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Hillary's Dangerous Mideast Leap

by Leslie H. Gelb Info

Leslie H Gelb

BS Top - Gelb Israel Palestine Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shakes hands with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas joined by Hillary Rodham Clinton during bilateral talks at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt Tuesday Sept. 14, 2010. (Nasser Nasser / AP Photo) Unless the secretary of State knows something we don't, the Middle East peace talks will fail. And failure is worse than not negotiating.

Maybe Hillary Clinton, Washington’s current flavor of the month, knows something the rest of us don’t know. Perhaps the much-heralded secretary of State and the administration’s other Middle East expert, President Obama, have received promises or bankable hints from Israeli and Palestinian leaders that they are prepared to make major compromises. You wouldn’t think the two American leaders would risk the prestige and power of the United States of America on yet another effort to reconcile these two blood enemies without good grounds for doing so, would you?

Let’s hope for all concerned that the Obama administration did not shove Palestinians and Israelis into direct talks, for the first time in over two years, just to get them talking to each other.

Many officials tell me that neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel nor President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority came close to giving Mr. Obama any specific indications of compromise in their White House meetings two weeks ago.

The real danger between these two star-crossed inhabitants of the same Holy Land is not failure to negotiate; it’s the failure of the negotiations. Flashpoints in the Holy Land tend to burst after they sit down at the negotiating table, give their speeches, fail to agree, and watch the process collapse. That is when the explosions begin. That is when Palestinian terrorism reignites in Israel. People tend to resort to violence when their hopes and expectations are dashed formally and frontally, not when they are merely hoping.

Reza Aslan: Is Israel Al Qaeda’s New Target?During the last couple of years, while negotiations have been decidedly on the backburner, Israel has been almost entirely free from terrorist attacks emanating from the Palestinian West Bank. Palestinian and Israeli security forces now work together to keep the peace in many West Bank cities, and Palestinian leaders even acknowledge this publicly. There’s also intelligence cooperation between the two sides. All of that could go up in smoke if these talks fail. Indeed, terrorists are likely to shed Israeli and perhaps even Palestinian blood in order to make the talks fail. So, staging a big, formal negotiating session at the seductive and languid Red Sea port of Sharm el-Sheikh is a very risky enterprise…unless Hillary knows something we don’t.

Here’s what the formidable secretary told reporters on Wednesday: "They [the Palestinians and Israelis] are getting down to business and they have begun to grapple with the core issues that can only be resolved through face-to-face negotiations." For good measure, she added, "I believe they are serious about reaching an agreement that results in two states living side by side in peace and security."

Why such confidence? Many officials tell me that neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel nor President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority came close to giving Mr. Obama any specific indications of compromise in their White House meetings two weeks ago. In other words, neither offered any concrete basis for accommodation. They spoke only of being serious and bargaining in good faith, the usual stuff. Nor did either leader push Mr. Obama into these talks; Mr. Obama pushed them. Netanyahu wasn’t eager for talks at all, and Abbas favored them only with good and prior indications of success.

Now, one of the biggest hurdles to success—in fact, a big fat wall of failure—will confront them within two weeks. That’s when Israel’s self-imposed freeze on West Bank settlements expires. If Netanyahu does not renew the freeze, the negotiations could easily terminate within a breath of their beginning. So, one has to believe that Obama and Clinton have some kind of assurance from both leaders that a freeze deal can be worked out. Perhaps Israelis will offer a more limited freeze in duration and coverage. Perhaps the Palestinians will buy into this for a limited period. If Obama and Clinton don’t have such assurances, at a minimum, they were reckless to initiate these talks. So, let’s hope they do.

In the event talks do continue after September, there is a basis for progress. That basis rests far less on concrete suggestions of flexibility on specific negotiating issues, and far more on the underlying political situation in both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The PA has been vastly improving economic and security conditions in the West Bank for its people, and thereby gaining popular support. For example, last year GDP rose by 8.5 percent, in line with recent years. Schools and other institutions of government have been improving under the incredible leadership of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. The heart or emotion behind this progress has been the promise of a Palestinian state, and Abbas’ main aim will be to make this happen. That’s his incentive in this negotiation – and in the end, he can compete with the terrorist group Hamas only by gaining Palestinian statehood from Israel.

Netanyahu’s incentive is also potent, though not quite as strong as Abbas’. It is to maintain good relations with the United States and with the Obama White House. This means not being the fly in the ointment of peace talks. The Israeli hawk understands full well, though he doesn’t like it, that he must burnish and safekeep ties with America. For the time being, that requires good ties with Mr. Obama, whom Netanyahu and his fellow hawks don’t like very much. To them, Mr. Obama sounded too pro-Arab in his first years in office, and they don’t have much trust in him. So, they have to get along with him well enough for at least another year – or until the American presidential election season erupts. At that point, these particular Israelis will pray for rain and a Republican president.

In keeping with this U.S. political calendar, Mr. Obama has set a year deadline for these talks. Fine, if he has a good basis for foreseeing mutual compromises from the old foes. Not fine, if the talks collapse after September or in a year for the denizens of the Holy Land and for America’s power in that volcanic corner of the world.

Leslie H. Gelb, a former New York Times columnist and senior government official, is author of Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy (HarperCollins 2009), a book that shows how to think about and use power in the 21st century. He is president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations.

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September 15, 2010 | 4:21pm
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Let us sincerely hope that Secretary Clinton knows something you don't, then. Nothing in the world is more important than this, and Israel is losing support by the day. It is time and past time for them to make a deal.

5:27 pm, Sep 15, 2010


Nothing will come of this, but that's diplomacy, it's a lot of costly PR breakfasts, lunches, dinners and galas that don't really provide any significant results, but think of all the catering and logistics jobs it creates, LOL!!

9:51 pm, Sep 15, 2010

Joe Guest

NO, It will be brought up at a later time. Israel always get the bad press for "not cooperating" with the wise sages that make up world opinion. Right.

9:44 pm, Sep 16, 2010


@Bergen - Typical anti-Israel fact-free talking points.

"Nothing in the world is more important..." Yeah, if you blame Israel (read: the Israeli JEWS) for all the problems in the world, or even more absurdly, if you blame the settlers in the West Bank for all the problems in the world.

I would agree that Israel is a very important country, but for very different reasons than Israel haters.

Israel is the only true democracy in a region rife with dictatorships and theocracies. Only in Israel do women have complete equal rights, only in Israel do Jews, Christians, and Muslims live and work side by side.

For Israel to compromise its security by giving up land, after so many wars launched from that very same land by the barbarians that surround it, is asking a lot.

The people they're being asked to give the land to don't yet even recognize Israel as a legitimate nation.

Obama and Clinton are fools to push a "peace agreement" at this stage. Israel and the Arabs are already at peace, a peace purchased by Israel through its own courage and blood, and no thanks to a succession of hapless American governments.

If Netanyahu extends the freeze on settlement construction, his government may well collapse. If he lets the freeze end, the Arabs will melodramatically walk away from the table, knowing as they do that Obama will come down hard on Israel in response.

The Arabs have everything to gain from this misadventure and nothing to lose, while Israel has a lot to lose no matter what the outcome. It is a fool's errand and I look forward to seeing this entire Administration thrown out in two years, them and their party.

7:09 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

VERY NICE, Very nice indeed. You obviously know the region and consider as I do Israel a sovereign nation capable of making their decisions on any matter, be it internal or the very real possibilty of having to defend themselves from the likes of Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, Lebanon with Hezbollah, Iran of course and then just pick one. It's time for Israel to tell the world to bacvk off a let them take care of their very important business at hand.

9:48 pm, Sep 16, 2010


blisterpeanuts - - Israel has been foolish not to accept the Saudi peace plan, and gain recognition from 57 Muslim countries. With changes to right of return.

6:10 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Nothing to add but support, and thanks for saying it more clearly than I can usually manage.

4:11 am, Sep 18, 2010

Joe Guest

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton , an expert onIsraeli affairs? It's actually none of the U.S. governement's business to try to dictate terms to a sovereign nation, particularly Israel

9:42 pm, Sep 16, 2010


What secretary clinton knows best - is to "stand by her man" -and blatantly ignore the truth. Vince Foster also stood in the way of her ego and ambitions. She will move to throw Israel under thee bus of islamic intimidation, if it will score points for her personal agenda - the fact that she and her howdy-doody nobel scammer do not have enough balls, between the two of them, to denounce erdogan's islamic genocide, which stole the lives of over two million Armenians, Greeks, Anatolians and Kurd MINORITIES. She and her 'bammy' only stick up for, and lick the boots of the BIG fascists, the criminal oppressors, in flagrant contradiction to the democracy and human rights they try so hard to make us believe they stand for. They are both treating themselves to our economic resources - as if it were their own personal atm / slot machine.

2:48 pm, Sep 17, 2010


There was a bomb threat a couple hours after France reported voting in the No-burqa law.

7:52 pm, Sep 15, 2010


All this delicacy, strategy, what if's. The US needs to tell Israel to cut bait or fish. But it can't do so, because the Israeli lobby is an alien force that has America by the throat.

8:53 pm, Sep 15, 2010


Let me see- over 3 times as many Americans support the Israelis over the Pals. Some alien force.

1:22 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

You are obviously Anti semetic and not very knowledgable of the Middle east on the whole. If you don't know much about a particular subject, why comment?

9:50 pm, Sep 16, 2010


Whatever the outcome,the GOPiss are going to say that Obama is a scum bag Muslim,ready,willing and able to join and help the
Taliban,Al qaeda,Osama Bin(been hidden) Laden,et cetera.

Leslie Gelb is in error when he said that Clinton and Obama are going to be in trouble if Israel and the Palestinians do not make peace.The previous USA presidents did not have to worry about being in trouble.

Is there going to be peace? Do pigs fly? Does the Republican KKK GOPiss Tea Party and the democrats love each other?
Are the two parties peacefully going to stop the USA senators
from taking large corporation's bribes?Are they going to join together and pass a comprehensible immigration reform?Will
these crooks ( our politicians ) join together and stop the stinky USA Health Care Industry from continually rip off the average Joe? The answer is NO,The answer is IMPOSSIBLE !!!

The hateful Republican KKK GOPiss Tea Party's goal is to
make sure the filthy rich gets richer.Israel and the Palestinians
will never live peacefully.After the screw up of G W Bush,there
are more than 200,000,000 Arabs,Muslims that do not want
the USA and Israel in the Middle East.Even if the USA prints and borrows another 13 trillion dollars,we will never accomplish anything good in the Middle East.

1:17 am, Sep 16, 2010

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5:56 am, Sep 16, 2010


You're wrong about that. The US treasury is owned by the jews. As such, they control everything. And one of the things on their agenda is having their own little piece of desert in the Mediterranean and protecting it with nearly a trillion of the American Peoples dollars.

Yes we need to be in the Middle East for the oil, but don't you wonder what would happen if the U.S. suddenly became independent of the Middle East for its energy? I can tell you: No politician or would-be politician in any major state or city would DARE to cut the budget of what we give (99% of americans are opposed to it) to Israel if they vaule their seat.

And that's a fact.

1:16 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

Israel is not the entire middle east. Israel has discovered and are presently drilling for oil off the coast , but that's not what this is about. This is about the U.S., as typical , sticking their nose in places and events they have no business being in. Israel stands alone and alweays will, thank God!

9:53 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

I agree , but for different reasons.

9:51 pm, Sep 16, 2010


I am not a GOP, and I think he is a scumbag. Does that make me a "cactus" hugger?

1:09 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Mr. Gelb, there are likely a few more people than myself who have about as much love for Hilary Rodham as they do for a crocodile in the water with them, but she cannot fail in her attempts to get these Semite brothers to agree to peace----these people should be permitted to blow up each other to kingdom come and get the hell out of our lives forever.

Both or one or the other can blame no one but themselves for the status of their lowest of the low stature in the world for killingone another for a thousand years, and will do so for a thousand or more years----ESPECIALLY if the media continue to cover their sorry story.

As for Ms. Rodham, nothing is more a waste of taxpayer's money than paying her to keep her face in our faces thru whatever means possible. She really needs to go out into the real world and find a job where she can contribute her talent, ability, and energy--something like inside trading ought to do it.

5:31 am, Sep 16, 2010


Oops, moral equivalency at work here. And a serious lack of knowledge of history.

7:10 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

I can see you have a lot of love for Israel. If you are an anti-semite or Anti Jewish, just say it!

9:55 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Kenneth Stephen Besig

Terrorism has nothing to do with dashed hopes or unfulfilled dreams, it is a tactical measure used by cynical and bloodthirsty terrorists to achieve certain ends thus it has nothing to do with peace talks or otherwise.
Since Hillary Clinton and George Mitchell are diplomats and thus by definition liars, all their rosy predictions and pie in the sky assessments are lies too.
By now even the most Pollyannish American diplomat realizes that the Palestinians are not now and nor have they ever negotiated with Israel in good faith, that is, to reach a fair compromise settlement. Indeed, the Palestinians have always seen and used these negotiations as front in their war to destroy Israel and to carry out their longed for genocide against the Jewish People.
If Mr. Gelb truly believes the nonsense he has just written, then he is too badly misinformed, too badly misguided and totally unqualified to analyze even the simplest Middle East affair.

10:44 am, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

Thank You for knowing and expressing very well the truth!

9:56 pm, Sep 16, 2010


Kenneth > refreshing facts. One should ask, also of this misguided lib-demo duo, who supposedly praising themselves as 'democrats'...why the nobel bagging empty suit has not had the decency to call the TURKS out on their genocide against the minority people of Armenia....nor does he have the balls to order the Turks illegally occupying Northern Cyprus to get out - but then, why stand up for the opressed minorities, and victims of islam murder, genocide and terror? Because they are cowards, with no breeding or moral content, not fit to represent the best qualities and virtues of America. The "Milli Vanilli" team who are bending over to accomodate husslers, extortionists and terrorists - and treating our economy like a slot machine. They are both frauds who have misappropriated the trust that was invested in their office.

12:07 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Just let them fight it out, there's no need to get involved. When both sides have had enough, they will make peace.

6:06 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

There is no peace in Israel as long as every Arab nation wants them destroyed. What is so hard for that to sink in?

9:57 pm, Sep 16, 2010


The only way to ensure peace in the region is through trade. When it costs both parties too much in lost business and jobs to have a conflict, there will be no conflict.

The Israelis would love to open factories in the West Bank once again, and take advantage of cheap labor in Gaza. The Arabs would benefit from having jobs instead of living on the dole as they have for so many years. Only then will the Arabs feel they have a stake in peaceful relations with their neighbors.

These are not things that will happen overnight, nor can Israel relax its vigilance just because Hillary and Barry "guarantee" their security. The Israelis have been deceived before, for example when Condoleeza Rice and the U.N. imposed a peace deal on them during the Lebanon incursion in exchange for no Hezbollah military buildup near the border. Today Hez has 50,000 new missiles aimed at Israel, right up to the border, while the useless U.N. ignores them.

7:15 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

You are right, particularly about Hezbollah and other nations gunning for Israel. But, instead of using so called palestinians for cheap labor, it's not worth it. The one problem I have with israel and the rest of the world for that matter is using foreign labor to bolster an economy. Look what it's done to the U.S. There a no real jobs anymore. We live in an age where cheap is in and forget about allegience to your own people and their ability to survive. It's only going to get worse. The better solution would be to bringthe standard of living up in third world nations, but that is wishful thing and as long as any business or businessmen can go to that never ending well of cheap labor, they will. This is worse than the first depression and will only bring on world war eventually or mass extermination of large population groups around the world. Or both.

10:05 pm, Sep 16, 2010

Joe Guest

This is typical of the Untied States, particularly with Obama at the helm and his pitiful side show he calls his State Dept. The only reason for theses talks are to ultimately blame Israel for all the problems in the middle east. Israel owns the west bank, lock , stock and barrel. I doubt if the care to deal with the Gaza strip as it never was really Israel and is full of hamas and other undesirables. Hillary Clinton has the diplomacy of abull in a china shop and Mitchell , I think just likes the free trips. Netanyahu has much more important business onhis agenda and should not take the time to placate the maniacs in Washington. This could hurt his standing severely with the Israeli people in the months to come. Let's just drop it now and let Israel get about the goings on of the sovereign state that it is without everybody and their brother offering opinions about what they know not of.

9:40 pm, Sep 16, 2010


A voice of sanity and reason. Thank you Joe Guest. Men of your value and perception have more to offer this country than the entire congress, who are still drunk and swaggering from the "hope and change" cocktails offered by the bartender in chief and his barmaid.

1:06 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Hillary Clinton needs to tell Netanyahu to dump into the rubbish bin any notions of changing the borders of Palestine by allowing construction of more illegal flats and houses in the West Bank.

6:12 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Garvagh > feel free to invite those good palistinian folks over to live at house house, under your roof, with unfettered acces to your children's rooms, leave your car keys and check book lying around too, while you are about it - but dont expect others to accommodate when you have so much love and tree hugging to offer the world. they are not, for very obvious reasons, 'everybody's' houseguest of choise.

11:52 pm, Sep 17, 2010


Interesting how the truth is twisted here in these comments. First, since when is halting settlements a n outrageous request? Is it unreasonable to ask someone to stop stealing land (check it out) and appropriating all the good things unreasonable? Second Israel is closer to an apartied country than a democracy, if you include Palestinians not being able to gave the same rights. Third calling anyone that disagrees with you anti-semite or call Obama racists slurs laughable, a red herring, it's not working, if anypne actually is objective,

6:55 am, Sep 21, 2010
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