Good, Bad, and Ugly

Reader reaction to Reuters news

Feb 25, 2011 11:00 EST

Ad placement?


Well done, informative article announcing the conclusion that Assange will be extradited, face charges for alleged sex crimes.

Sponsor of page = viagra. Disgusting.



hmmm… I think the story was just a Trojan horse by Reuters to slip in the ad.

Posted by ARJTurgot2 | Report as abusive
Feb 16, 2011 09:16 EST

All the news that’s fit to print?


How come there is no longer a print button for articles on your Website? It makes it particularly difficult when a story runs two, three and four pages.


Thanks for asking. We briefly dropped that function to free up more space for social sharing tools, but you will be happy to hear we have restored it: GBU Editor

Nov 23, 2010 08:13 EST

Contact Us?


Your ‘find a reuters office’ link does not work.

I would like to have the contacts of your office in either Baghdad or Amman.

Anthony P.


I have to take issue with your report concerning the shooting of Representative Giffords. To link Palin to this shooting is irresponsible,mean-spirited and dangerous to her and her family. There are no known links between the shooter and Palin’s ideas, and she certainly has not promoted violence against the people with whom she disagrees. The writer of the article is either a cruel propagandist or someone who is subject to magical thinking, neither of which should be acceptable among professional journalists.

Posted by Redeemed | Report as abusive
Sep 23, 2010 14:04 EDT

Are these real articles?


Have things gotten so bad in the news business that you will now publish press releases for UFO enthusiasts with the unaltered lurid headlines that their agents give you?

Watch your credibility as a news organization circle the drain. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish Reuters from The Onion.

David H.

Aug 3, 2010 05:34 EDT

“The ignorant words of morons…”


I am so sick and tired of Reuters’ public comments section. I expect to come to Reuters for expert world NEWS, not the ignorant words of morons with political axes to grind. What a complete waste.

Despite 20-something tech entrepreneurs thinking they know it all, participation isn’t a good thing for news; when it comes to world affairs, I expect to read the work of real professionals, not have those professionals drowned out by the uninformed opinions of the masses.

I won’t be visiting Reuters web site any more. It seems Thomson Retuers, despite its value proposition aiming for the opposite, has yet to realize information overload isn’t valuable at all.

You forget that social media is only valuable if the content is valuable, and 99.9% of public comments on your site are anything but.


We found him! That’s the guy who drives so slowly past the accident, craning his neck to see, that it takes 15 minutes to get past on the OTHER side of I4! He just can’t help himself.

Posted by TheSatinKnight | Report as abusive
Dec 4, 2009 11:50 EST

Reader comments on new design…


I have to say I really do not like the new format.

The start page used to have broad coverage of the stories of the day from multiple areas (e.g., small business, green business, technology, etc…).  However, you have changed it so that only a select number of headlines now broach the front page and the other sections have to be navigated to through the links up top.

I really liked seeing more of the additional coverage without having to navigate away from the main page.  This really makes things harder to find and really irritating.  Please add back the additional sections to the main page for quicker viewing.


I can not express how much I dislike this new format.
Being someone who works in the tech industry, I find it is difficult to navigate. Before I could see even the Good bad and the ugly pretty much all at one time and now for any and every thing click more. Generally when redesigning a site you should not add more clicks to get the same amount of information. Before i could get an overview of diferent news and might see something I would not normally seek out Now this is same cluttered site and the junk news made for people with poor attention spans Im really disappointed. Not that it really matters to companys any more what thier customers and consumers think
but i am so much less likely to get my news here now that it is such a pain to navigate

Posted by vvwolfe | Report as abusive