Egyptian State Television-APTN-AP

Who Else Will Follow?

President Mubarak has bowed to a popular uprising and will not seek reelection. And now Yemen's president has announced he will not seek another term in office. Will others follow suit?


Newsweek Now The five Stories that Matter Most

Egypt Proves Bush Right

Egypt Proves Bush Right

There is a wonderful Herblock cartoon, from the days immediately after the overthrow of the shah of Iran, featuring student demonstrators running gleefully through the streets, chanting, “The dictator is gone! Bring on the dictator!” Herbert Block had in mind, of course, the coming of the ayatollah. More

The Credit Power Index

The Credit Power Index

Consumers are getting the short end of the stick in their dealings with banks. But the pain isn’t felt equally across the country, and the rates you get on your certificates of deposit and home loans differ depending on where you live. We’ve pored through the data to determine which cities offer their residents the best rates.

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Mubarak Won't Run Again

Mubarak Won't Run Again

President Mubarak has bowed to a popular uprising and will soon quit. Who’s next? From Jordan’s shaky monarchy to a Yemen regime scarred by WikiLeaks, which Middle East leaders could soon follow suit? More

Google Dials Up Voice Service in Egypt

Google is working some new connections. The search giant has thrust itself into the ongoing upheaval in Egypt by working with Twitter to expand communications options for Egyptians, and in so doing, the Internet search shop took another big step into telco territory. More