Georgetown University Seal

Department of Government

Statue with Capitol dome in the background

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I declare government as my major?
Students usually declare their majors in Spring semester of their Sophomore year. Students should go to the College Dean's office and request a "Declaration of Major" form. The form should be completed by the students and then brought to either Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Government for approval and a signature. Students then return the approved form to the College Dean's office.

Q. Who are the Directors of Undergraduate Studies?
For the 2007-2008 Academic Year, the Professors Dan Nexon and Thane Gustafson are the Co-Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Q. How do I get a faculty advisor in my major?
Students will be assigned a faculty advisor by one of the Co-Directors of Undergraduate Studies when they declare their major. Students are encouraged to provide names of prospective advisors to the Director or Assistant Director.

Q. How do I know who my faculty advisor is?
The name of each student's faculty advisor is printed on the student's pre-registration forms.

Q. Who signs my pre-registration form?
The student's faculty advisor is responsible for signing the pre-registration form.

Q. How do I receive credit toward my government major for a political science course taken at another university or taken in another department or school at Georgetown?
Students should bring a copy of the course description from a college catalogue or the syllabus/reading list for the course for which they are seeking credit to either of the Co-Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Q. How many courses taken outside of the Department can count towards my major?
Students may use only two courses taken outside the Department of Government toward their major. This includes courses taken at other institution as well as courses not labeled GOVT and not cross-listed with the Government Department.

Q. If I am a transfer student, how may course taken at my previous institution may I count towards the Government major?
Transfer students who major in Government may receive credit for up to five political science courses taken at another college or university.

Q. Who do I see to get approval for my application to study abroad?
All study abroad applications should be completed and brought to either of the Co-Directors of Undergraduate Studies in the department.

Q. How many courses may I take abroad and transfer toward my major?
Students will receive credit toward their government major for only two courses taken abroad.

Q. Can I receive credits for taking the AP test in American Government?
Students who score a 4 or a 5 on the AP American Government exam receive direct credit for GOVT 008.

Q. Whom do I see about applying to the Honors Program?
Students should speak with the Director of the Honors Program.

Q. Are there any special awards at graduation specifically for government majors?
The Department of Government awards four special prizes at graduation: the Connecticut Medal (for highest GPA in the major), the Valerie Earle Award (for the best student in American Government), the Karl Cerny Award (for the best student in Comparative Government), and the Department of Government Award (for the best student in the Honors Program).

Q. How do I add into a course?
Students must receive permission from the instructor of the course. Faculty advisors and Directors of Undergraduate Studies are not authorized to sign add-in forms.

Q. How do I apply for GOVT-241, "Public Affairs Seminar"?
Students should see the instructor of the course or either of the Co-Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Q. How can I arrange for a tutorial?
Students may apply to take a tutorial if they can identify a faculty member willing to mentor the tutorial. After consulting with the mentor, the student should obtain a tutorial form from the Dean's Office. This form must be filled out by the student and the mentor and approved by the Department Chair and the Dean.

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Phone (202) 687-6130
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Georgetown College Nameplate