Mediocre Republican Presidents Create Left Wing Ideologue Presidents Like Obama

Soon after the first of the year, at least by Spring, the 2012 Presidential cycle with sprout its wings and candidates who are for the moment speculation will being announcing their exploratory committees, begin raising funds and eventually make that anticipated announcement officially kicking off their run for The White House. Barack Obama is already gearing up for it as David Axelrod is soon leaving to begin what should be a failed run for a second term.

Republicans have a major decision facing them when it comes to a field of candidates who in all honesty do not excite the GOP electorate enough for any of the speculative bunch to garner a significant enough lead in preliminary polling for a , “front runner,” to emerge as the Presidential season soon begins in earnest. The list is long but the interest is not for any one or even three or four possible candidates.

Yet within this future candidate we as conservatives have a task before us that is not only daunting but the future of our Republic rides on who we choose as our candidate and whether that candidate can, one beat Obama, which at least at this point in his unpopularity looks to be a little easier task than usual when a incumbent President is in the election mix. Secondly we must field a candidate who after winning the Presidency does NOT fall into mediocrity as did most of the modern Republican Presidents.

Why do I warn of Republican Presidential mediocrity? It is the failure of Republican Presidents in the last almost 40 years that have created the liberal ideologue Democrat Presidents who have been among our worst and especially the current disaster who will go down in history AS our worst Chief Executive.

The failure and scandals of Richard Nixon which angered Americans bleeding over into the Ford years created Jimmy Carter who as President weakened our country and sent us on a domestic tailspin that saw inflation above 20% and The United States almost becoming a second rate power both militarily and economically. George H.W. Bush and his, “no new taxes,” pledge which was broken along with a very mediocre Presidency which saw Bush fall from a popularity during the Gulf War in the 90 percentile to the low 40’s, created Bill Clinton who tried to take the country to the far left but wised up after his 1994 GOP Congressional shellacking and reluctantly worked with the GOP Congress still fighting for his liberal causes while being impeached for lying to a Grand Jury confused over the definition of, “is.”

Now we come to our current White House occupant who is the Frankenstein of creations by the mediocrity of a Republican President. George W. Bush was a better President than his father yet his failure to stick to his conservative guns by moving to a centrist and in many cases an almost Democrat light approach on the domestic front along with a Republican Congress that followed his example created Barack Obama and helped lead us into the mess we find ourselves in now.

It wasn’t Bush’s prosecution of the war thrust on him by 9/11 nor the total fault of a liberal press that vilified him while he seldom defended himself that created his mediocricy as President but his failure to stand true to conservative values and principles which allowed him to drift from the right to left of center domestic policies and spending which gave voters pause and ushered in the Pelosi/Reid Congress and gave conception and eventual birth to Barack Obama and his Presidency.

Had Bush followed the one and only example in the Presidency over the last 40 years that brought a successful Republican administration and did not create a liberal ideologue who followed in The White House, Barack Obama would have been just a foot note in election politics and not the disaster and dangerous President he has become. Bush’s troubles caused confusion in the GOP ranks giving rise to John McCain who at best was a wet rag candidate that excited no one adding to the false luster of Obama who rise was created by Bush and enhanced by McCain.

The one example of a Republican administration that did not create a liberal ideologue who followed a mediocre GOP President was Ronald Reagan. Reagan stood fast to his conservative principles and values throughout his Presidency. He lead this Nation with strength of character and conscience that revitalized American power both at home and abroad. He did not yield when critics condemned him over his stance against The Soviet Union and he proved to be right in that stance.

Domestically he remained true to his conservative values while battling a Democrat Congress yet still managing to get most of his agenda through that Congress by taking his case directly to the people which caused Congress to back down because of Reagan’s connection with Americans and his ability to promote what he believed which just enhanced that connection to a conservative Nation.

Reagan’s Presidency was not perfect but it was far from mediocre and his strength as a leader along with his ability to inspire Americans to excel and embrace American exceptionalism and patriotism gave us one of the greatest Presidency’s in our history and when he left office he left behind a legacy of greatness that caused the Nation to embrace the candidate he endorsed rather than falling for the flim flam of a created liberal ideologue who falls into office because of a mediocre Republican President.

Whether the left likes it or not we are a conservative Nation. Whether the liberal press believes it or not conservative values and principles if adhered to work to keep us strong and provide domestic success both economically, socially and respect on the foreign front. As Ronald Reagan proved, when a President governs by conservative values and principles the Nation does not fall for the liberal scam candidates who cry for change ONLY for change sake.

Our Nation is crying for strong conservative leadership in our next President. We are longing to see a return to the principles that most of the Nation lives by. Conservative values that embrace God, the family, patriotism, pride in our exceptionalism as a Nation and a people and principles that place the Constitution before ideology and government as a small and quiet servant not a slave master.

As we begin to wade through the field of current Republican prospects or find that one or two whose star has not risen yet but will show as the Presidential season gets into full swing, we must back a candidate who encompasses the principles and values we believe and as Reagan proved the majority of the Nation believes. We cannot settle for mediocrity in our conservative choice but must look for greatness which can inspire our Nation to be equally as great and reach for the stars because THAT is who we are as Americans.

We must find a candidate whose greatness equals the task before them and in whom we can trust to fulfill that task as President and when finished leaves behind a legacy to their predecessor which prevents created disasters like Carter, Clinton and Obama from rising and falling into the Presidency because the people have grown tired of Republican mediocrity in a President. Reagan’s greatness passed down his legacy and prevented an ideologue for change form rising. Whomever we select for 2012 must do the same or even after a Republican Presidency following the Obama disaster we will once again face a repeat of 2008 and the rise of another Obama.

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Thanksgiving And Our American Heritage

As I was anticipating what Thanksgiving would offer, great food, time with our families, football, Christmas decorating and reflecting on the goodness that God has bestowed, I was traveling on one of the main highways near my home. It was cool for the Southeastern Coastal Area and the chill in the air actually added to the warm holiday feeling.

My thoughts were centering around Thanksgiving and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a 100 foot pole with what I believe is one of the most beautiful sights on earth waiving in the breeze. Old Glory was at full furl in the wind. As I took in this magnificent scene I began thinking about the marvelous heritage we as Americans have that no one else on earth can claim.

A heritage that at times we take for granted which has brought us freedom and liberty that have never been experienced before in human history except in this land we love, The United States of America. Freedom that began as ideals then flourished into the gathering of some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known who met in Philadelphia in 1776 and displayed the courage to commit treason against the British Crown in placing their names on a most precious document that brought their ideals into reality and gave birth to a nation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

These are more than just words penned to paper but the birth of freedom and opportunity that began the heritage which allows each of us as Americans to relfect with grateful hearts for all that God has given us throughout our short and prosperous history. This heritage came at a cost through great sacrifice to insure that those freedoms expressed so many years ago which are, “endowed by our Creator,” are able continue for us and future generations.

I think of those bitter days at Valley Forge when the determination of George Washington held the fledgling Continental Army together to later become victorious baptizing this new nation with the precious blood of fallen hero’s. Of those terrible years from 1860-1865 when this young country and her Constitution were put through the ultimate test when brother fought brother, both believing that they were fighting for the same ideals that the Founders intended and when the test was over this Nation found a new birth of freedom that, “this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

I think of the Dough-Boys living in the filth of the trenches of WW I hundreds of miles from home yet still fighting for the same ideals that their brothers died for in the Revolution. Of the , “Greatest Generation, ” who sacrificed and defeated fascism to ring liberties bell loud and long throughout the world as Old Glory flew proclaiming that all men can be free.

The men who landed at Inchon and climbed Pork Chop Hill in, “The Forgotten War, ” Korea, but who fought for liberties flag with the same determination and sacrifice as their brothers of the past. Those who sacrificed and gave of themselves in the jungles of Vietnam standing true to liberties cause. The thousands of hero’s of Desert Storm, Fallujah, Baghdad and the mountains of Afghanistan who defended liberty and sacrificed for freedom.

Then I realized that this marvelous heritage that has grown through history is not just a heritage of the past but a living vibrant heritage that continues to grow and flourish each day that the Red, White and Blue flies, whether here at home, the Middle East, north or south, east or west or where ever the influence of, ” We the People,” and the immortal words of the Declaration penned in 1776 and the Constitution penned in 1787 are expressed by our brave men and women in uniform or by travelers on business or pleasure both at home and abroad. For you see all of us are part of this historical and living heritage that is America.

As freedom rings in this land we love, General Washington still strides atop his white horse. Abraham Lincoln continues to share both his whit and his wisdom to us all. Orville and Wilbur Wright will always be flying at Kitty Hawk, NC. Thomas Edison is inventing the light bulb. Alexander Graham Bell still asks Watson, “can you hear me?” Both making earth changing discoveries. David O Selznick forever directs Scarlett and Rhett. Sousa still waves his baton to the stirring fanfare of , “Stars and Stripes Forever.”

As freedom rings in our beloved America, the battleship Arizona and her brave crew will always sail the seas. Lucy, Ricky, Barney, Andy and the Beaver forever make us laugh. John F. Kennedy eternally proclaims, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Neal Armstrong continues to, “take one small step for a man and one giant leap for mankind.” Ronald Reagan will always see, “the shining city on a hill, ” and the World Trade Center will forever stand glistening in the sun.

Today in distant lands our best and brightest are fighting to keep this heritage of freedom and liberty alive and vibrant so that future generations can forever sing, “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing.” So that future generations will always be able to reflect with pride on the liberties they are now paying for with their unselfish sacrifice.

During this time set aside on the long calendar year to give thanks for all that we have and all that we are, let us not neglect to remember the bountiful blessing each of us know as The United States of America. Giving thanks for our family, our hero’s serving in distant lands and here at home. Thanksgiving for our freedoms and the living, breathing heritage that keeps us free. God bless you and yours through this holiday season and may God continue to bless The United States of America. Happy Thanksgiving.

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

TSA Controversy Exposes Failures Of Government Control

No matter how Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napalitano and the head of the TSA try to spin it, the groping controversy with airport security is not going away and their failure to deal with it in a way that does NOT include a tremendous invasion of privacy exposes the true and real failures of government control over anything especially involving individuals and business.

TSA was made a government entity by an act of Congress when Democrats who were in the majority at the time chose to place the airport security company under total government control rather than allowing the private sector to handle security for airports around the nation. Since then TSA has become a massive government bureaucracy who as with any other government agency becomes completely impersonal and costly to the point that it also becomes ridiculous.

The overbearing power and reach of government is highlighted by the body scan and groping body searches which are now a daily part of airport security since the changes ordered by Homeland Security went into effect on October 29th. The complete lack of concern by TSA and Napalitiano over the invasion of privacy that this enhanced search and scanning causes again exposes just how little concern government has for our privacy, our individuality and our freedom.

Republican Congressman John Mica, who will become Chairman of the House Transportation Committee in January is reminding airports around the country that their contract with government run TSA has an opt out clause which allows them to replace TSA with private security. Airports are now making moves to exercise the opt out clause in light of the scanning/groping controversy.

One major airport which services Central Florida, Orlando Sanford International Airport, is one that is opting out of their TSA contract. “All of our due diligence shows it’s the way to go,” said Larry Dale, the director of the Sanford Airport Authority. “You’re going to get better service at a better price and more accountability and better customer service.”

Eliminating the government from airport security and replacing with private companies is not only much more cost effective but allows the airport to have a better handle on security operations. Additionally where private companies are already running security lines are less, customers are treated better and security is actually better as security personnel use their judgement and professional training rather than following a book of bureaucratic rules as is the case with TSA.

With private security body scans, invasive body searches and groping of Nuns and children are not used since security personnel are trained as to WHO to look for and certain signs of problems rather than a policy that targets every individual just because they are boarding a plane. TSA’s search or scan all policy is a prime example of government run amok and the answer to the problem since government always seeks to invade our privacy, is to dissolve TSA and return airport security to the private sector. Since eliminating a government agency is next to impossible, then the real choice is to eliminate TSA by attrition with airports exercising the opt out clause forcing TSA to die a painful and quick death.

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

The Race For 2012 And Why An Unpopular Barack Obama Could Still Be Reelected

The 2010 mid term is behind us with the results being a devastating political blow to Barack Obama and his bid for reelection in 2012. There is considerable speculation as to whether Obama should even run for reelection much less his chances of winning. Much of the polling for the 2012 Presidential race shows Obama with only slightly over a 30% show of support among voters for a reelection bid. With more than two years left in his Presidency and such low numbers of reelection support a GOP landslide for the White House looks like a possibility.

But it is this possibility that poses a very troubling problem for Republicans when it comes to beating Obama and making him a one term President. Though his popularity has fallen considerably and when a generic question is asked as to whether voters would choose to reelect Obama or not shows very low support, the polling numbers are quite different when Obama is polled against those thought to be the GOP front runners for 2012.

When particular specific Republican candidates, all considered front runners in the GOP field, are polled in a head to head race with Barack Obama each either lose to him or the race is so close it is well within the margin of error. Which exposes the dilemma facing a now resurgent GOP as we draw closer to the 2012 Presidential election. Though voters don’t care for Obama and also don’t want him reelected, they aren’t exactly head over heals for ANY of those who are believed to have aspirations for the Presidency in the Republican camp either.

So where does that leave conservatives as we look forward to Obama being a two year lame duck President with a, “one and done,” Presidency. Who do we throw our support behind and what are their chances of actually winning not only the Republican nomination but the Presidency in 2012. Let’s take a look at those considered the front runners and how they stack up from a Conservative view point.

Mitt Romney - Romney has made his 2012 aspirations well known. Many believe he is THE top candidate in the GOP field. While he has the Presidential, “look,” he has major problems for conservative support in 2012. Anyone who opposes Obamacare and must consider Romney a dead horse because of his record as Massachusetts Governor. Romneycare, as it has been called, is almost a State image of Obama’s debacle and Romney supports some sort of Universal Health Care. His program has cost Massachusetts millions and he still brags about how, “good,” it is. Though he polls well at GOP gatherings in straw polls, remember those are easily manipulated by getting supporters for a given candidate to flood the poll. Romney also has the loser curse on him. Only Richard Nixon has won the Presidency AFTER losing the election in a prior election year. Ronald Reagan won after losing the nomination in 1976 and Bush 41 did also but only because he was Reagan’s VP. Once a candidate loses they are usually cursed to lose again.

Mike Huckabee - The former Arkansas Governor has become quite the celebrity with his Fox News television show. But again Huckabee has some political baggage when it comes to garnering real conservative support for 2012. While Governor of Arkansas Huckabee though talking as a fiscal conservative actually raised the tax rate in the state during his reign as State Chief Executive. He raised taxes as Governor MORE than Bill Clinton who held the states previous record. Why would a Huckabee Presidency be any different. Also Huckabee holds the same loser curse as Romney voters don’t elect former nomination losers.

Sarah Palin - Sarah is a true conservative through and through. She helped catapult the Tea Party into the national spotlight and has an excellent record of victories with conservative candidates she has endorsed, supported and campaigned for. She is a power house on the campaign trail and her support is almost election assurance. She has avoided specifically saying yes to a 2012 run but has also NOT ruled it out and her actions are definitely pointed toward the Presidency. Among possible 2012 candidates Palin polls much lower than others when head to head with Obama mostly because she is very polarizing and voters while liking her are not sure they trust her or want her for the Presidency. She also has a lot of undeserved baggage because of the liberal press and her resignation as Alaska Governor.

Newt Gingrich - The former Speaker of the House is probably the most knowledgeable and politically savvy of Republicans considering a 2012 run. His experience in the political field combined with his excellent knowledge of history and grasp of the issues makes Gingrich a highly qualified candidate for the Presidency. He has strong conservative credentials but has angered conservatives several times because he has shown a tendency to set aside conservative principles momentarily to favor what is supposedly best politically which sometimes does not see eye to eye with conservative values and ideals. He like Palin also has a considerable amount of undeserved media driven baggage, but unlike Palin, Gingrich has some personal baggage due to an affair which would hound him in a Presidential run.

Bobby Jindal - The Louisiana Governor has not made Presidential aspirations known but because of his rising star in GOP circles his name falls into the mix. He has brought good conservative governing to a state that was plagued by years of liberal dominance and is turning the states fortunes around because of it. Though carrying no baggage like other front runners, Jindal has the unfortunate situation of being an virtual unknown to most voters and Governor of a State that only makes headlines in a disaster. He was also not at all impressive during his big national opportunity when he gave the GOP response to Obama’s first State of the Union. While saying good things his delivery was poor and sounded almost childish which does not play well on a national stage.

Jeb Bush - Many conservatives like Jeb and rightfully so because he has a decent conservative record. But Bush’s problem is simple which is why this evaluation will be short. He is a Bush and the American people will not vote another Bush in no matter how likable he is because it looks to much like a Presidential Dynasty.

Jim DeMint - Of all the 2012 possibilities DeMint has the strongest conservative credentials. He has been an unabashed in the trenches Constitutional conservative who has shown no fear of taking a principled stand alone as long as it followed strict Constitutional muster. His willingness to buck the party political system has drawn anger from party officials but if he makes a Presidential run that can easily be overcome with voter popularity. DeMint has stated he has no Presidential aspirations but has also not closed the door either choosing to rather support another but showing a willingness to run if no other steps forward taking a principled conservative stand. He could be a 2012 dark horse.

Chris Christie - Like DeMint, Christie does not run from a fight nor back down when it comes to principles and tough decisions. He has gained considerable popularity among conservatives as he has taken strong stands making touch decisions to turn New Jersey around even taking on the powerful special interests without blinking an eye. Also like DeMint, Christie has made it clear he has no Presidential aspirations but again like DeMint he has been in the spotlight recently because of his tough stands and statements which anger the party elite and has gained a good national following. Christie could be another 2012 dark horse.

There are several others who are considered by most as 2012 GOP possibilities which I will bunch into one category for now because even with some national spotlight none have excited voters in the least and at best are considered extremely long shots. They are Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, Mike Pence, ( a quick note on Pence, his star is rising and his conservative credentials are impeccable, but only James Garfield successfully went from a sitting Congressman to the Presidency so there is a historical precedence to consider with voter response), Haley Barbour, John Thune, Mitch Daniels and some have even suggested Jan Brewer. This is not saying that in the long run to 2012 any of these could rise to prominence but at the moment their ticket is weak.

This is the dilemma the GOP faces as 2012 now takes center stage in election politics. While there are good conservatives among those who are considered possibilities for a Presidential run none are showing support among voters enough to defeat Barack Obama much less provide a landslide like the lashing handed to him in the 2010 mid terms. There are still two years until the election and several months before those wanting to run must officially throw their hat into the ring.

One of the problems that helped to destroy GOP chances in 2008 was far to many candidates jumped into the Presidential fray much to early which caused a tiring of election politics by the time the primaries came around. Early front runners faded because of too much face time before the primary elections and a general boredom by the electorate caused low primary turn as no candidate excited the masses. As a result the lack luster John McCain won the nomination and crashed against the unknown, unsubstantial but very charismatic Barack Obama. Even with the sub prime crisis which hurt the GOP more than Democrats a strong Republican candidate could have beaten Obama in 2008.

So there you have it the GOP dilemma and why Barack Obama though unpopular and failing completely as President could still pull out a reelection victory even with the lashing he took earlier this month and the expected conservative change in Congress who are already indicating will follow the will of the people and have learned their lesson from the failure of a GOP majority of the past. Even with a battle ready House standing with the American people against Obama’s agenda who has made it known he is not willing to compromise and listen, the lack of an strong Republican challenger who can excite voters in 2012 still gives Obama an inside track for now.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is a long time and a lot of additional Obama failures that could cause even a weak, or baggage filled GOP candidate to rise up and defeat Obama. I still believe he is going to be a one term President because he has failed so miserably and will continue to do so. He is a complete liberal/socialist/Marxist political ideologue and that will not change because he is far to arrogant to change his stripes and admit he is wrong.

But that also does not change the dilemma facing the GOP and the candidate prospects for 2012. If we the people want true strong conservative leadership in The White House than just as we did in the mid term it is up to us to make our voice known and support a candidate who stands with us in our fight to restore our Republic to strict conservative Constitutional government. Research the field and let those who stand for what we believe know of our support and urge them to step forward for us and America.

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Republican And Tea Party Conservatives, The Battle Has Just Begun, No Compromise

The election that we have been waiting since the day Barack Obama took office has now come and gone. Conservatives came away with a great victory with the greatest take over of the House of Representatives by Republicans since the 1930’s. The Senate while not a GOP majority is now strong enough with 46 or 47 depending on the Alaska results, that Harry Reid will not be able to just bypass the GOP without needing their votes to get anything through.

While disappointing, the Senate still in Democrat control could actually be a blessing in disguise for the 2012 election. I am sure that Obama and Democrats were already planning on running against the, “evil,” Republican control of Congress in 2012, but still having control of the Senate will curtail that opportunity to a great deal.

Many of the Tea Party backed candidates who were thought to gain victory on election day did not and their loss emphasises a problem that we who have fought so hard for this conservative ascendancy will be facing now and in the months leading up to the 2012 election. There are many within the GOP who, in their moderate to left leaning beliefs think that a conservative Republican party is too, “radical,” for their taste.

In fact it is that establishment in the party that prevented candidates like Sharron Angle and Ken Buck to name just two in Senate races and several House races from having the resources needed to overcome well established Democrat Union backed machines entrenched in States and Districts that had a strong get out the vote campaign along with some suspicious activities always associated with an election. In Nevada it went as far as many of the GOP State leaders endorsing Reid to prevent Angle from winning.

Now that the election is over many of these establishment Republicans or RINOS as we call them are already calling for the GOP House and the new conservatives who will sit in the Senate to reach across the isle, get buddy, buddy with Obama and seek compromise with the left in order to get along and set a, “new tone,” in Washington. A tone that has everyone agreeing and standing around the Capitol camp fires singing, “Kum Ba Yah.”

This GOP establishment is willing to join with Democrats and continue IGNORING the will of the people who clearly sent a loud and clear message with last weeks vote that we REJECT Obama policy and the Democrat agenda and demanding Republicans we are sending to take their place NOT reach across the isle, not compromise but STOP the massive slide toward a Socialist America that has been taking place for decades and escalated by Obama and Democrats in the last 20 months.

Our vote did not indicate we wanted a tone of agreement in Washington. It did not indicate we wanted everyone to get along. It indicated that we demand conservative Constitutional principles and we expect NOTHING less from a GOP controlled House and conservatives in the Senate. Soon to be Speaker of the House John Boehner understands this as does Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who have both stated in several new conferences and interviews that in January both will follow, “the people’s agenda,” and if and only if Obama joins with THEM will they discuss working together with The White House.

That is the tone we want in Washington. A tone the follows the will of the people who now demand Constitutional government. We do not want a friendly let’s all get along tone because it is that tone which has allowed much of the decline of conservative values and Constitutional principles taking us down a road NEVER intended by our Founders for our Republic. A road that ignores the people and seeks to expand government to the point that it controls every aspect of American life.

For we who have fought the good fight and and those we have newly elected, reelected or continue in office but understand the election mandate from the people, our battle is just beginning. We now have a battle which must be waged on two fronts. We, as we have been, must continue the fight against Obama and those who seek to destroy our country with an over bearing government and unconstitutional legislation and entitlements designed to enslave a free people to government control.

But in addition to those we have been fighting we now must engage, “establishment,” Republicans who fear their loss of power with the conservative ascendancy that has taken place in the party and in those who have been elected during the mid term. They have controlled the GOP agenda far to long and they will not give up without a fight as they have already proven by their lack of support for many Tea Party candidates and their comments after the election against Jim DeMint, Sarah Palin and other conservatives. Comments the liberal press are all to willing to report in order to show dissension in the ranks of the GOP.

Additionally our activism through large attended gatherings and protests around the country but especially in Washington must continue. The millions of e-mails, letters and phone calls we have sent to our Representatives must not only continue but continue at the massive volumes already experienced. We must stay engaged in this fight and NEVER grow complacent again allowing Washington to control the agenda of the people. This is a country of by and for we the people and those we have elected must be reminded of it constantly.

This is not a time of compromise for the Tea Party and an awakened electorate nor for those who head to Washington with a mandate for conservative Constitutional government. For those in the good old boy GOP establishment, we must follow the example of Ronald Reagan who faced a similar establishment which fought the conservative rise in the late seventies. He embraced the people and the people in return transformed the Republican party into the conservative party.

The establishment Republicans who fear this new conservative ascendancy must not be allowed to dictate party platform or control how the GOP legislates in the House or the Senate. Then over the next two years just as we did with Tea Party backed conservative candidates in this election we field a new group of conservative candidates to weed out those who refuse to listen to the people and refuse to adhere to the people demanded conservative agenda and principles.

We have achieved a great victory by taking over the House and six Senate seats along with most Governorships and 19 new State Legislatures with well over 600 conservatives state representatives elected. But just like those who landed on Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches on D Day 1944, while achieving a foothold we still have a long way to go before achieving total victory. The fight now is in the hedge rows of continued political activism advancing the conservative Constitutional cause until that day when full Constitutional government is restored and our Republic once again is one of, by and for, “We the people!”

Ken Taylor   The Liberal Lie, The Conservative truth

Republicans - This Election Is A Mandate From The People Not For The Party

I have voted Republican in every election since I became eligible in 1974 and have not missed voting in any general election since then. My political views have always, even during my teen years, been conservative, but like many of you who I could not bring myself to vote for Democrats because of their liberal ideology, I have voted for Republicans who I had disagreements with but whose political beliefs still came closer to my own than the Democrat candidate running.

After all I would rather disagree with some one 30% of the time than 100% of the time, right? Well this 2010 mid term election brings with it a victory for Republicans but along with that victory comes a stern warning to the Grand Old Party. This election is not a mandate for a party but one from the people and unlike other elections of the past this one comes with expectations that will determine the course of future elections unlike any in recent history.

Like most of you, though voting and supporting Republican candidates, I was extremely disappointed in the GOP during the last few years in which they held the majority in Congress. When I voted for Republicans, even those in whom I had disagreements, I expected conservative governing and not Democrat light which happened for many of the final years of GOP power.

So my message and that of the American people who are about to return the Congressional reigns back over to the GOP, is simple. We are not giving you a party mandate but a peoples mandate and it comes with expectations that we demand and will not compromise with nor become complacent as has been the case following past election. These expectation are as follows:

1. We expect an immediate return to Constitutional sanity and principles which have been abandoned for decades but especially in the last 20 months under Obama and Democrat control. If ANYTHING does not pass full Constitutional muster then it must be stopped!

2. We expect no compromise with Barack Obama nor working WITH him caving to his agenda just to get along as many especially Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham have already suggested. The American people are angry and it is because of Obama’s failed policy that this anger has manifested. We are sending you to Washington to STOP Obama not help him!

3. We expect legislation to repeal Obamacare. We do not want to hear that it will be a tough battle and there are not enough votes to override an expected Presidential VETO. The country does not want this damaging legislation and we want action against it. Obama will VETO it but, make him do so and show the country he still ignores his true colors force his hand on the issue.

4. We expect Congress to defund Obamacare even with a VETO of repeal legislation. This law is destructive and cannot be allowed to come to fruition for the sake of all Americans and the survival of the country.

5. We expect immediate action to begin shrinking the size and scope of government. This goes hand in hand with our first expectation. The Constitution limits the federal government and we expect the government to return to one that follows those Constitutional limitations as outlined in each Article and in accordance to the Tenth Amendment.

6. We expect immediate action to lift the tax and regulation burden against business which is hampering progress and destroying jobs. Until this relief begins job creation will continue to be non-existent and unemployment will remain steady or grow. Millions are out of work and private sector business has the only means to create the jobs to employ Americans but government MUST get off the back of business owners for it to happen. In conjunction with this we also expect government to get out of running private business. Return GM and Chrysler to the private sector and all other government controlled businesses. No more bailouts which places business at the mercy of government. Government has no business in the private sector period.

7. We expect tax relief for all American who pay taxes. Extending the Bush tax cuts is just the beginning. This is not relief it only prevents a massive tax hike. Americans know how to handle their own money far better than the government. Tax relief is not only the best economic stimulus but will increase government revenues as have been proven before

8. We expect full and complete fiscal discipline. NO MORE DEFICIT SPENDING PERIOD. Out of control spending is bankrupting our country and passing the bill on to our children for generations. We will not allow government to bankrupt future generations in order to pay for unneeded and unnecessary government today. Stop the madness and cut spending immediately.

9. We expect increased revenue which comes from tax relief along with the savings from cutting spending to be applied 100% to paying our national debt and not paying for expanded government programs. Until the debt is reduced foreign powers especially China control Americas financial future and creates a security risk which endangers EVERY American.

10. We expect immediate and strong border security. No more half measures, nor more compromise. Build the fence and make all necessary means even if it includes the military to secure our border and end illegal entry into our country and the violence and burden on our economy that is associated with illegal aliens and the Mexican drug cartels.

11. We expect ALL current immigration laws to be enforced even if it means deporting every illegal alien in the process. We cannot allow our laws to violated and providing amnesty for those who have illegally entered our country compromises the law and encourages the breaking of other laws. Arizona has the right idea ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAW NOW!

12. We expect The United States to be strong. This does not mean appeasing enemies. This does not mean political correctness toward terrorism or those who perform terrorist acts even if those actions are in the name of a religion. Killing Americans or seeking to kill Americans will not be tolerated period and appeasing those who do so in order to sound kind and gentle does not protect our country. The primary job of government is to defend the Nation SO DEFEND IT!

These expectations are the most immediate and the tip of the peoples iceberg. We understand that it has taken years to get into this mess and the restoration of Constitutional government will not happen over night, but we expect and we demand that it start and start immediately and continue until restored. We the people are tired of being ignored. We are tired of hearing excuses and we are tired of watching our freedoms and Republic compromised.

We expect the path of destruction we have been on to stop and we expect it to reverse course NOW. If not then come 2012 we will rise again and send new representation to Washington as we are in 2010. Democrats are beyond hope of being anything but progressives who seek to socialize America. Republicans too have progressives who we are removing this year and will seek to remove more in the future when they come up for reelection.

Ronald Reagan made the GOP the party of conservative Constitutional values and as we return Republicans to power we expect Constitutional conservatism in all governing and representation of the people. We the people are the boss. We expect those in Washington to serve us. We are showing that when they don’t we will rise and remove them from power. Republicans take heed, you have said you have learned your lesson. We expect you to govern accordingly listening and following the will of the people……or else!

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Racist In Chief Strikes Again - Mr. Obama We Are Fed Up With You

In yet another campaign stop and another race baiting moment for the Racist in Chief, Barack Obama was lashing out at Republicans in anticipation of the GOP surge which will deliver the House and maybe the Senate on November 2. Obama the arrogant race baiter sees the job of Republicans when they take the majority to bow to him and as Democrats have walk in lock step with his Marxist agenda. So in his campaign stop he actually said Republicans, will have to, “sit in the back of the bus, ” when it comes to legislation Obama is pushing.

First to the professional race baiter I have this message. We the people ARE NOT voting out your party so that those we send to Congress after election day fall in lock step with you in your quest to destroy our country, our freedom and our Constitution. We are sending new blood and eliminating your Congressional majority with a mandate TO NOT implement any of your agenda or policy, PERIOD!

Second, you who pledged to unite the country have been the biggest divider in our history. At every opportunity, Mr. Obama, you use racial references, race baiting statements and racial slurs to make your point and cause racial tension and division. Anyone who opposes your policy in your feeble mind, does so ONLY because of your color. I have opposed you from the beginning and it has NOTHING to do with your ethnicity but ONLY because what you are doing is destroying our country and in direct contrast to everything our Founders intended for our Nation!

I lived through the turbulent sixties and remember the marches with Martin Luther King and you Mr. Obama have spit in the face of everything Dr. King fought for. He sought to unite the races and our country, you seek for political expedience to divide the Nation and create racial tension. You are a disgrace to America to your race and to all that our great country stands for.

The vast majority of Americans could care less about the color of a persons skin. We judge another by character and not by color and you Mr. Obama in your quest to rekindle race problems that were quelled over decades have proven that you have NO character or integrity. You are a political animal who will use whatever means available including racial tension to achieve your goal of reconstructing America into a socialist, government controlled, slave to government society where citizens bow to Washington for all the answers that you believe in your arrogance are the only qualified individual to give.

One of the main responsibilities of a President is to inspire Americans. You shamelessly through your political racial division inspire hatred and anger. You are a disgrace to the office you hold and and insult to the great men who held the office before you. You invoke Lincoln but strive to destroy everything he fought and died for. You have no business sitting behind The Resolute Desk where so much American history was made.

We the people will take back what you have stolen on November second by voting out those who have helped you take us down the destructive path we are currently on. We expect those we send to replace your minions in Congress to stand with the people and NOT with you. Your fifteen minutes of fame are over and we the people will once again take the authority that is Constitutionally ours and stop you from dividing and destroying out country.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Nationalize Mid Term In The Last Week Or Democrats Retain Senate

There’s a saying that former House Speaker Tip O’Neill once declared and since has become an election axiom, “all politics are local.” This statement by O’Neill holds true for nearly every election as voters are concerned about issues that affect them directly in their local cities, towns and states. Presidential years are not as local as mid terms but do have a local flavor which helps drive the election.

2010 though is an exception to this generally thought axiom which could spell the loss of the Senate for Republicans unless the GOP gets back on track in the final week before November 2. Even the large change of seats expected in the House could fall to the failure of the GOP and a concerted effort by Democrats to take this mid term from a nationalized referendum on Obama and his socialist agenda and making it about local candidates and issues.

Republicans began to drop the ball on this soon after members of the House issued the Pledge to America which outlined much of what the GOP planned to do if elected to the majority this year. The momentum was clearly with Republicans and the spotlight was on Obama and his failed agenda which has angered most Americans who have understood the real threat it poses for our Nation and future generations.

But in the last few weeks that nationalized message has floundered as Obama and Democrats have pushed a massive get out the vote campaign which has emphasized candidates rather than issues and brought much of the election to a more local level than national and Republicans have been reacting to Democrats instead of hammering the failures of Obama and the Pelosi/Reid Congress. As such races especially those in the Senate have tightened and the GOP margin of victory is not looking nearly as strong as it did even two eeks ago.

As October began many were predicting as many as 100 seats in the House and a minimum 50/50 split in the Senate. Now slightly over a week before the mid term, House predictions are dropping to 40 and 50 with many expecting the Senate to remain in Democrat control as races thought clearly going to GOP candidates have moved to the toss up column.

Admittedly some of this change is media driven as the left has such a tight hold over much of the press who have been excoriating many GOP candidates especially those who have strong backing by the Tea Party who the left have tried to paint as racist, bigoted and anti American since the movement gained national prominence last year. Yet even with the leftist media blitz against the Tea Party and conservative candidates, the failure of the GOP to hold the momentum and keep this elections national referendum has dwindled the lead by many candidates whose looked to gain easy victory as little as two weeks ago.

The Democrats strategy of localizing the election has taken the heat and the spotlight off of Obama and his failures which has helped quell the affect anger voters have had against his agenda for more than a year. That anger over Obamacare, the failed stimulus, massive national unemployment, deficits and debt isn’t as prominent in the news and in local campaigns.Republicans have found themselves defending their stand on local issues and false concerns about the candidate themselves, taking the aim off of Obama, his agenda and its damaging affect on our Nation.

One fact that is usually associated with mid term elections which does favor the GOP and the sagging poll numbers in tightening races is that historically polling is not as precise a predictor in off Presidential years. Many who answer polling questions as likely or registered voters will participate in a poll but not take the time or effort to actually get out and vote on election day. As such polling prior to a mid term election does tend favor the party in power especially when that party also holds the Presidency who traditional loses seats during a mid term.

But polling failures in precisely predicting mid terms does not explain away the quickly sagging numbers in many races especially those in the Senate. For the GOP to take the Senate and have the massive victory in the House that was predicted then candidates and the national party must take the message from Democrats and nationalize the election more as a referendum against Obama and his agenda.

By doing this the anger which has driven voters so long will be stoked and when they go to the polls this anger will equate in defeat to the party that backed Obama’s destruction, Democrats. In the final days before the 2010 mid term Republican candidates and advertising must emphasize the Obama failures. They must hammer home the sagging economy and the Obama policy that has prevented recovery. Obama and Democrats who have punished business must be held accountable for the National 10% unemployment and many localities whose unemployment figures are much higher.

There is still time to reverse the trend. Polling may continue to show lesser wins for the GOP as time is running short to increase sagging numbers. But voters who are angry about the state of the economy, unemployment, debt, deficits and the general direction Obama is taking the country and succeeding in getting them to the voting booth to oust the culprits of our problems namely those who have backed Obama’s agenda is still possible and likely if the message is hammered home in these final days.

We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip in pressing the issues on a national level and keeping the ball of defending their irresponsible actions in the Democrat court. They cannot defend what they have done and Republicans must force Democrats back on the defense by stressing Obama’s failures, the Congressional record of destruction which has cost millions of jobs and interjected government control into our economy from health care to car companies.

Republicans will win a victory on November 2, but if GOP control of the Senate is going to take place then the final days of this campaign MUST return to nationalizing the issues and slamming Democrats for their failures and Obama for ignoring the people and the Constitution. This election is not local, its national and the margin of Republican victory depends on reminding voters that the source of our national problem lies directly in the hands of Obama, Pelsoi, Reid and Democrats who have followed this trio down the destructive path we are currently on.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

It’s Their Democrat Record, Not Their Campaign Deception That Counts

Recent polling is showing many of the races for the mid term election tightening as voters are being inundated by campaign ads, debates and the general massive PR push that accompanies any election in its final days. With only two weeks left before voters go to the polls in what will be a referendum vote on Barack Obama and his agenda, most Democrats are playing the deception game in order to try and get voters to forget what they have done and concentrate on the lie they are spewing in order to get reelected.

Democrats are actually campaigning AGAINST Obama and his agenda as well as Nancy Pelosi because of their low standing in popularity. Each campaigning as if they had nothing to do with the mess our country is in. Unfortunately according to how polls are tightening many voters seem to be falling for this deceptive trap and forgetting that the same Democrats who are now running FROM Obama are also the Democrats who either voted for or backed his agenda.

Most Democrats are not even including their party affiliation in any campaign ads, signage or propaganda sheets. Doing everything they can to distance themselves from Obama and Pelosi while trying to sound like fiscal and even social conservatives in order to get a vote. The barrage of deceptive ads and campaigning is designed to get voters to forget the record of Democrats and have voters buy into the lie that these liberal ideologues are truly representatives of the people who listen and stand for the same ideals as our center right country does.

Campaign ads like that of West Virginia Governor and Senate candidate Joe Manchin where he takes a rifle and shoots through a ,”cap and trade,” bill while telling viewers he will fight big government and Obamacare is a prime example of how Democrats are lying to the public trying to jump onto the band wagon of anger over Obama’s agenda and pretending that they had nothing to do with it.

Even in many of the debates Democrat candidates are sounding more like GOP candidates talking of fiscal conservatism and in some cases portraying themselves as staunch pro business Capitalist who think government is getting in the way of business. But when you look at the record of these same candidates they voted time and again AGAINST business and with government by placing burdensome regulations that have stifled business prosperity and cost millions of jobs.

But never talk of facts when a Democrat is campaigning because they will only go off on a tangent of how the facts of their record are nothing more than a right wing attack against a good and faithful public servant who is only looking out for the poor and those who can’t fend for themselves. Which is such an obvious load of horse manure but always seems to work for Democrats.

As the election draws closer Democrats are also sending out the, “big guns, ” to campaign. Obama is hitting states where his popularity is not as bad so as not to embarrass the failed President when candidates he campaigns for lose in November. Joe Biden and Bill Clinton are hitting the campaign trail heavily with all three talking a more middle of the road agenda as if it was what Democrats have been pushing all along. All talk with no proof, yet polling seems to show, especially in some of the highly visible senate races that this Democrat lie is catching on and voters are moving to an extent back to Democrats.

Republicans have a good and Constitutionally sound message which is still resonating with voters but if this message is not combined with an onslaught of ads and campaign stops which remind voters daily of the failed and disastrous records of Democrat opponents, the deception barrage of Democrats sounding conservative could leave at least the Senate in their hands and give Obama one Chamber of Congress to continue some of his destruction of our country.

We who are using the web as a means of fighting to take back our country must, over the next two weeks, hammer the Internet with constant reminders of the record of Democrats to help of set the lie they are portraying as they campaign as fiscally, pro business conservatives. Republican candidates must do the same since they are up against a media who is assisting Democrats in this deception. While campaigning about the future is necessary and important, reminding voters of the Democrat record of especially the last almost two years is just as important if not more so in order to counter the lies and abandoning of the record by Democrats.

They cannot be allowed to run from what they have done by all of a sudden sounding like a conservative. They cannot be allowed to run from their record of destruction by lying to the people and pretending that suddenly they get it and understand what all of the anger is about. They cannot be allowed to distance themselves from Obama and Pelsoi when they embraced everything both pushed legislatively. They cannot be allowed to pretend their vote with Obama and his agenda did not count. They cannot be allowed to ignore the people as they have and now act as if the people are all that is important.

Democrats are now claiming they love America and all we have traditionally stood for as a Nation but their record shows just the opposite and we cannot allow them to forget it or deceive voters into forgetting it. They are NOT the party for the people. They are NOT the party for jobs. They are NOT the party who is pro business. They are NOT the party of strong National Security. They are NOT the party of a secure border. They are NOT the party of smaller government and less taxation.

Their record must follow them all the way to the polls and defeat on November second. It must be placed upon them as a scarlet letter for all the Nation to see and not one of these progressive ideologues be allowed to deceive the public into forgetting who they are and what they have done to America and Americans. It’s all about their record and how it has destroyed out country. The referendum on Obama is also a referendum on those who fell in lock step with him and they cannot be allowed to deny this fact. They can run but cannot be allowed to hide!

Ken Taylor

The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Need A Job, Fire A Democrat In November

Millions of Americana are without work. Businesses are failing and those that are still open are struggling with the result being lesser profits and continued lay offs with little or no hiring. Unemployment is holding steady or rising above 9.5% with no end in sight. In fact a recent study shows that at the current rate of job losses with almost no recovery, it will be 2020 until the job market stabalizes again and businesses can hire those unemployed.

To listen to Barack Obama and the Democrats things could be worse and if it were not for them unemployment would be higher and the economy much worse. According to their deceptive spin campaign as we approach the 2010 mid term election where Democrats stand to lose power in Congress if we abandon their economic policy by voting out the current majority and removing from office hundreds of progressives in both the House and the Senate unemployment will increase and the economy will crash.

Yet all of the facts show differently then the Democrat spin. With the economy being the single most pressing issue and unemployment topping the economic issues ladder as the mid terms draw closer, if anyone votes with even the slightest amount of knowledge about the facts and especially if they are without a job, based on the facts and real statistics about unemployment and the economy in general the truth is, if you need a job, or your business to prosper whether you are the owner or an employee seeking to better yourself financially through your job, then firing a Democrat when you vote will bring about the desired result.

Since taking the majority in Congress, Democrats have skyrocketed unemployment and destroyed business by their over regulation and general handling of the economy. The following graph shows just how bad the unemployment picture has been since 2006 when Democrats took the House and the Senate:
Unemployment remained fairly steady between 4 and 6 percent until Democrats moved in and through their destructive fiscal policy cost millions of American jobs. If anyone who reads this post were to have this dismal a job performance where you work your termination papers would be quick and permanent. If you are a business owner and your bottom line was as dismal as that of Democrats and the loss of jobs in this country, your doors would close and the business would fail.

But Democrats who have created this dismal jobs picture and the destructive atmosphere which has forced businesses to lay of or just plain eliminate jobs, have the audacity to stand before the American people who they are bankrupting and say they don’t deserve to be fired. Obama and his Democrat job killers generally consider themselves successful and deserving of rehiring through the election process even though they are among the only people who have benefited from their economic failure and extremely poor job performance.

Obama had the gall to state last week that the 2%of Americans that he desires to raise taxes on, ( of course with Democrat failure to renew the Bush tax cuts EVERY ONES taxes will increase), will NOT affect the economy. According to this economic imbecile those who make over $250,000 and have their taxes raised will not have a single damaging affect on an already sluggish and no jobs economy. He and other Democrats REFUSE to accept that the very people they wish to raise taxes on are those who create jobs and provide employment to the rest of American taxpayers who work.

Their liberal arrogance believes that anyone who makes over $250,000 is rich and has the ability to throw away more money into government coffers so the progressives can spend even more hard earned American dollars. They will NOT accept that small business owners who provide over 90% of American jobs combine their personal income with that of their business and THAT is why they fall into the 2% who Obama claims a tax increase will not hurt.

The truth which Democrats never see is strikingly different. For every dollar that business especially small business forks over to the government costs American jobs. Increasing taxes will also increase unemployment. Tax reduction will increase hiring and lower the unemployment rate dramatically. But this simple economic solution is beyond the thinking of Democrats since they believe that ANY tax cut must be.” paid,” for since as they see it reducing taxes robs the government of money.

But history shows, and I know I am talking to the choir here, that reducing taxes actually INCREASES government revenue as Americans spend more money and businesses prosper and hire. Anyone who can add two plus two and does not follow a progressive political ideology understands this. But Democrats who ARE progressives believe that if they don’t control the money it will not be spent in the correct places, namely their socialistic agenda, and therefore reducing taxes especially for evil business is not an option.

So the bottom line here is simple. If you are a business owner and want your business to prosper and expand, on November 2 fire a Democrat. If you are unemployed and need to find a job, on November 2 fire a Democrat. If you are an American who wants to have the freedom to spend your hard earned money as you see fit WITHOUT the government demanding that you fork it over to them so they can better spend it for you, on November 2 fire a Democrat.

Democrats do not deserve another chance as they, especially their failed leader who sits in the Oval Office, are begging as they campaign. They cry that hand to hand combat will be the result if they are voted out. They cry that if Americans do not vote to return Democrats to Congress then the, “failed,” policies that as they see it brought us into the mess we are in, will make a bad situation worse.

If unemployment below 6%, businesses all across America growing, prospering and expanding as a result is considered a ,”failed,” policy then I’ll take that,” failure,” over what Democrats consider success any day! Democrat success is taking our country into bankruptcy. Spending is out of control debt is climbing and deficits are exploding. Businesses which drive our economy are closing and the American people who are the greatest work force in history are either unemployed or struggling to survive under Democrat, “success.”

So my fellow Americans, if you want our country to prosper, on November 2 fire a Democrat. If you want our Nation safe and secure and not wallowing in debt to other Nations, on November 2 fire a Democrat. If you want America to once again be the, “shining city on a hill,” that the world looks to for hope and direction in an unfair and uncompromising world, on November 2 fire a Democrat. If you want Constitutional values restored and conservative principles followed whether in our fiscal policy or foreign and all other domestic policy, on November 2 fire a Democrat. Together we can take our country back by firing those who are destroying it. On November 2, begin restoring America, FIRE A DEMOCRAT!

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

A Tale Of Two Rallies, Conservative VS Liberal Who Trashed The Mall And The Country

August 28, 2010, hundreds of thousands of conservative Americans descended on Washington DC to participate in a rally to honor America hosted by talk show personality Glenn Beck. The rally began at the Lincoln Memorial and stretched past the WWII Memorial to the Washington Monument. Speakers talked of a united American which stands firm on the precepts of God and our Constitution never once lashing out at any political party or politician but calling for a return to strong conservative values and morals.

October 2, 2010, slightly over ten thousand liberals many of which proudly chanting their love of Socialism descended on Washington DC. This rally too began at the Lincoln Memorial and went only as far as the reflection pool directly across from the Memorial. The rally was sponsored by several Labor Unions and liberal cause groups many of which bused participants to Washington for the Rally. Speakers lashed out at the Republican Party and various conservative politicians especially Sarah Palin. Blaming all the woes of the country on the right and calling those who do not agree with them too stupid to vote.

Both rallies consisted of people who are angered at what is happening in America today. The Beck rally channeled that anger in a positive message seeking to united Americans toward restoring values and morals that follow those instilled in America by our Founders who like those at the rally sought guidance from God as they embraced the freedom they sought for both they and their children.

The Union sponsored rally channeled that anger toward the right and anyone else who disagreed with their ideals and any direction which seeks to prevent this country from sliding into their vision of a socialist utopia where government controls America and Americans. But what was said during the rally was not as revealing as what was left behind after the rallies as to how our Nation will evolve under the influence of those who participated in either rally.

After the Glenn Beck rally with hundred of thousands of people in attendance around the Mall area of Washington eating, drinking and generally camping out for an entire day, once the rally was completed with the exception of specified areas where trash was designated to be left for pick up, the Mall was left spotless. In fact so spotless that one could not tell that a rally had taken place. Even the designated trash pick up areas were tidy with trash stacked neatly in containers or bags for easy disposal.

Contrast this with the after math of the rally held by the left on October 2. Not only was the trash not placed in containers or stacked neatly for disposal, but the entire Mall area was trashed including locations where no one was standing during the rally. Sacred Memorials like the WWII Memorial were left looking like a garbage dump. The area around the Lincoln Memorial resembled a trash pile.

Signs and leaflets were strewn everywhere. Bottles and uneaten food were tossed wherever participants has stood or walked. Food wrappers were blowing in the breeze looking for a place to cling for some poor soul to have to pick up by hand in order to throw it away. It will take days and thousands of dollars to clean up the mess left behind. After the Beck rally those who carried the trash away completed their clean up task shortly after the rally finished.

Both rallies claimed they had the better direction for America. Both rallies came to DC with people who believed what they expressed during the rallies. But one left behind a disaster for workers to clean up showing no respect for our Nations Capitol, the Memorials that honor those who sacrificed in service to our Nation or the poor workers whose job it was to clean up the mess. Not once did they concern themselves with the massive cost to clean up after their rally which comes from tax payer funds.

Whatever anyone thinks about the substance of either rally, whether one agrees or disagrees with what was said, who said it and how it was expressed, what was left behind gives the best example of how our Nation will fare as a result of the influence and ideals of those who participated. If people have no respect for their surroundings while marching for their cause how can they be expected to respect the traditions of freedom and the principles of our Founders without trashing the country as they trashed the Mall.

Those who participated in the rally on October 2 left behind a trashed environment. In like manner those who have and do govern with the socialist ideals expressed by the rally participants have trashed our Nation and left and are leaving behind a mess that generations will be forced to clean up. Rally participants showed no respect or concern for the poor sanitation workers who will spend days cleaning up their mess. Those who govern on the ideals expressed during the October rally use tax payer and borrowed money for reckless spending without respect or concern for the hard work of Americans who pay the burdensome taxes and whose children will be saddled with the debt.

They trashed the Mall and they have and are trashing America. A march which made its way around the base of the Washington Monument chanted love for Socialism in complete dishonor and disrespect for the man and the ideals of the person who the Monument was built to honor, George Washington. Our greatest President who fought for and sacrificed to insure that all Americans then and those who would follow would not have to face the tyranny of a government that took God given freedoms from its citizens. Yet those who chanted in the shadow of the Monument spit in the face of what Washington fought for as they celebrated socialist tyranny.

Those who rallied with Glenn Beck talked of and are seeking a productive and free future for America and Americans following the principles of our Founders and our Constitution. Those who rallied on October 2 seek a destructive and enslaved path for America and Americans. As they showed no respect for the Mall in trashing it they have no respect for our Founding and Constitutional principles of freedom, liberty and a government that leaves Americans to prosper of their own accord without government interference or oppression.

What was left behind on the Mall gives a telling insight to our future if those who govern today are left to do so and allowed to continue the destructive path they have legislated and promoted under the leadership of the current Congress and President. Our task for the future and freedom of America cannot be more clear. The elimination of those who are seeking to trash and destroy our Republic by voting them out of office and replacing them with those who respect our Founding principles and believe in Constitutional values and precepts. If not then our nation faces a future much like the Mall after the October rally our Nation will be trashed if left in their hands.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Obama Is Making Slaves While Talking About How Long It Took To Free the Slaves

In one of the most ridiculous analogies of his Presidency, during two speeches Barack Obama compared the, “impatience,” over the time it is taking for the economic recovery to the long battle during the early history of this country to free the slaves. Referring to the impatience Americans are having with his failed economic policy Obama stated that he too was impatient almost begging for Americans to be patient, give him more time and then threw in, “it took time to free the slaves.”

What an arrogant and completely imbecilic statement made by a politician much less a President. Trying to compare his failing and disastrous agenda to the battle this country had in its infancy to free slaves is ludicrous at best. Especially when one understands that Obama’s agenda with government expansion and control over the private sector CREATES slaves to an over bearing government where individuals are made dependent to government rather than being free to prosper of their own accord.

For a person who claimed during his campaign to be a uniting force and not a divider Obama by using the reference to slavery not only played the race card in a blatant and ridiculous manner but by inference suggested that anyone who disagrees with his failed policy is similar to the slave masters of old because they are opposing his crusade to transform America just as freeing the slaves transformed our country during the nineteenth century.

Once again he is using his platform as President to racially divide our Nation and calling anyone who disagrees with him or opposes his policy racist. What reason was there to make any reference to slavery other than to place race into his speech? Why would he mention the time it took to eliminate slavery in American if he has no intention of sparking racial tension in the idea that opposing him is similar to those who favored slavery which is why it took so long to end it.

Obama also tried to compare his failed economic measure to the crusade of women to be able to vote, again stating that it took time for women to get the vote. Once again begging for patience with a failed policy and comparing his push for an unpopular agenda to a historical crusade which divided our Nation as he divides our Nation now.

Well Mr. Obama the people are impatient because after nearly two years your policy has deepened the economic woes of the Nation rather than cure them as promised. People are impatient as they watch you and your family take extravagant vacations while average Americans struggle day to day to pay bills and feed their family.

People are impatient when you throw parties using the peoples White House as your personal play ground while millions are losing their jobs and cannot find work because your policy has caused business to stop hiring and lay off workers due to over regulation and burdensome taxation. Then your Democrat buddies leave Washington with the largest tax increase in history hanging over our heads and you beg for patience while you spend us into oblivion.

Barack Obama is completely out of touch with the people of this country and that too is why we are impatient because we expect results and all we have seen from Obama is failure. We expect our government to get off our backs and all we have seen with Obama is increased government involvement in every aspect of our lives. Our patience ran out long ago and now we are going to act on our free ability to change the course Obama is taking our country and get rid of those who have helped him on his destructive path. Replacing them with Representatives who will serve the people and NOT their own arrogant self interests like Barack Obama.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Obama, Biden And Other Dems Now Blame Voters For Their Mid Term Woes

Poll after poll, pundit after pundit are predicting a massive defeat for Democrats in the mid term election which takes place on November second. Almost everyone is conceding that the House will be lost and Pelosi and her liberal crowd of Democrat aristocrats will become the minority party in the next Congress. Some polling also suggest that Democrats may lose control of the Senate thought most still believe that the Senate will likely be an even split between both parties.

Throughout the run toward November Barack Obama and many of the Democrats have been attempting to blame anyone and everyone for their political woes. The first blame game went to George Bush with Obama and clan using the tired and over used idea that they, “inherited,” everything and it was Bush’s fault that America was in such bad shape. Voters saw through this political ruse understanding that the problems we face today are not inherited as Obama claims but solely belong to Barack and his party.

Next Obama and clan jumped on the GOP band wagon saying that Republicans were to blame for all of the Nations woes and it was their obstructionist actions preventing Obama policy from passing that was the problem with the failure to spur the economy and other troubles our country is facing. Voters didn’t buy into this lie either as the realization of failed Obama policy especially the massive trillion dollar stimulus was not caused by the minority GOP but Democrats who have a large enough majority to pass any legislation without GOP help.

Voters also understood what failed legislation like the stimulus did pass belonged to Democrats and the GOP had nothing to do with it. And the anger over Obamacare was not a result of the GOP but belonged to Obama and the Dems who made this the center piece of their agenda completely ignoring the voice of the people and passed the monstrosity anyway. So who else is left to blame for Obama and Democrat election woes ?

Obama made a lame attempt to try and individualize the blame again but this time it wasn’t his usual blame Bush bash but instead House Minority leader John Boehner. For nearly a week Obama went out on the campaign trail and it was the evil John Boehner show as Boehner became the target for everything Obama whined about before his selected crowds. This so called, “strategy,” quickly failed as even those in his selected crowds had little knowledge of who Boehner is much less why he is the blame for all of our Nations problems.

Now we find ourselves five weeks away from the crucial mid term election and polling is showing Democrats are not only NOT gaining any ground with voters but the defeat coming their way may very well be much worse than originally thought. Former Clinton staffer and now Fox News contributor Dick Morris has even predicted that as many as 100 seats may change in the House with a distinct possibility of a three to four seat majority for the GOP in the Senate.

Obama and clan have blamed everyone for their political woes and the problems in the Nation with voters not buying into the deception or the blame game understanding that why we are where we are rests in the hands of Obama and Democrats. Since neither are willing to accept responsibility for our national troubles Obama and his cohorts are seeking someone else to blame, so the blame game has now shifted again.

In interviews and speeches over the past few days Obama, Joe Biden and John Kerry are now placing the blame for Democrat woes in the upcoming mid term election on voters. Yes it is now the voters who are being blamed for Obama’s failures. In and interview with Rolling Stone Obama said it would be, “inexcusable,” for Democrat voters to sit out the mid term election and that,”People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up.” Of course the ,”lethargy,” has NOTHING to do with Democrat disillusionment with Obama and his failures. No according to Obama it is just because people are lazy and not fired up about him like they used to be.

Joe Biden hit the airways on Monday and said, “And so those who don’t get — didn’t get everything they wanted, it’s time to just buck up here, understand that we can make things better, continue to move forward and — but not yield the playing field to those folks who are against everything that we stand for in terms of the initiatives we put forward.” Or in other words just because we screwed everything up is no reason not to get out and vote us back into office so we can continue to fail. Again Biden like Obama is blaming Democrat voters for their woes.

Even Mr. Ketchup, John Kerry jumped on the blame the voter band wagon while making a speech in Boston. “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening.” I have news for you Mr. Kerry, the reason you and your party are facing a massive defeat is BECAUSE the electorate is paying far more attention that they have in the past and voters DO NOT like what they see.

With only five week left before the mid term this desperate move by Obama and clan to blame voters for their problems will backfire on them just like the blame Bush, blame the GOP and blame John Boehner strategy which fell on well informed and angry voters who know where the blame belongs and who truly is at fault for the Nations woes, Obama and Democrats. If Obama and clan think that scolding disillusioned Democrats will bring them out in large numbers on November 2 to vote a failed Congress back into office, then as usual Obama is completely out of touch with the people. This scolding will discourage Democrat voters rather than energize them.

Fortunately the American people and especially those who will be voting in the mid term election understand who is at fault and where the blame for our Nations problems belong. So Barack, Joe and John keep on blaming everyone and everything for your troubles and continue to refuse to accept responsibility for your actions and your failures. We the people know the truth and on November 2, we the people will fire those who helped you place our Nation on the path of destruction it is currently on. We will being to take out country back and restore Constitutional principles to save our Republic.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Whatever Happens In November, We The People Must Stay In The Fight for America

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Wendell Phillips

The future of our Nation is hanging in the balance as we approach the mid term election on November 2. At stake is whether the socialist decline being orchestrated by Barack Obama and those who have voted with and in support of his agenda will be allowed to continue or whether we can uphold the principles of our Constitution by electing a new Congress that will stand for our liberties and our Republic.

Yet the decline that we have been so adamantly fighting against, as most who read this post already know, did not begin with the Presidency of Barack Obama. Obama and his leftist agenda have escalated the decline but he did not start it. It has been decades in the making and has resulted from the government administration of both parties with Democrats holding a lions share of the policy that caused the decline.

We have blamed Presidents, Representatives, Senators, Justices of The Supreme Court and countless others whether staffers or appointees who have been involved in our government. While their actions and their meddling in our governmental affairs whether foreign or domestic have been the direct cause of the decline to a more socialistic America, the true blame for the direction our Republic has taken falls on us, we the people.

For decades our complacency and lack of vigilance in holding those we elect to office accountable in every aspect of their service to us and our Nation has been almost nonexistent. In fact had it not been for the blatant actions of Obama and those who have supported his agenda and his total disregard for our Constitution and ignoring of the American people I dare say that the complacency of the people would still be evident and the referendum that is coming in the mid term election would not take place.

While we are witnessing the greatest failure of a Presidency in our nations history, the one success that I must credit Obama with, a success that is bettering our Nation in ways that no other President in modern history has done, is the fact that as a result of his actions the people are finally awakened to the danger our country is in and the decline it has taken with Obama and well before him. The complacency that allowed the election of someone as inept as is gone and the people are fighting back for our Nation and our future.

Our Constitutional Republic was instituted by our Founders to be a government of laws which is directly accountable and responsible to the people of The United States. Nothing can take place in our country unless it is with the consent of the people. The decades old decline toward a socialistic state did not come from the direct consent or permission of the people as all true Americans love freedom and would not consent to anything that will take that freedom away. We did not say, “here take our freedom and liberties away because we no longer want them.” Yet we find ourselves with a government that is over bearing which has taken away many of our liberties.

If we are a Nation whose government cannot move without the consent of the people and the people love and cherish liberty thus will not consent to anything which will take liberties away then how did this great falling away happen in a free Republic ? Simply put the lack of complete vigilance leading to a complacent citizenry allowed liberties to fall, government to grow and by proxy the people surrendered our true authority over government to those we elected and we granted our consent to what they did because we grew lazy and failed to hold them totally accountable.

We excused their action by thinking that every Representative was corrupt EXCEPT mine and we continued to elect Representatives who did not serve neither us or our Nation. We ignored Presidents who ignored the Constitution. We turned a blind eye to Senators who looked out for special interests and not the people. Until finally our laziness in fulfilling our Constitutional responsibility to hold those we elect accountable became second nature and we not longer recognized the danger and accepted an America with less freedom and damaged liberty.

We had moments during those decades when we momentarily woke up and paid attention to government. But they were fleeting and we allowed ourselves to be lulled back into our complacency and the temporary breath of freedom being restored slipped again into the full fledged decline to a socialistic state until that decline and our lack of vigilance created and allowed Barack Obama.

Now we are awake and we are fighting. We face a mid term election where voters are not only paying attention but are energized to make a difference and fight to take our country back from the brink of destruction. But the question begs to be asked, “is this another momentary awakening or a true and necessary vigilance that will last ?” If just momentary as has been the case in past awakenings, then even if we elect conservatives to Congress we will find ourselves back in the same boat again with a sinking ship of state taking our liberties down with it.

Remember we elected Ronald Reagan and went back to sleep during Bush 41 which gave us Clinton. We elected a conservative Congress in 1994 and went back to sleep not holding them accountable and Republicans began acting like Democrats. Our lack of vigilance allowed even a conservative Congress to fall to political greed, power and the pit falls of Washington politics which lead to a leftist Congressional take over for the sake of changing a failed Congress in 2006 and the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and the disastrous path we find ourselves currently on.

So once again we face a crossroads for the American people. We are fighting and we are taking our Nation back from the brink in November. But what to we do after November ? We do have an ideologue in The White House that will keep much of the vigilance in place until 2012 when we can replace him with a true leader and real President. But will our vigilance and fight end with the election of a new Congress this year and a new President in 2012? No it cannot and it must not.

While all elected officials take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, it is we the people who have the Constitutional responsibility to make sure that they stay true to their oath. In fact we the people have a greater responsibility to our Constitution than those we elect. They are elected to serve us and it is we the people who are the true authority of our Nation. They cannot do anything we do not allow them to do. We hire them and we fire them. If it is necessary to change members of the House every two years then it is our responsibility to do so and keep a strong vigilance on their every move. Senator and Presidents must be held equally accountable.

Some may ask,” how do we hold them to this accountability when they have the power ?” Thomas Jefferson said, “When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. “ If those we elect fear the power and authority of the people then they are accountable. If we become complacent and lack vigilance then we surrender our authority to politicians and lose our liberties. Fear of the people is what is driving the mid term election and the panic by those who currently hold office.

We cannot surrender our authority again to those we elect to serve us. Out fight does not end on November 2, 2010 or November 6, 2012. If we truly want a Constitutional Republic where liberty reigns and government is accountable to the people then our fight must NEVER end. We must be eternally vigilant. We can never again become complacent or lazy in our responsibility as citizens, as Americans and as the true and sole Constitutional authority of this land we love and this Nation of, by and for the people.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Rejoice Conservatives, They Said Reagan Couldn’t Win Either, And He Did !

It almost seems as if history is repeating itself, at least for conservatives. The surge of conservative, Tea Party candidates beating entrenched moderate and in many cases RINO Republican candidates who have been part of the DC establishment for years or a least well known in the GOP elitist circles has been a shock to some and a nightmare to others.

The conservative surge has shown the true anger and disgust of voters as well as the poor attitude of many of the defeated entrenched candidates as well as pundits. For example after the stunning defeat of RINO Mike Castle by conservative Tea Party backed Christine O’Donnell, Castle revealed his true colors by publicly stating he would not endorse nor support O’Donnell although she was the clear choice of Delaware voters.

We have witnesses another RINO entrenched GOP candidate who could care less about the will of the voters and went even further than the sore loser attitude of Mike Castle. In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski was defeated by Tea Party conservative Joe Miller and though initially conceding to the will of the people has announced that she will ignore voters decision and run as a write in candidate for the Alaska Senate seat.

All around the country conservative Tea Party, Sarah Palin backed candidates have overwhelmingly defeated entrenched GOP Washington insiders or well know state insiders running for federal offices and it has both scared and angered the elitist GOP establishment and brought on the commentary wrath of pundits who have gone on the record condemning voter decisions and claiming that many conservative candidates cannot win against Democrats because they are too radical for the voters in their respective states, especially those in the Northeast.

Two who have come out against the Tea Party backed conservatives who have surprised many of us that have enjoyed and agreed with their political commentary in the past are Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer. Both have blasted the idea that Christine O’Donnell can win in Delaware and have inferred that because voters have chosen many Tea Party conservative candidates over long standing entrenched GOP stalwarts many of which are considered RINOS the Republican take over of majority status in Congress as a result of the mid term election is now not only in question but not likely in the Senate. Only a few weeks ago both were touting how the Senate was likely to go GOP.

Many have compared this 2010 mid term to the massive loss Democrats suffered in 1994 when voters who were angered over much of the policies, especially the health care push of Bill Clinton, overwhelmingly voted GOP and for the first time in 40 years seated a Republican majority in the House and the Senate. While there are many similarities to the 1994 election, the voter anger over Presidential and Congressional policy and action, for Republicans and the backlash against entrenched GOP candidates and the reaction by many in the GOP establishment in better compared to the rise of Ronald Reagan.

In the latter sixties and early seventies the Republican party was considerably different then the party we have grown accustomed to thinking it is since the Reagan Presidency and the Gingrich majority take over in 1994. The Republican party has claimed the mantra of conservative since the eighties and President Reagan, although in recent years that mantra has not fit the GOP and many of the established politicians especially those referred to as RINOS.

The sixties and seventies saw a country club elitist Republican Party which was dominated by entrenched GOP stalwarts like Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. All considered very moderate to almost liberal in their political beliefs and all entrenched in the GOP. Then came Watergate and the anger of voters against Republicans which brought about the election of Jimmy Carter as President.

Ronald Reagan made his first move toward the Presidency in 1976 almost taking the nomination from then President Gerald Ford in an all out war at the GOP convention but the country club class prevailed and booted Reagan out choosing Ford to run against Jimmy Carter. During the Carter years as the inept Georgian bowed to the Soviet Union, destroyed an already hurting economy and told Americans we had to accept a lesser way of life then we had been accustomed to Ronald Reagan espoused the mantra of conservative Constitutional values, angering the country club GOP establishment but rallying the voters to conservative principles.

Reagan gained the GOP nomination and the country club types immediately came out and said all was lost, Carter would be reelected because Reagan and his conservative ideals could not win in a general election because he was to radical for the American public especially the country club entrenched Northeast where Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller had been the face of the GOP for years.

Pundits stated continually that Reagan could not win and the polls for the most part were agreeing with the pundits as all the way up until election day Reagan lagged behind in most polling. In fact on election day itself in 1980 almost no one believed Ronald Reagan would beat Jimmy Carter and that Carter would be elected to a second term despite the shape of the economy and the general feeling that things were going the wrong direction in the country.

But the people did not agree with the pundits or the GOP country club establishment and Ronald Reagan won in one of the greatest landslides in American history. Defeating Carter by more than eight million votes taking 44 states including Rockefeller’s New York and all of the Northeast states except Delaware, Maryland and Rhode Island and taking California in the process. He not only bucked and proved the GOP establishment wrong but his conservative message was embraced by voters and he continued to carry that voter loyalty into an even larger landslide in 1984 against Walter Mondale who was Carter’s Vice President.

We are witnessing a similar situation today as was witnessed in 1980 with President Reagan. The GOP lost the faith of the voters because of abandoning conservative values that voters embraced because of Reagan and booted out the GOP in 2006 and in 2008 the anger continued electing the totally inept Barack Obama just as angered voters elected Jimmy Carter in the wake of anger over Watergate.

Now just as in 1980 voter anger over the shape of the economy and Presidential policy is embracing conservative candidates and values just as they did Ronald Reagan. Also like 1980 the entrenched GOP moderate establishment and pundits are claiming that, especially in the Northeast conservatives cannot win and as a result Democrats will prevail at least in the Senate. Even many of the polls are agreeing with the establishment again like 1980. But voters decide elections now as they did in 1980 and also like 1980 voters are embracing conservative values and candidates.

So rather than listening to the pundits and the establishment we conservatives should not dismay but be increasingly energized as we are seeing a conservative wave sweeping the Nation as it did when Ronald Reagan became President. Everyone said Reagan could not win then and everyone says conservatives cannot win now, but the American people proved the establishment and the pundits wrong in 1980 and once again they will be proven wrong in 2010 as the country embraces conservatism and begins to take our country back from Obama and the progressive this year.

So conservatives rejoice because the people are wiser than the pundits and the establishment. President Reagan believed in the American people and they never let him down. Conservative Tea Party candidates believe in the American people today and just as in 1980 the people will not let them or the country down.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Afraid Of Offending Muslims, Get Over It Or Terrorism Wins

We have just commemorated the ninth anniversary of September 11. The day when men claiming service to Allah used commercial jet liners as weapons to kill thousands of innocent people, bring down the symbol of American capitalism, damage the symbol of the American military might and reek terror throughout our land. And yes these men who perpetrated the most horrific terrorist attack in history were Muslim.

In all of the commemoration, the documentaries and remembrances of 9/11 the fact that those who killed and destroyed on that horrific day nine years ago were Muslim and killed in the name of Islam is all but forgotten and intentionally left out of the remembrance of 9/11. Yet the fact that the killers were Muslim and killed in the name of Islam is not only at the center of why we were attacked but is the ONLY explanation for the reason we were attacked.

Now more than nine years after the most tragic day in American history the fear of offending anyone Muslim and the fear of displaying fanatical Islam’s murderous agenda has become so rampant their is more concern over the reaction of Muslims to anything America does than in protecting America and Americans from a repeat of 9/11 or any other attack that these murderous thugs are planning. And yes they are still planning attacks against our country.

It has become so ingrained in the American psyche that to mention anything bad or true about those who use the Muslim faith as a weapon against so called infidels the fear of offending Muslims in itself has become a terrorism tool which in actuality stems back to 9/11 and gives the terrorists who killed so many on that day a victory over our people and our country.

This fear was once again brought to light in the controversies surrounding the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero and the proposed burning of the Koran on 9/11 at the church in Florida. Both have fallen to the fear of offending Muslims and the concern over their rights with total neglect for the rights of other Americans and especially those who still live in the sadness of 9/11 without the loved ones who were killed by Muslim fanatics nine years ago.

I am not nor will I ever condone the burning of the Koran and the argument that it is a Constitutional right is ridiculous. Nor will I defend the Constitutional right of the Mosque at Ground Zero. Both are equally wrong and the argument over Constitutional rights is an insult to our Constitution and the Founders who wrote it. Our Founders never intended for the Constitution to be used as a weapon of the politically correct.

The rights we are guaranteed in the Constitution are there for the protection of the individual from the oppressive power of the state. But those rights were never intended to be used as a weapon to condone wrong even if that wrong is within our rights as American. Our Founders understood this and also understood that the exercise of our rights were to be weighed by our conscience and our ability to discern the difference between right and wrong, So the Constitutional argument for the Mosque and the Koran burning is nothing more than PC run amok and should have no bearing on the issue. Wrong is wrong no matter how it is argued.

But the underlying problem over the Mosque and the burning of the Koran goes much deeper that so called Constitutional rights but rather a fear. A fear in offending Muslims which has in some respects almost crippled our country and as a result has given terrorism a victory over us and our Nation.

We are so concerned about offending Muslims that we will not call the Islamic fanatics who killed on 9/11 Muslims. We will not call those who still kill in the name of Allah Muslim of even make an association with Islam. Every Muslim who has either attacked our Nation since 9/11 or even attempted to do so is apologized for and every excuse is made for them except that they did it in the name of Allah in accordance to their Islamic faith and they were Muslim.

Look for instance at the defense of of Nidal Hasan who murdered at Fort Hood or the, “underwear,” bomber who tried to take down a passenger jet. Even the Muslim who attempted to blow up Times Square was portrayed as a victim of hard financial times in America and NOT the Muslim fanatic that he is. As we have moved further from 9/11 those Muslims who flew the planes are treated in some circles as victims rather than murderous thugs who killed in the name of Islam.

The fear of offending Muslims has played in the decisions which have caused delay after delay in the rebuilding on the site of The World Trade Center and now nine years later we still have a pit with little construction rather than a landmark to an America that has overcome the tragedy and while memorializing our loss standing strong in the face of our attackers by rebuilding and stating you cannot terrorize or defeat us.

Even as we justifiably defended our country in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and as events today take place surround anything involving Muslims the argument prevails that if we do ANYTHING which might anger or ,”offend,” a Muslim it will cause the, “radicals,” to increase recruitment and strengthen their fight against us. We heard that argument when we went to Afghanistan and Iraq and now we hear it in conjunction with the Ground Zero Mosque. We either bend over and allow Muslims to do whatever they want neither defending our Nation against the radicals or standing for what is right or the radicals will increase recruitment and attack again. Always forgetting that Isalmic radicals recruited long before 9/11 and their recruitment made 9/11 possible and our actions had nothing to do with that but today in the PC world of terrorims it does. Tell me that makes ANY sense.

This is terrorism just as dangerous and damaging as flying planes into buildings. Though it does not kill as the planes did it is used as a weapon in the same way and as a means of intimidating in order to bring about the same result, FEAR. Fear that if we do not allow Islam to do as it pleases whether right or wrong we will be attacked and Americans will be killed. Fear that if we do not appease, America will be attacked and Americans killed.

Fear and intimidation is the tool of terrorism and whether it is done with planes, guns or words it has the same affect, forcing those who bow to that fear into submission and allowing the perpetrators of terror to have their way no matter what the consequences. The fear of offending Muslims in our country has almost had that intimidating affect on every aspect of our dealing with Islam and those who follow that faith. Yes, most Muslims do not follow the mindset of the radicals. And yes, those who call themselves moderates condemn the actions of the radicals as we do but they still use the fear of the radicals to force their agenda down our throats as has been the case with the Ground Zero Mosque and the arguments against the burning of the Koran.

Americans know the difference between the radicals and the moderates. We know the difference between those who follow Islam as a religion and those who use it as a weapon to kill. We do not need be reminded on a daily basis on how to be tolerant of everything Muslim and that Muslims who live in this country as good citizens do no follow the ideas of the radicals. We as a nation do not need to bend over and ,”tolerate,” Muslims to the point that we are afraid of even mentioning the name Muslim or the religion of Islam without fear of offending someone.

There is nothing wrong in remembering the killers of 9/11 were Muslim and followed radical Islam. There is nothing wrong with opposing the Mosque at Ground Zero because it is offensive to the memories of those killed and insensitive to those who survived and lost loved ones when the buildings collapsed or the planes crashed into the Towers. We are told even by the President that we need to be sensitive to the feelings of Muslim. WHAT ABOUT THE FEELINGS OF THE FAMILIES AND AMERICANS WHO STILL REMEMBER 9/11?

Terrorism cannot be allowed to stand whether it is in the form of murderous thugs who kill in the name of Allah or politically correct Imams who use the fear of offending and/or recruitment as a tool to force an agenda or a Mosque. We as a Nation have grown since 9/11 and though we still sorrow over the thousands who were killed we remember the fallen and continue on as Americans. We owe it to them and to future generations of Americans to not allow fear of offending nor being politically correct to jeopardize our resolve in destroying the very terrorism that killed so many on 9/11. We saw the enemy and we must not fail to defeat him or let fear of offending allow wrong to prevail and right to fall victim to terror.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

” Danger, Danger, Will Robinson,” Obama Failure Does Not Guarantee Victory In November

In the mid sixties a sci fi television series began called, “Lost in Space.” It was the story of the space family Robinson who through an overt act by Doctor Zachary Smith became lost in space and over three season tried to find their way back to Earth. On board the Jupiter 2 the Robinson’s had a robot who was their protector, defender and companion to son Will Robinson. Whenever danger approached the robot would flay his robotic arms and cry, “danger, danger Will Robinson.”

With the mid term election only weeks away and poll numbers showing a disaster for Democrats and failure in reality and in the eyes of the public for Barack Obama, bringing with it an almost certain change in majority status for the House and possibly the Senate. But in the back of my mind, I keep hearing the robot yelling the warning, “danger, danger Will Robinson.”

Every indicator is pointing toward a massive defeat for Democrats in November. In fact the polling numbers this year are far worse for Democrats than they were in 1994 when the GOP took the House and the Senate after 40 years of Democrat majorities. So with numbers like this why should danger signs be evident as the election approaches?

The reason is we are dealing with Democrats who are notorious for deception and will do anything, pulling out all the stops and lies in order to stem defeat and keep power. 1994 was a shock to Democrats and for the most part all of the pundits. The polls were showing a slight lead for the GOP but no one predicted the massive losses Democrats experienced during the 94 mid term.

Bill Clinton was President and though not extremely popular at the time, his poll numbers were not as low as those of Barack Obama. Even the generic poll for Congressional voting had the GOP up by 6 at it highest and 2 - 3 on an average which gave the idea that the November mid term of 1994 would be tight and not a massive defeat for Democrats as it became.

2010 is quite different. Obama is crashing with approval ratings staying in the low 40’s and could possibly be dipping into the thirties by November. Clinton averaged just below 50% as the 94 mid terms approached. Two recent generic Congressional polls, one by Gallup and the second by Rasmussen show a 10 and 12 point lead respectively for the GOP. So 2010 as compared to 1994 looks like a lock for the GOP and devastation for Democrats.

Yet I still hear, “danger, danger, Will Robinson.” And with good reason. In 1994 the numbers though good for the GOP were not as bad for Democrats as they are this year. So the anger which accompanied the voter rebellion against Democrats stayed focused since tighter polls were not a sign of sure victory. Of course I understand that in elections there is no such thing as a sure victory but polling is usually fairly close to the final result.

The problem we have this year as compared to 1994 is that polling is so bad for Democrats it can create a situation with voters can become almost over confidence of victory and as a result the anger and fight we have waged for nearly two years can fade. Additionally Democrats are panicking and are very capable of pulling the virtual political rabbit out of their hat at the last minute, which many call the, “October surprise,” that has been known to change the course of elections in the past.

So the danger lies in NOT letting our guard down just because the numbers in August several weeks before the election look so good and so promising. Obama is an ideologue who will do anything to stay in power. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are notorious liars who will say and do anything to hold onto the reigns and with an ideologue like Obama in The White House who sees it as his destiny to change the country into his own Marxist image and needing a Democrat majority to do so, they will stop at nothing and do anything it takes to hold on to power and the majority.

So fellow patriots, while the prospect of taking the majority away from Pelosi and Reid looks mighty good right now, do not drop your guard. We cannot let the fight we have waged go in vain nor can we waver in any respect in our goal of taking our country back and defeating the agenda of Barack Obama with a new Congress that stands for our Constitution and the principles which have made our Nation great.

Heed the warning of the robot. “Danger, danger Will Robinson,” November 2 is still several weeks away and we must stay in the fight until the last vote is cast and counted. Then even as we prevail in November we can never grow complacent again as we have been in the past. We must keep EVERY elected officials feet to the fire and hold them accountable at every turn. Fighting for our Republic in 2010, defeating Obama in 2012 and always showing those in Washington that they work for us and we the people are the true authority in our Nation.

Ken Taylor. The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Victory In Iraq - Join Me In Celebrating Our Troops Since The President Won’t

After seven years of deadly combat and sacrifice our tremendous troops are coming home from Iraq, victorious over an enemy whose ruthless tactics against our soldiers and civilians cost thousands of lives. But our best and bravest not only prevailed but are returning home in triumph.

While we mourn the 4415 who gave the last full measure of devotion in defending this Nation against the forces of evil who sought to destroy us, we also celebrate what they accomplished along with the thousands who are returning to us and being reunited with loved ones whose husbands, wives, mommies and daddies are finally coming home.

Where are the parades? Where are the signs of victory? Where are the flags waving and the crowds gathering to greet our returning warriors? Are these not happening because Americans have forgotten what our soldiers have achieved and why they sacrificed so much for the cause of freedom? Will another generation of soldiers return home without the honor of celebrating what they have done for our country?

I don’t believe the American people have forgotten nor do I believe that the people are neglecting the celebrations which should rightfully accompany the return of our soldiers as we celebrate with them the victory they have accomplished. I believe the reason for the lack of celebration for their victorious return is because their Commander in Chief has not only refused to declare victory, bur their withdrawal was treated as almost a secret as our troops left with little mention by the press and NO mention at all by the CIC since he was too busy vacationing, which seems to be his only goal in life and office.

In fact nearly two weeks after our troops left the field of battle Obama is finally going to make an Oval Office speech on Tuesday about Iraq and I can almost guarantee there will be no mention of victory since this is the President who plainly stated when asked about a winning strategy in Afghanistan that it was not his, “goal to win.” So we will hear a speech filled with platitudes and moments when he will take undue credit for what our soldiers and his predecessor George Bush accomplished.

Since the Commander in Chief does not consider victory a goal nor winning a strategy which goes against the instinct and training of every soldier since our country began, then fellow patriots and American it is up to each of us to declare victory and to celebrate our troops and what they have done for our country and for each of us to keep us free.

When our best and bravest left us and entered combat in the Iraqi theatre of war, a ruthless dictator, Saddam Hussein ruled the country. Al Qaeda had a free hand to do whatever they pleased especially in northern Iraq. The people of that Nation were enslaved with thousands killed randomly because they either disagreed with the dictator or were from a different tribe or political persuasion than that of Hussein and his ruling Baath Party.

Today Saddam Hussein is dead and the cruel influence that those like him had over the country will never return because thanks to the tremendous job our solders did in liberating Iraq, the people of the Nation have tasted freedom and will never give it up again. They have had the opportunity to vote as free citizens and despite early threats proudly wore the sign of the purple finger to display their love of freedom and their desire to remain free.

Al Qaeda whose presence was once an overwhelming force against the people of Iraq is almost non-existent in the country and no longer has any influence over the people and the direction in which the country will take in the future. They still claim the few attacks which take place from time to time but a security force which owes its existence and ability to defend Iraq and Iraqis to the abilities and expertise of the leadership and training provided by Americas finest can now handle any unrest or problem which the country faces.

The dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein and the murderous reign of Al Qaeda are gone because of the victory of our great soldiers who have left Iraq a free nation and the people of Iraq working together to build a society which benefits all Iraqis and not just a privileged few as before. All of this was made possible , not by Barack Obama nor Joe Biden who are now trying to take credit for this tremendous accomplishment but by the blood sweat and sacrifice of our wonderful men and women in uniform and the leadership of George Bush.

Now our troops are returning home in victory. It is up to us to celebrate them and what they have done. It is up to us to take every opportunity whether a personal hand shake or pat on the back when we see one of our victorious soldiers, to say thank you for defending our Nation and standing for freedom when their country called.

I know that most if not everyone who reads this post already feel as I do and thank our troops at every opportunity. I know that each of you understand the sacrifice they have made for us and appreciate what they have done and the service they have so unselfishly given to our Nation. But the time has come for us to fill the gap which is so wrongly and blatantly left open by the failure of the current administration and Commander in Chief in not only declaring victory but celebrating the return of our triumphant troops.

Take a moment to first thank God for their safe return and to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. If you have the ability to organize a celebration whether for your town or city or even the block you live on who has a returning warrior then do so even if it is you and a few neighbors who live next to a returning hero. Fly the flag and post sings to welcome them home. Even if a solder does not live on your block, one may drive by and see your appreciation.

If you live near an airport where our soldiers are flying home even if it is only one, take a few moments to meet the plane and shake their hand to welcome them home in victory. Those who sit in the Oval Office have chosen to ignore our returning warriors but we the people cannot and must not allow these fine and brave Americans to return home without celebration or thanksgiving for their sacrifice and their victory.

Each of them deserve our thanks and whether they are related to us or not because of what they have done to defend us they are our family. They are the best of our American family and they are coming home after achieving victory, defending freedom and protecting our Nation from harm. They are the greatness of America and we the people of The United States thank our soldiers for standing for freedom and protecting us from harm defending our Nation.

Welcome home victorious soldiers and we the people celebrate what you have done and who you are. Thank God for you and for returning you home safely to us. God bless each of you, God bless the memory of those who sacrificed all and God bless the America that each of you fought to defend.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

If GOP Ran Car In Ditch, Dems Took It Out And Drove It Over A Cliff

I have had it listening to Obama and Democrats use the stupid analogy in the lead up to the fall election that Republicans want the keys to the car back but they can’t have them because they drove it in the ditch and Democrats have taken the car out of the ditch by their so called successful economic policy.

This is political spin at its worst. The fact is if the GOP put the car in the ditch then Democrats have taken it out of the ditch and driven it over the edge of a cliff. They seem to forget that THEY more than tripled the deficit. THEY increased unemployment, THEY borrowed and spent trillions of dollars on wasted stimulus and pork barrel projects and THEY not the GOP own this failing economy.

This strategy by Obama and Democrats to paint a rosy picture of their failure and blame Bush and the GOP for the massive financial mess they created and irresponsibly presided over is not only deceptive but an out and out lie. Sure the GOP and Bush were not the greatest fiscally disciplined managers of our spending and our economy. But facts are facts and spin is spin.

First Democrats held the purse strings the last two years of the Bush administration. The deficit was on the decline prior to a Democrat majority then it began an upswing until Bush left office at the beginning of 2009 leaving a projected 2009 deficit of $464 billion dollars. Within weeks of taking office Obama exploded that deficit to 1.2 trillion dollars and his projected budget deficit through fiscal year 2013 has trillion dollar figures with no end or real decrease in sight.

If the GOP spent like a drunken sailor then Democrats have spent like a fleet of drunken sailors. Thankfully voters for the most part are not buying into this deceptive spin by Obama and Democrats. Most polling show the American people blame Obama and the Democrat lead Congress for our financial woes and understand that after 20 months in office this economy and all of its failures belong to Obama and his party and the blame game they are using is not working.

While I believe the GOP has learned their lesson and will be far more fiscally responsible than the last several years of their majority and if given the governmental reigns again in November will better govern then before, IF I had to choose between a car in a ditch which with work can be placed back on the road or a car driven off a cliff plunging to certain doom, I’ll choose the car in the ditch any time.

Ken Taylor The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Obama Much Worse And Even More Dangerous Than Jimmy Carter

Since leaving office on that grand day when Ronald Reagan took the Presidential Oath in January of 1981, Jimmy Carter has been thought by many as the worst President in the modern era and among the worst in our Nations history. His weakness as a leader, progressive policies and ability to even look out of place among world leaders much less deal with them gave us hyper inflation, a decimated military and an over all feeling that our best days were behind us.

Never once through his bumbling and weakness as a President though did I even think that Carter did not love this country nor in his own misguided way have, in his heart at least, have the best interests of America in mind. I never thought for a moment that although he weakened our nation domestically and on the foreign front Carter never threatened the very principles our Nation was founded upon nor the Constitution in which he took an oath to, “preserve, protect and defend.”

I cannot say the same about Barack Obama. He has failed in every aspect of the Presidency as bad or worse than Jimmy Carter. But the major difference between he and the bumbling Carter is that from the very beginning of his Presidency, Obama has made it very clear in his words and actions that changing the fundamental principles and traditions that have been our heritage and what has made our country great is not only his dream but his goal as President.

Carter even through all of his faults loved this country and made it clear that he did. Obama on the other hand has shown a hatred for America and Americans that not only makes him far worse than Carter but dangerous to who we are and what this country has stood for throughout our history.

Now don’t get me wrong this is not a defense of Jimmy Carter by any means. Carter was a bumbling idiot who could not lead nor handle the Presidency which is why he failed so miserably as President. When he actually expressed to the American people in several speeches that we should accept a lesser way of living and his approach to the Soviet Union was an acceptance of the communist expansion and we had no choice but to allow it was not only one of the lowest points in our history but also one of our weakest.

In almost every aspect in comparison Obama has not only failed more than Carter but his goal of fundamentally changing America from a free Republic to a socialistic government ruling over forced dependency on the same for Americans pales Carter’s bumbling and his misguided handling of the Soviets. Carter bumbled and mishandled almost everything but sincerely thought he was doing the right thing.

Obama’s failure comes from an agenda that is destructive and a foreign policy that seeks to weaken America and place us on a balanced footing with every country in the world while appeasing our enemies. Unlike Carter this domestic and foreign nightmare at the hands of Obama is intentional and calculated to destroy the America that even the hapless Carter tried to defend and protect and rebuild it into a weak socialist utopia where money is redistributed by government and The United States is no longer a super power but an, “equal,” partner with, as Obama sees it, other nations we have, “oppressed,” by our imperialistic policy of the past.

Carter was a failure as President because he simply did not have the ability nor the strength as a leader to handle the complex and awesome responsibility of being the Chief Executive of The United States and the most powerful man in the world. Obama is a failure, yes because he does not have the ability to handle the Presidency, but in a much greater sense because he sees the Presidency as his destiny to rebuild America in a socialist image and even the playing field for the rest of the world.

Carter did try as well as he could to represent America and Americans but failed miserably. Though bumbling he was not divisive and looked upon himself as President of all Americans and sought to fulfill that responsibility. Obama only represents his own self interest and agenda. He favors whatever path looks most favorable to him at the moment and if he needs to back track later he will do so. He is the most divisive President in our history playing Americans against Americans by class, race and even religion.

Carter at least tried to do right by our country and our people. Obama could care less about both the country and the people. He only cares about his agenda and his vision of fundamentally correcting what he sees as flaws in our Constitution and our nations standing in the world. Which is also why even foreign leaders see Obama as a problem. Complain as they do the rest of the world does not want America as an equal partner but as the strength and power they can lean on when times of trouble comes.

Carter failed but was never a threat to who we are nor what our nation fundamentally stood for and the principles which have guided us since our birth as a country. Obama is a threat to both the people and the very foundation of our nation which also makes him extremely dangerous because through he and his agenda come the seeds of destruction of our freedom, our heritage, our strength and our very way of life.

Ken Taylor  The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth