Who cares about the Birth Certificate? I wanna see the Wiring Schematic

So, this is the New and Improved Obama! New Lemon-Scented Obama! Obama 2.0!

I’m sure the swells in Georgetown get really geeked for the State of Union Speech. Out here in the provinces, though, it sure has taken on the air of an Infomercial held at the Sheraton Suites: The carpeting looks nice, the furnishings have that deeply polished patina, and the well-tailored suits and up-dos look great on the tube. Maybe there’s a QuickStart ™ breakfast out in the Rotunda following the speech.

It’s all really rather phony and embarrassing. And kind of tawdry.

The radio newscasters all during the day sounded like fans of Tommy “Tightpants” Jones, breathless in their near-orgasmic anticipation that tonight, Barack would put the “BAM!” back in “Obama”; Ann Compton probably had already removed her bloomers, and held them surreptitiously in her purse, in complete preparedness to throw them at the President from her seat in the gallery above the Speakers Rostrum. Would he tack to the Center (pant, pant)? Oh, my, that spending freeze gets me HOT, Mr. President!

While driving home this evening, I had the radio on, and I listened to the Great Orator give his Great Oratory. Sadly, the only thing I could hear was the voice of Representative Joe Wilson yelling “Liar!“. Maybe, I thought, this was simply a repeat of last years Great Oratory given by the Great Orator.

It had to be.

The mellifluous tones were saying the same things: “Investments!” “Common Sense Solutions!” “Health care costs!” “Both Democrats and Republicans Agree!” And it was certainly the voice of Barack himself, with the same staccato bursts of syllables, the same harsh “Ssss-es” at the end of every plural (-which, to my ears, have taken on the tone of a bandsaw cutting annodized aluminum). But, he was saying the exact same things he’s been saying in every speech I’ve every heard him give.

How does he do it? How does he keep giving the same damned speech, about Bringing Down Health Care Costs, and then thrash around like the Tasmanian Devil doing everything in his power to drive UP the price of healthcare, and people somehow think he’s truthful and earnest, when all the real-life evidence of the last twenty-four months shows he manifestly is not? How? How does he continue to talk about “investing” in more “light rail” and “fixing our crumbling roads and bridges” as if he didn’t just sign the most massive, most out-of-control spending program in the history of the Federal Government less than two years ago– that was filled with subsidies for “light rail” and “crumbling bridges”? How does he talk about keeping our air breathable and our food safe and our milk all warm and chocolatey in one breath, and in the next talk about “reforming the way Government does business” and “reducing outdated regulations”? How does a sentient, sane man say these things? How?

The only way? Obama must be a cyborg. He’s a robot. That’s it!

Which, of course, explains why there is no birth certificate. There might be an operator’s manual somewhere. No birth certificate, but maybe a Warranty Certificate. If THAT can be found, maybe we can return him to Best Buy, or wherever he came from. This model, Barack Obama 2.0 is broken: He keeps giving the same speech, over and over and over.

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25 Comments Leave a comment

No manual, no box.

Kenny Solomon Tuesday, January 25th at 11:33PM EST (link)

Original packing material gone too.

The unit was apparently purchased on the gray market and has a non-US warranty.

They even had to buy a universal TelePrompTer remote control separately.

If the unit keeps up this way, the purchasing consortium might ask for a refund.

But they also may send it in for repairs, even if they have to actually break it themselves.

Kenny Solomon
South Florida

Patriot Guard Riders
Standing for those who stood for us.


Repair_Man_Jack Friday, January 28th at 10:36AM EST (link)

You just implied it was a “Black-Box” System. “The Horror!” cried Kurtz.

“Practice more. Suck less.” - Tiger Mom motto from the Ask a Korean! Blog.

Black box?

SoulEspresso Sunday, January 30th at 11:57PM EST (link)



Best blog title of the week.

RoguePolitics Wednesday, January 26th at 12:02AM EST (link)

Serious entry for the year.

“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.” George Orwell

“Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now what’s going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?” Will Rogers

When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object. Patrick Henry




heartlander Thursday, January 27th at 12:57AM EST (link)

Well he is, after all, only a telemprompter.

bjwilson83 Thursday, January 27th at 1:07AM EST (link)

What, you expected him to actually THINK?

Disclaimer: some terms in this comment may be militaristic in nature. If you are a crazy person, please interpret these words as a call to engage in non-threatening letter campaign to your elected officials written on the inside cover of Hallmark Cards that feature puppies on front cover. (h/t jerry39)


And he only cost a few trillion dollars. nt

rightwingmom52 Thursday, January 27th at 1:16AM EST (link)

And, of course...

conservativecurmudgeon Thursday, January 27th at 8:53AM EST (link)

…we’ve lost the receipt. And it was on the VISA card, too.

Name on the visa was Mickey Mouse traced to some foreign country. nt

Common_Cents Friday, January 28th at 11:01AM EST (link)

Leaders don’t create movements. Movements create leaders. Get involved. Your future depends on it.

Govt “invests” YOUR tax money for POLITICAL return rather than economic return.

So What Gave It Away?

Repair_Man_Jack Friday, January 28th at 11:13AM EST (link)

The Ears?

“Practice more. Suck less.” - Tiger Mom motto from the Ask a Korean! Blog.


uselogic Friday, January 28th at 8:21PM EST (link)

That’s gonna hurt!


From Jim Gerahty's Morning Jolt

itrytobenice Friday, January 28th at 10:54AM EST (link)

(which you, too, can subscribe to for the bargain price of $0.00)

We have our answer. Faced with the defining problem of our time, President Obama examined all of the options ranging from painful and unpopular to even more painful and even more unpopular, lifted his head, looked the American people in the eye and declared . . .


The 3 a.m. phone call arrived — who would have guessed it would be the CBO calling with the crisis? — and Obama is letting it go to voice mail. Either we reform entitlements now with some pain or we confront their collapse sometime in the not-too-distant future with much worse pain. And yet, judging by Obama’s speech, what really excites him is high-speed rail, manufacturing solar panels, and straightening out which department regulates salmon. He clearly has little interest in cutting government beyond defense.

It’s as if 9/11 occurred and President George W. Bush had responded, “yes, stopping the terrorists is important, but I was elected to enact education reform and that remains my top priority.”

Obama is failing at the number one job of the Presidency (and all the others as well, but that’s for another day): confronting the crisis of the day in a wise manner.

Proper grammar saves lives.

Let’s eat Grandma.
Let’s eat, Grandma.


Great one, CC

mspector Friday, January 28th at 11:12AM EST (link)

The guy is programmed (or, as only a true Cyborg can do, has programmed himself) to deliver the same canned material over and over and over. I keep asking why conservative talking heads keep giving this guy a pass on his speeches, including the Tucson speech (since when is it “presidential” to exploit the death of a 9-year-old girl for political advantage?).

I also keep wondering why the liberals don’t care how empty and wooden his perorations are. But I’m beginning to get it (I know, I can be slow). Things like the memo regarding WH cooperation with the unions reveal the fact of the matter and the manic lame-duck legislation binge, which is that liberals know that BObama will do what he wants to do regardless of electoral opinion and sentiment or the makeup of Congress.

They welcome the dictator in the WH. They wanted to welcome the dictator in the Senate, but sadly for them Dirty Harry had a moment of clarity and realized that today’s majority is tomorrow’s minority (it only took him 2 1/2 months to absorb the lesson of 11/2/10, but he got there). The liberals as a whole still don’t get it: the WH may house “their” dictator today, but it will house our PRESIDENT tomorrow.


Who Cares About the Birth Certificate? Obama's Attorneys

1689 Friday, January 28th at 6:54PM EST (link)

Obama has hired private & government attorneys to suppress the disclosure of, what is ordinarily, a mundane run-of-the-mill, legal document. He has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to prevent its disclosure. If a corporation did this, the media would in a nano-second conclude: A-Ha! They’re hiding something, damaging information that prove the corporation’s GUILT!!! Same principle applies here without a doubt. There is damaging information in the birth certificate. Who knows what it is, but the truth MUST come out. He’s the holder of the office of the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world. You cannot have the person holding that office hiding secrets from the American public, period. Whatever it is, it must be disclosed.

You're asking the right question... "WHY?"

Flagstaff Monday, January 31st at 6:15PM EST (link)

Only a cynic would claim to know why the MSM hasn’t been interested in the answer to that question. And when one of them does bring it up, they always point to the obvious wrong answers and disparage the idea that the question should even be asked.

Pluto, the Ninth Planet - Forever!
“It’s quite satisfying to call someone an insulting colloquialism, even when it’s not accurate!”–Temperance Brennan, Bones
“Conservatism with a backbone.”–Flagstaff
God may not be watching you, but one of His cellphone cameras is.
Paddle faster–I hear banjo music!



Right Reason Friday, January 28th at 7:50PM EST (link)

Well, maybe I can get store credit.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

- Winston Churchill


Until the new governor of Hawaii stuck his nose in it,

The_Gadfly Saturday, January 29th at 4:32AM EST (link)

I didn’t either. But now that he has, I actually am rather interested in it. Not so much to have it published for all to see. I really do understand that while this is a run of the mill legal document, it does contain bits of information that in our current society its best not to have floating around. I will grant that if you are a famous person, those bits are rather more likely to be readily locatable from other sources so it probably isn’t really as confidential as it would be for the rest of us. And I really would rather not have to face the aftermath of the Constitutional equivalent of a big nuke going off in the Whitehouse. But darn it I am really rather bothered by the fact that the Governor of Hawaii has looked at this and now told us HE doesn’t think the document exists, yet a Hawaii judge has ruled that a mere notation on a non-binding leger says it once existed and that therefore The Big 0 is qualified to be the President. I want the document FOUND.

And while I concur with rest of the diary, I really don’t want to see the wiring diagram either. My head hurts enough without trying to make sense of that too.

We’ve been called racists enough now that it shouldn’t bother us any more.

-AChance, http://www.redstate.com/moe_lane/2009/11/03/what-men-may-do-we-have-done/#comment-24463

I'm with you on the bc

minorcanmaven Saturday, January 29th at 8:17PM EST (link)

I was bothered by it, because NO ONE else could get away with it, and I thought it arrogant for him to blow it off. But, I let it go….now…hmm..I’m bothered again. But, WAY, WAY more interested in the “lost years” of college, grades, papers, health records (like we got on eveyrone else throughout the years)….

Minorcan Maven

Freedom isn’t Free ~ But, It’s WORTH It!!


i'm just ready

gillis7 Saturday, January 29th at 8:59AM EST (link)

I would pay money to see him react to a reporter asking him the question:

President Obama , do you believe that Jesus Christ is God?

there is only one way for a christian to respond.

The possesed can answer the same way

wennejunk Saturday, January 29th at 9:31AM EST (link)

Mark 5

“He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” ”

So…you don’t have to be a Christian.

There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ -C. S. Lewis

But if he answered in the voice of Legion

SoulEspresso Sunday, January 30th at 11:59PM EST (link)

it would be more interesting than any of his prepared speeches, now wouldn’t it?


Time to revisit the lemon laws.

Locked and Loaded Monday, January 31st at 11:08AM EST (link)




stephaniet Monday, January 31st at 5:49PM EST (link)

…if we lost the receipt… and the original packaging… can we sell him on Ebay?

“*They* say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I *prefer* the weapon you only have to fire *once*. That’s how Dad did it; that’s how America does it… and it’s worked out pretty well so far.”

Yeah, but...

conservativecurmudgeon Monday, January 31st at 5:57PM EST (link)

The shipping is what’ll kill us. Er, I mean (in our new era of civility-) the shipping will “ruin” us. And, I doubt anyone will meet the reserve price…


I recommend this because it's good.

Flagstaff Monday, January 31st at 6:19PM EST (link)

Also, you have a great screen name.

Pluto, the Ninth Planet - Forever!
“It’s quite satisfying to call someone an insulting colloquialism, even when it’s not accurate!”–Temperance Brennan, Bones
“Conservatism with a backbone.”–Flagstaff
God may not be watching you, but one of His cellphone cameras is.
Paddle faster–I hear banjo music!


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