Feb. 1, 2011
Updated: 1:42 AM


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Roofs are strained with heavy snow

Two storms are barreling down on the area, leading Boston to declare an emergency parking ban beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday. (Boston Globe)Forecast  | Closings

Genzyme could be sold in a week

Sanofi-Aventis has raised its $18.5 billion bid for the Cambridge firm, and a deal could be finalized by next week, a source close to the talks said. (Globe)
Photos: The SAG Awards

Photos: The SAG Awards

Claire Danes, who took home a Screen Actors Guild Award last night for outstanding performance, was among the winners at the awards presentation in Los Angeles.

US judge strikes down health care law

A federal judge says the Obama administration's health overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with 26 states that had sued to block it. (AP)

Egypt military vows no force at protests

The country's military promised not to fire on any peaceful protests and said it recognized "the legitimacy of the people's demands." (AP)

City offers help to Hi-Lo workers in JP

Employees of the Jamaica Plain grocery store, which will close to become a Whole Foods, are getting help finding work and applying for jobless benefits. (Globe)


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