us out of this morass. Without an articulated vision, this vicious cycle of ad hominem attacks the elected, political leadership and disrespecting any positions that are articulated from the Executive branch (when we disagree with their political choices. Until Americans can agree to take a holistic approach to our problems, we will be stuck in the ‘us versus them’ argument and a house divided against itself will fail.

With this speech – President Obama completed his metamorphis from political candidate to a true, international statesman. His approach to foreign policy – that we do not have to insult our international partners and protagonists with this fiery rhetoric but that we can take a nuanced, dignified approach to international relations, with the added caveat that rogue nations/states still need to be wary of America’s ability to exert military pressure to backup its diplomatic efforts. True statesmanship!

Jan 26, 2011 2:22am EST  --  Report as abuse
Revenimus wrote:

Did I mistakenly stumble on a Tea Party Convention, disparage everything in the SOTU address party?

Jan 26, 2011 2:25am EST  --  Report as abuse
Sinbad1 wrote:

As an outside observer I can’t see how the US debt will be reduced by a significant amount. The Sputnick moment that occured so long ago, I actually saw it fly by one night in Melbourne when I was a kid. Anyway back then the US had buckets of money and could afford to do what ever it wanted. Kennedy was also a brilliant orator and could stir and inspire an audience like few others, Obama is no Kennedy.

Jan 26, 2011 3:40am EST  --  Report as abuse
Inphi wrote:

Spending with a trillion dollar debt! Spending while attempting to curb that debt! The U.S is obsessed with not lagging behind that they keep piling up more debt to keep up with the rest of the world. Doing so will only postpone their demise. The debt cannot just disappear into nothing like the money printed seems to appear out of nothing. Spending to help businesses when they are most likely in a bubble will only aggravate the burst of such a bubble. A few years later the Democrats will act dumbfounded, wondering why the American economy has crashed again. Then they, armed with Economists, will blame it on a natural business cycle.

Jan 26, 2011 7:56am EST  --  Report as abuse
breezinthru wrote:

I liked most of Obama’s ideas, but a speech is only a speech, an indication of intentions. How those intentions play out is what counts.

Jan 26, 2011 8:12am EST  --  Report as abuse
giveitthought wrote:

Joe Biden had it right- this guy is no leader. Now we’ll have to wait another two years to get one into office, all the while watching the economy languish and listening to more meaningless speeches.

Two YEARS. This really bites.

Jan 26, 2011 9:57am EST  --  Report as abuse
varela wrote:

After reading all the comments I think the quote in the article said it best:
“Michelle Sharron, 47, a writer in the software industry in San Francisco, said: “This is definitely a lesson in compromise, but I think it is the hard reality of getting things done. Outrage is easy. Compromise is hard.”

Jan 26, 2011 10:29am EST  --  Report as abuse
Dahc wrote:

Nothing changes but the scenery. Same speech given by almost every president, just in different explanatory language.

Jan 26, 2011 11:09am EST  --  Report as abuse
hsvkitty wrote:

Yes Revenimus. The Tea Partyists are sitting at their computers ready to pounce on anything that has the word Obama or healthcare in it… So they can add their vitriol.

That this group won’t take a breather to see if their words have any merit or to give credit where it might be due, speaks volumes to their intelligence quotient and the absurdity of their cause. (or prejudices which is often the case)

Jan 26, 2011 11:21am EST  --  Report as abuse
txgadfly wrote:

How can anyone allow these politicians to ignore our Middle East spending since that runs over 90% of our budget deficit at well over a trillion dollars last year alone? Cut highways. Cut Social Security. Cut Medicare. Cut education. But continue to support one set of Middle Eastern crooks and religious zealots against another? How did our political system get so unresponsive to the people? And we are supposed to get upset about the Ivory Coast’s governmental problems? When over 75% of the American people disapprove of a 10 year old war and they will not stop? Will not even discuss it? Our system is corrupt and deeply flawed.

Jan 26, 2011 1:45pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Ciao wrote:

At some point we are going to have to face the 300 pound gorilla. It is mentioned over and over again but in the context of “things we can’t do anything about.” That is of course non-discretionary spending i.e. entitlements. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid take up the majority of our budget. Yet instead of trying to find ways to address the fact that this amount is going to rise dramatically as baby boomers retire, we kick the can down the road and give lip service to the other 1/3 of the budget. In fact, we actually make it worse by adding more entitlements. It’s time to face the painful decisions that will have to be made sometime.

Jan 26, 2011 2:41pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Soothsayer wrote:

Out-innovate: since the corporate sector won’t risk it’s own capital on R&D, where there may or may not be a return, why, we’ll give them taxpayer dollars (that we don’t have) to do their R&D. Can everyone say ‘trickle down economics?’ Obama, this is dumb. Where is your vision?

Out-educate: The federal government’s intervention into education has been a failure and strongly correlates with the decline in our children’s learning (as does net income, personal wealth, single parenthood) So, let’s create a new program and spend more taxpayer dollars (that we don’t have) to increase education services. Obama, this is dumb. Where is your vision?

Out-compete: The business world sees market growth overseas, and tax advantages overseas. The first we should have no control over, but we actually worsen the situation by exporting consumerism (by any way possible, including military force), the second we create by favorable tax structures. I didn’t hear we are going to reverse these things, did you? Obama, you are blowing smoke. Why should I believe what you say?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

Jan 26, 2011 2:50pm EST  --  Report as abuse
giveitthought wrote:

Nothing to see here- move along.

Jan 26, 2011 3:05pm EST  --  Report as abuse
GeyeJo wrote:

$1,480,000,000,000.00 deficit? What happened to cutting spending? The “tax cuts” are the exact same tax levels we have had for the last few years – where did the additional spending come from, huh? Roll it back!

Jan 26, 2011 3:58pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Silkster wrote:

re:”To hold its own against rising powers like China and India, Obama said the United States should be “winning the future” by investing in high technology.”

… yeah, that should be the private sector doing that if we want to get it quickly, not the government… Having the government do it will cost 1000 times more and it will always be 20 yrs away.. That’s why we haven’t gotten off of oil as an energy source..

Jan 26, 2011 4:17pm EST  --  Report as abuse
Willie12345 wrote:

This budget issue shouldn’t be a battle, it should be a war. This mad man needs to be stopped immediately and the budget cut by 40 %, plus a 15 % pay reduction for Fed. workers, and all gov. contracts suspended or canceled. What about broke doesn’t Washington understand ???

Jan 26, 2011 4:31pm EST  --  Report as abuse
DPender wrote:

Doesn’t the guy know he looks pretty in front of the camera? He has been a fraud from the beginning and is still a fraud. This feign to the center is a ploy to try to secure reelection. Reagan said: “Trust but verify”. I wouldn’t trust as far as I could throw.

Jan 26, 2011 9:00pm EST  --  Report as abuse
robert1234 wrote:

There won’t be a real fight. Obama will fold to the corporations again, just like he has on close to 100% of his “initiatives” He solves the problem by adopting the Republican proposal, which he even admitted about the so-called “Heath” deal. Obama is a Republican at heart, and pretending otherwise won’t solve any of the problems he’s produced. He’s betrayed America and deserves to be impeached for lying to us in his campaign. There is not ONE time he actually fought for anything.

Jan 26, 2011 10:24pm EST  --  Report as abuse
ROWnine wrote:

Don’t worry, be happy. The top 2% will probably cover the whole bill by contributing to the save our children’s children fund. Just make it a charity and they will save us as long as they can place their friends and family on the list of trustees and board of directors.

Jan 26, 2011 11:20pm EST  --  Report as abuse
flier wrote:

One has to feel sorry for America’s progressive voters and Obama reading the drivel misinformed, uneducated navelgazing and gun toting Americans sprout. They still live in the 50s and do not want to acknowledge that the party, tea or otherwise, is over.

Jan 26, 2011 11:23pm EST  --  Report as abuse
randydutton wrote:

WTF? Winning The Future has an appropriate acronym.

Progressives bloat the budget 25% in 4 years then want to freeze it at those levels for 5 years. That is insane.

Obama pretends he wants to hold down spending then wants to ramp up ‘investment’ aka ’spending’.

If Obama REALLY wanted to immediately create jobs, he would lift the crippling moratorium on offshore oil drilling; he would rein in agencies such as the EPA that are creating chaos in communities, states, and with business. He would eliminate the green mandates that are driving up our price of fuel and energy.

Jan 27, 2011 1:04am EST  --  Report as abuse
uc8tcme wrote:

I have heard this “investment AKA Spending” stuff. They are not the same – Investing is expecting a return and Spending does not expect a return. Investing in GM should return a positve profit v.s. Spending in Iraq will not expect a return (unless the take their oil), then it will become a investment – but with a negative return.

Jan 27, 2011 12:39pm EST  --  Report as abuse
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