
جمهورية مصر العربية

Israel Fears Future Minus Mubarak

Abraham Rabinovich, The Australian

Who Speaks for Moderate Arabs?

Trudy Rubin, Miami Herald

Beware Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Leslie Gelb, The Daily Beast

As protests erupted in Egypt, Washington struggled desperately to find the right response to the crisis....(full article)

The possible fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak confronts Israel with the possibility that its own geopolitical situation in the region could sharply deteriorate....(full article)

The Arab street suddenly uses 'our' methods: Facebook and Twitter - the tools of democracy we have invented - to present us with a situation of disorder....(full article)

The question swirling around the Tunisian rebellion is whether it can finally provide an example of an Arab country where moderate, democratic forces - not dictatorial, not radical...(full article)

As Washington reviews its policy toward Cairo this weekend, officials should think hard about fostering a Mubarak-led transition rather than one led by protesters....(full article)

Most Recent Articles

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What Obama Can Learn from Carter's Missteps - Gary Sick, Foreign Policy

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Mubarak's Dictatorship Must End Now - The Observer

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Don't Fear the Muslim Brotherhood - Bruce Riedel, The Daily Beast

The Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia has sent a shock wave through the Arab world. Never before has the street toppled a dictator. Now Egypt is shaking, Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year-ol...

Egypt: Rage or Revolution? - Washington Institute

Inspired by events in Tunisia, tens of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets on January 25 in major cities from Alexandria to Cairo, the largest demonstrations to hit the coun...

U.S. Must Press Mubarak on Reforms - Los Angeles Times

No one expects the United States to advocate regime change. Nor is it likely to condition the more than $1 billion in economic and military aid it sends to Egypt each year on polit...

Be Careful What You Wish for in Arab World - Anthony Cordesman, FT

The west must set up programmes to help states develop their economies in ways that meet popular expectations and needs, and not simply provide macroeconomic growth or project aid...

Will Obama Get it Right on Egypt? - Jackson Diehl, Washington Post

U.S. support for a peaceful transition from Mubarak's government to a new democracy could be decisive - and it is not too late to take the right side....

What Are Egypt's Protests Really About? - Lee Smith, Weekly Standard

The history of revolutionary action shows that people go to the streets to shed blood more often than they do to demand democratic reforms....

Arabs Tire of the Men Who Would Be King - Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

Dynastic succession is common in the Middle East - but across the region, heirs-apparent have cause for concern....

Time for a Big Speech from Obama - Mark Leon Goldberg, UN Dispatch

January 27, 2011 Mark Leon Goldberg Category: Rights ...

The Coming Middle East - Judah Grunstein, Trend Lines

We'll be looking at a regional landscape that resembles something along the lines of 1973, only with Turkey and Iran no longer staunch U.S. allies....

Peaceful Transition Needed in Egypt - New York Times

Mr. Mubarak may still have a chance to steer his country on a stable path without sacrificing it to extremist elements. That will require ordering security forces to exercise restr...

Hosni Mubarak Should Go - But Not Yet - National Review

We don’t know where the protests of the last few days will lead. They may fizzle, or Egyptian security forces — not known for their squeamishness — may succeed in...

Mubarak, Your Plane Is Waiting - Yasmine El Rashidi, NY Review of Books

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Mideast Unrest Challenges U.S. - Solomon & Spindle, Wall St. Journal

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A Manifesto For Change in Egypt - Mohamed ElBaradei, The Daily Beast

This week the Egyptian people broke the barrier of fear, and once that is broken, there is no stopping them....

Will the Arab Revolution Spread? - Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy

But I found it unsatisfying to settle for such skepticism as I watched the massive demonstrations unfold in Egypt on my Twitter feed while moderating a panel discussion on Tunisi...

Egypt's Unstable Regime - Washington Post

Tuesday's events suggested that the Cairo government is not at all stable....

What WikiLeaks Has Done for Arab World - Tom Malinowski, Foreign Policy

In one fell swoop, the candor of the cables released by WikiLeaks did more for Arab democracy than decades of backstage U.S. diplomacy....

World Food Prices Are Too Low - Nick Cullather, Globe and Mail

The global economy includes the global countryside, and the return of prosperity will have to begin there....

Egypt's Protests Breaking New Ground - Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

Egyptians have been here before, but the nature of this protest will unsettle a regime for which complacency is a way of life....

Egypt Must Not Turn Back on Democracy - Mohamed ElBaradei, Der Spiegel

After the revolution in Tunisia, observers are wondering if governments in other North African states could also fall. In a SPIEGEL interview, Egyptian Nobel Peace Prize laureate M...

An Odd Stance Toward Egypt, Colombia - Robert Kagan, Washington Post

Why doesn't the U.S. ratify a free trade deal with Colombia?...

Is Egypt the Next Regime to Fall? - Mike Giglio, Daily Beast

Khaled Said, a small businessman in the historic Egyptian city of Alexandria, was dragged from an Internet café by police and beaten to death in the street last summer. Said wasnâ...

A Gas Fields Row in the Mediterranean? - Robbie Sabel, Jerusalem Post

The Tamar and Leviathan gas fields belong to Israel. But what happens when more are discovered where maritime boundaries have not been agreed upon?...

Egypt vs. Extremism - Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Wall Street Journal

While the recent attack led to an outpouring of anger among Copts, Egypt - unlike other countries in the region - has been remarkably immune to the scourge of sectarianism....

Egypt's Copt Crisis One of Democracy - Omar Ashour, Daily Star

Egypt's sectarian crisis is rooted in the absence of four factors....

Self-Immolation and Individual Freedom - Jerusalem Post

The personal stories of despair that led up to these acts of self-sacrifice are inevitably brought to the forefront....

About Egypt

  • Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Population: 83,082,869 (15th)
  • Area Size: 387,000 sq mi (30th)
  • GDP: $444.8 billion (27th)
  • Currency: Egyptian pound (EGP)
  • Official Language: Arabic
  • Capital City: Cairo
  • Largest City: Cairo

Egypt Prosperity Rank: 89

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