Feb. 5, 2011
Updated: 4:15 PM


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Bruins fall to Sharks
Sharks 2, Bruins 0

Bruins fall to Sharks

Egypt ruling party leaders resign but Mubarak remains

The top leadership body of Egypt's ruling party resigned today, but the regime appeared to be digging in its heels, calculating that it can ride out the protests. (AP, 2:30 p.m.)

Rain may worsen threat of roof collapses

Roofs already strained by heavy snow across Greater Boston could face an additional burden later today as rain moves into the region. (Globe, 12:41 p.m.)

Cloud control: Manipulating the weather

Cloud control: Manipulating the weather
This winter has made many people wish they could control the weather, but the clouds have resisted many attempts at manipulation over the last 200 years. (Globe)

Suitors aren’t put off by layoffs

Under pressure from shareholders or unwanted suitors, several Mass. companies are resorting to an old standby to boost their stock prices: firing employees. (Boston Globe)
Spotlight Follow-up

Jury takes up Probation Dept. charges

A Massachusetts grand jury is hearing testimony about allegedly rigged hiring and promotion practices, according to multiple sources. (Boston Globe)

Crowding stirs debate on Hanover Street

Some in the North End want to make Hanover Street one way and give it a Newbury Street panache. Others fear losing the bustle that makes this savory place. (Globe)


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